Chapter 11

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"Yah, Limario what took you so long?" Jisoo asked. "I thought you will just order the insecticides?"

"Well, I drop by to get something for your family. So I guess cake is good. I don't want to meet them with an empty hand. Shall I buy champagne too?"

"Relax, Limario. No need to buy so much. They are not materialistic. They will appreciate even just your presence in showing up for the dinner. But sis turned to love Red Velvet more recently."

"You did mention you guys preferred Black velvet cake. Well, I wanted them to like me." Lisa said honestly. "And by the way, it took me longer because there's this lady at the cake shop who acted as if she owns the entire place. Like she really does not want to back down. Glad I got this for you and your family." Lisa proudly said as she showed the cake box. "If you only see her disappointed face."

"Yay, Black velvet!" You are the best, Limario. My parents will surely love it. My sis loves it too but knowing everyone likes it for sure she would then say she'll have the red velvet to avoid complication."

"Wow, is she always like that? She rather puts everyone first than herself?"

"Yeah, she's the considerate type yet not kinda suit her looks." She giggled upon remembering Irene's cold aura. "My parents have been asking about you. They are excited to meet you, Limario. It's been months since we hang out and well I know now what I really wanted."

"Wow, I didn't realize it has been months. Are you going to hire me permanently?"

"Hmmm lemme think about it."

"This is the longest job, I am able to keep. I used to quit after a month or two."

"What made you stay?"

"The job is easy," Lisa answered briefly.

"Easy and your salary is low. You've been doing multiple jobs actually. I should raise your salary."

"Nuh, I am good for as long as I have a job to keep. And besides, I am really enjoying working when you are around. I found my sense of purpose."

"And you haven't gone back to any bar, right?"

"Yeah, that's why even though my salary isn't big I am able to save up money. I don't need to ask Seulgi."

"Seulgi must be really happy. You are a working progress."

"She's happy and thankful that you help me a lot to change my perspective."

"I am glad, I am able to contribute to the good change in you."

"A very great contribution." Lisa smiled genuinely at Jisoo. She's happy whenever Jisoo's close to her. What made her even happier was that Jisoo is starting to really show what she truly feels for her. They don't have that label yet. They just know they make each other happy. So when Jisoo asked her to meet the Kims she did not hesitate anymore. She felt it was about time to introduce herself.

"Thank you, Limario."

"I should be the one telling you that."

"Well, thank you for looking for a job and coming to the movie house."

"Well, that's probably called fate."

"Do you believe in fate?"

"Yes, your kiss is really unforgettable."

Jisoo felt embarrassed she still denied that she kissed her at the bar. "I am glad you still remember my kiss. I told you back then it was just a self-experimentation and your lips are so inviting."

"I still wonder sometimes why you lied about the kiss. Where you ashamed?"

"Not really, it is because I don't want you to take me as an easy girl. Who fell in love at the first sight. " Jisoo said honestly.

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