Chapter 16

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Why would I be so bothered? Because she's not just anyone but Sooyaa's sister. I need to fix this. If she has anything against me then it would be a problem. I don't want her to be my enemy. She's going to be my family too.

I hurried and grab a cab. I asked the driver to follow the Lexus car wherever it goes. Why is she driving this late on this kind of street? I thought she needs to do some reports. Aish why am I being so nosy it's none of my business. I should stop here. She's not a kid anymore she can do whatever. I can't just follow her like a creep.

She got outside her car and proceed inside the establishment. Ehhhh what is she doing in this kind of place? Of course, I know this place. I used to go here and drink until I passed out. Does she really have a huge problem? Nuh, probably she'll meet her friends.
I just let her and wait outside. Maybe she won't be taking long.

But the cab driver seemed bored, aish. I paid him and will just walk around the area. She should not see me. I just make sure she'll be home safely.

2 hrs later and she's still not outside. Probably I just didn't see her coming out. But her car is still here. Why is she taking so long inside? What business does she have in this place anyways?

I should look for her to see myself. I am getting bored waiting outside. I promised myself not to go back here because my life is already changing. I already accepted that Jennie and I are never going back to each other. I should just focus on Jisoo. If it isn't with her sister aish...

Why am I being so bothered anyways? But again she's Jisoo's twin sis. Whatever I should really check.

I saw Irene at the bar counter. Does she always go to this bar?

"Oh, look who's back? Where have you been sweetheart?" The bartender greeted me.

"Do I know you?" I asked.

"Of course, you don't, but you are an eye-catcher so I can't easily forget you. You always go here and cried like a baby over your break up."

"Fine, stop reminding me of my past. I am not here to drink." My eyes searched specifically for Irene. "I will just get my friend."

"Oh, I haven't seen your mono eyelid bff around here." She said.

"No, not Seulgi. She does not have time for bar hopping. She's busy I am talking about a gorgeous friend of mine. That woman over there." I pointed to Irene on the other side of the counter. She looked awfully drunk with her eyes shut. Probably she already dozed off.

"Hell, no way!" The bartender got so surprised for an unknown reason. "Did the two of you click right after that night? I have so many guests every night but I could still remember your faces. I knew it. I was worrying about her so I called."

"What are you saying?" I was more than confused.

"Have you forgotten? That strikingly beautiful woman-" she got cut off when a small woman interrupted us.

"Excuse me, are you the one who called me? Where is Irene?"

The bartender looked at the girl as if studying the newcomer. "And you are?"

"I'm her friend the one you called to pick her up."

"Wait, this blondie just told me she's going to get her? How can I trust you?"

"Who?" She raised her eyebrow and glanced at me. "Okay, look at these photos and tell me if I am lying." She showed her tons of photos with Irene.
"I am her best friend and I don't know this person." She looked at me suspiciously.

"I know your friend, she's a new friend of mine. It's a kinda long story. But I am just getting concerned about her that's why I am here." I explained. I could not tell this person that I am Irene's twin's girlfriend. She might misunderstand it.

"Why would I trust you when you let her drink all by herself in the first place? You should know she can't drink alcohol. Now she's wasted."

"I know her parents are strict. I actually had dinner with them."

"What? You had dinner with them? Who are you really?"

"I'm Lalisa Manoban. Her parents are Mrs. Tiffany and Mr. Heechul, uhm the stepdad and they are not close." I was like reciting.

"Save your shake hands later. Let's bring her to my place. I am Son Wendy by the way."

I helped Wendy with Irene. I told her just to show me where did she park her car. I lifted Irene in a bridal style and she was tailing us.

"Did you think she can't drink alcohol because her parents are strict?" Wendy asked such a random question.

I nodded, "Is there any other reason?"

"Aaaah, how can you be her friend when you don't know she has an allergy?"


"Irene got allergies. She just uses her parents as her excuse because she's embarrassed." She then lifted Irene's wrist. "Look at this? That's the effect of alcohol. Later her face will swell too." There were visible red spots on Irene's wrist. I was slowly getting her point.

"I'm so sorry, I have no idea." I apologized.

She got Irene's purse to fish something from it, "Do you know how to drive?" She had the car keys with her.

I nodded, "Drive her car, she saved my address on her car's map. Just follow the direction. I'll call the maids to let you enter. I need to go to the drug store and buy her meds for allergy."

"What? Are you leaving her alone?" I stuttered.

"We can't waste time. Alcohol and Irene together are dangerous. And I got a feeling she mentioned you to me before. Just go and hurry."

That terrified me and felt responsible for not stopping Irene to get inside the bar in the first place. Wendy went about with her business at full speed that's why I felt a sense of urgency in this situation. I was not able to think of anything but Irene. I settled her on the shotgun seat of her car and made sure her seatbelt was fastened. She was cold and sweating.

"God, what did I do? Is she going to be okay?" I whispered.

"Hang on there, Irene. I am really sorry." I drove and followed the address from the GPS map. I never drove like a maniac before. I did not care if I would violate any traffic rules. All I wanted to do is to get Irene to Wendy's place. I totally forgot about calling Jisoo. All I know her twin sister's life is in great danger and I will never forgive myself if something happens to her.

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