Chapter 6

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"Seul, I finally met the girl in the club."

"Oh, yeah? How did it go? The bartender told me she's pretty." Seulgi said. I was battling if I should confirm or whatnot.

"Well, she is."

"Did you apologize and thank her kindness?"

I scratched my head, dimwit you ran away and were not able to say thank you. "Uhm."

"Do you know the bartender told me that she noticed how the girl stared at you? Maybe she got a crush on you." Seulgi gave me her signature eye smile. What a hopeless romantic bear!

"Whoa, whoa, stop making up stories, Seul."

"I am not bluffing. That's what the bartender said. Gees, too bad I was not able to meet her. So how and where did you meet her? I thought you are clueless."

"I told you yesterday that I would go out for a walk. Well, I went up to look for a job. I ended up walking to downtown in this vintage movie house. I didn't know the such a place exists. It's lit and you should check it out when you have free time. So going back, they are hiring for staff and I applied for it. Yeah, and I think I screwed it. God, I am still jobless."

"I thought you said you got hired. How can you be jobless then?"

"Because I walked away like a shy little girl."

"And why did you do that? You are not telling me the whole thing, Lis."

I scratched my nape and obviously felt so embarrassed. I am not sure how to start telling this to Seulgi. Or just have a simplified version.

"Seul, she's too pretty. I got too shy around her instantly."

"Yikes. So what's her name?"

"Jisoo, her name is Kim Jisoo." I said cheerfully.

"Oh, someone is getting too excited about this Jisoo girl." Seulgi teased.

"Don't tease me, okay?"

"Are you sure she's really the same girl at the bar?"

"Well, I remember some moments at the bar. I knew she was the same girl. She even hinted to me that she was glad to meet me when I am sober."

"Wow, Lisa. Do you believe in soulmates?"

"Not really. You know Jennie is my soulmate."

She punched me lightly on my arm. "Shut up. She isn't your soulmate but this woman who helped you at the bar."

"So? Do you believe a person has a soulmate?" I asked her own question.

"I think, well in your case this one is believable. Imagine days after the bar incident when you are trying to be a better person this woman suddenly appeared when you were looking for a job. So that's hitting two birds with one stone, Lis. You got the job and the girl."

"Yah, aren't you listening? I am jobless. I chickened out and walked away."

"Oh, no. Tsk, tsk, tsk. When are you going to upgrade your version, Lis? Go get your things."

"Huh? Why?"

"Shhh, I won't entertain any questions just get your things. You will go with me."

"The heck why?"

Seulgi forced me out of the house and push me inside her car. "Just trust in me."

"Yah, Kang Seulgi what do you think you are doing?"

"Seat belt, please." She started the engine after putting her seatbelt on.

"Where are you going to take me?"

I noticed she was driving downtown and I knew Seulgi's kinda bold but I was not thinking of anything careless she would do. I realized she stops at the vintage movie house and turned off the car's engine. "Move your ass out of my car or I will kick you out myself, Lis."

"Ehhhhh, are you being serious?"

"Go and get the job back and the girl as well. I am giving you this chance don't waste it."

"Yoh! SEULGI! I don't want to have this job. I will find another one." I said irritatedly.

Then someone's tapping the window shield. "Limario?Limario? Oh, you're back!" And it's Jisoo staring at me as if she's been waiting for me. I noticed Seulgi's being left awestruck seeing Jisoo for the first time.

"Seul, you'll creep her out. You are staring too much." I tried to lower my voice thinking Jisoo might hear me from the outside.

Seulgi became conscious and uneasy. "Oh, ah, yeah, I am so sorry. I didn't mean to." She shook her head. "Who is she, Lis? Mind introducing me to her? Come on, let's go out." She removed her seatbelt and exited the car. I followed without a choice so I can talk to Jisoo too about my behavior.

The next event surprised both Seulgi and me when Jisoo hugged me excitedly as if we are super close. "Limario, glad you're back. I thought I scared you yesterday and you won't take the job anymore." Is she always like this to strangers?

"Hey, you seem too excited to see me." I chuckled. "I am sorry about, yesterday. I should not walk away."

"No, it's fine. At least you are back now."

"Yeah, is the job still vacant? I am uhm." I looked at Seulgi and she was giving me an encouraging look to say what I should say. "I love to have the position being offered," I said with full of confidence then I felt shit afterward.

"Sure the job is still vacant. I even declined some applicants earlier thinking you might come back any time soon. But I was not expecting this soon." Jisoo is really a bubbly person. I wanted to laugh because she's really funny. She's all-natural.

"Wow, why would you do that? I thought you needed staff urgently?"

"Well, I am kinda picky in terms of hiring people." This made me think because yesterday she just hired me without going over with my resume and proper interview. I almost forgot that we aren't alone. I glanced at Seulgi.

"By the way, this is Seulgi my best friend in the world. Seul, this is Jisoo, Kim Jisoo." I introduced them to each other. I saw how Seulgi's face changed. She looks disappointed and that made me think a bit but I shrugged it off.

"Oh, hi Jisoo. Gees, nice meeting you. Are you really this beautiful? No offense but you look like from ads in the billboard or magazines." I wanted to punch Seulgi for being so bold like this. Why can't she just shut her mouth?

"That's so flattering, Seulgi." The two shook hands and I was just staring at their hands because Seulgi seems not planning to let go anytime soon.

"Miss Kim. Do you have coffee?" Finally, the two remember my existence even though my question is kinda out of the blue.

"We have, come on in it's on the house. I'll ask Reta to prepare it for us."

"Really, coffee, Lis?" Seulgi asked. Why would she be so pissed off about me asking for coffee? I honestly don't know why I asked for coffee. I just don't like what I am seeing. I am just doing what she literally pushing me to do. To find someone and I am doing my baby steps here. We both followed Jisoo inside the cafe just next to the movie house. So they also own this place. I guess I still need to know more about her.

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