Chapter 48

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"Baby!" I called her the moment I saw her go out from Seulgi's place.

"How did you know I am here?" She looks so amazing even wearing only a plain white shirt and faded denim. I've been dying lately because I can never accept her decision to break up. The decision should be mutual and I am not having it. And yes not being able to see her for that long makes me feel so dead inside. I tried to stalk her on social media but she never posts anything. She's been inactive and no one knows her whereabouts. Seulgi said she left her place without any notice. I even checked different bars if my Limario was there. Then Seulgi called me earlier telling me that Lisa might be going to her place to get her stuff. I don't know how she knows about it. She just said I might bump into her so I dragged my tired and wasted self all the way to Seulgi's place. And it's worth it. Finally, I see my baby. She's really here carrying a box. Maybe her stuff.

"It's not important anymore, Baby. Can we at least talk?" I am getting nervous. She doesn't look pleased seeing me here.

"This is unbelievable. I went here knowing Seulgi is out of town then you suddenly appears. Did she inform you?"

"Please don't blame your best friend. She's just helping us to get back together." I explained. I badly want to hug Lisa. I don't know how else am I going to redeem myself after lying to her. I just know I did it because I love her so much.

"Us? Getting back together? Jisoo are you not aware I am seeing your twin sister?" She said it full of disgust at the idea of us getting back together. She seemed not in the mood to talk about anything with me. I don't know what to think. So Baechu is really dating her behind my back. What a snake!

"Baby, please..."

"You are asking something impossible. Please wake up. I don't want to be rude and I still have respect for you. I can only offer you friendship and nothing more. I am really sorry." This is not my Limario who loves me to the moon and back. What did my evil twin sister do to her?

"How can you date her knowing we're not yet over and she's my twin sister? Where's the respect, Limario?"

"That doesn't work on me, Jisoo. I don't care about other people's opinions. I will date Joohyun because I love her." Another blow. It seemed Lisa had totally fallen out of love and that she does not care if her words could literally hurt me.

"Baby listen to me. I don't think that's love. Baechu isn't the type that you wanted to date. She's full of pretensions. She doesn't love you the way I do. She's using you to get her revenge on me. She has always felt competitive since we were younger. I always let her win knowing she's my sister. But this time I will fight her because of you. You can never leave my side. You made a promise that you'll always choose me." I look so desperate. I pulled my hair in frustration. She should listen to me.

"Gees, you are twisting your own words. You're the one who started all this. Maybe if I met you as Jisoo then there's no problem like this. Maybe if you were all honest then I would fall for you without a doubt. But you take advantage of my vulnerability. You even betrayed your own sister for your own selfishness. I am sorry but we are really over. You need to deal with it. You have to move on." She doesn't call me baby or Sooyaaa. Lisa calling me by my name hurts me too. 

She's ready to leave me again so I immediately run after her. Her back is facing me and I hug her tightly. "Please, don't do this."

"Let me go, Jisoo. You are making things worst and more difficult for both of us." She coldly replied.

"What am I supposed to do? How can I prove to myself that I am truly sorry about everything? Just tell me please, Baby. I'll do anything."

She faced me with a blank expression.  She's not my Limario anymore. "Just don't do anything." And she walked away just like that. My knees turned weak the moment she left me. Lisa is really out of my life. She's done with me. And I have no one to blame but Baechu.

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