Chapter 41

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All is well. Though I haven't talked to Chu I still believe she won't be taking this against me. I should be the one getting angry about the situation, not her. It was such a relief that Lisa ended up everything between them. I prepared a lot of food for our lunch later. Not that I am celebrating Lisa being single. I just felt guilty that she got beaten up by Seulgi yesterday and I was not able to go with her to the hospital.

I was the happiest and most excited to see her until she entered the office with her cold aura. She was being cold to me the moment she entered the office. While Wendy got a greeting and a hug from her and I got totally ignored. Maybe she's busy and has a lot of meetings to attend today. I did try to get her attention but she seems rather bury herself reviewing some materials for the meeting than have a single glance at my beauty. The nerve of this woman. Yeah, I fell for her first but it does not give her any right to just ignore me when she's not in the mood or if she's on her period. I swear she can't sweet-talk me with that attitude she's giving me right now. I can help but get curious as to why she's acting like this. I don't remember anything that we argued about yesterday. We ended on a good note. I hate how I miss her already. If only Wendy isn't around maybe I already made my way to flirt with her. At this rate, I know my charms won't be working.

"Is it me or did the COO just woke up on the wrong side of the bed?" Wendy broke the eerie silence inside the office. Lisa didn't even react to her. She just stood and excused herself to attend the first scheduled meeting for the day.

"Carry on, I just have to attend this meeting. I'll review the other staffs you sent me Ms. Son." Lisa then left after informing Wendy as if I don't exist in the same room. I just sighed.

"I don't know what's going on," I answered her while worriedly looking out for Lisa as she exited the room.

"Did you go to the hospital right? Did the two of you fight there?" Wendy asked.

"We are all good. But she did not send me any messages yesterday that she got home already. She was also not picking up my calls."

"Maybe she's in her period." Wendy shrugged as she continues checking her emails.

"Or maybe I haven't known her fully. I did not know she would be this moody." I arranged the pile of paper contacts on my desk. I just can't focus on my task.

"Nuh, she loves you. She even broke up with Jisoo just for you. Just talk to her when she's no longer busy."  It flatters my heart but why I am worried about Lisa? She's being off.

"I need to do something Seungwan."
I am about to dash out of the room to follow Lisa when she tried to stop me.

"Hey, Rene what the? I told you just talk to her later. Can you guys set aside your love quarrel? We're still in the middle of work." Wendy reminded. She's always professional no matter what even if it does not show her character.

"This won't take long. I am dying just being ignored by the COO."

"Whatever. And just a reminder I invited Seulgi for lunch. Your food should be enough, right?" Why does she always invite people to come over and would not prepare for them? I cooked for Lisa, not for anyone else.

I paused to answer her. "Yes, I did prepare a lot. Tell her to come over. She and Lisa must have reconciled already."

I went on and ran after Lisa before she heads to the meeting room. I almost bump onto her because I tripped off.

"You, alright?" She quickly holds my hand to give me some support.

"Gosh, that's embarrassing," I murmured. Then I realized her eyes were focused on me. She seemed to have so many questions to ask but she rather stops right there and acts as if I didn't matter to her.

"Please watch out for your steps." She sounded annoyed. I pulled her to the restroom. This is the restroom on the floor that seldom gets used because every office has its own restroom. She just let me drag her. Anyone who could see us would think differently like I am harassing the COO. I just hope the CCTV didn't catch my actions. "Hey, where are you taking me?"

"Let's talk, Lis." When we got inside the restroom I made sure to check if there was no one else inside and locked the door.

"Ms. Bae, I'll be late for the meeting." She casually said it. But there's something in the way she said it. She's agitated.

"Hey, Lis. Look at me." It's the first time today that I got to see her face. She looks tired, her eye bags are visible, and her bruises. But it didn't make her less beautiful. She's still the same hot blond I met on the subway and that drunk woman I love to stalk.

She is not looking at me directly like it would be a sin. What happened to her overnight? Why is she acting so strange today? I have to cup her face so I know she's focused on me.

"The meeting." She spoke again.

"I know and if you won't look at me right now. I swear I will forget you're the company COO and that you should be in a meeting. I will kiss you to get your attention. I don't care if it would mess up both of our lipsticks so don't you dare run away from me, Lalisa Manoban."

That hits some nerves because she then looks at me. Then her expression turned sad and smiles weakly at me. "It's alright, Ms. Bae. I already know. You don't have to work up yourself for an act of petty revenge. Seulgi told me everything and I know where to stand now." Her voice is breaking.

What she said doesn't make any sense to me. "What?"

"We are good. You don't have to worry. I am not angry at all. Just give me some time to get over these stupid feelings. I'm sorry if we made a bet. I already know everything. I'm fine, Ms. Bae. I will remain professional at work and oh don't worry I will also resign and ask your father to allow it to be effective immediately."

"Lis, what do you mean by that? Why are you going to resign? Is this about Jisoo?" Now I am more than confused. I thought everything is okay. Why does she need to resign?

"I should get going Ms. Bae." She tried to escape me but I held her tighter.

"Don't go. I didn't understand any of it. I know I am a smart person but none of what you said to me makes sense. Please talk to me. Did I do something that upsets you?"

She shook her head. "I am not upset. The realization just hits me. I should have not tolerated my feelings knowing I could have hurt a lot of people. I'm sorry."

"Why are you apologizing to me? Lis, we're good. We sorted things out already. What is this about?" I felt like she's regretting for choosing me. We haven't even become official but she seems to be breaking up already with me.

We are both fighting our tears back. Lisa is showing her tough side but I can feel it. Something is troubling her. I must know what it is to understand her fully but she doesn't like to talk about it.

"I wronged both of you and Jisoo. Then there's Seulgi too. This is all wrong. I shouldn't allow myself to..."

"What are you trying to say? Are you regretting that you choose me?" I bit my lips to suppress my tears. "You are calling me Ms. Bae again too. What did I do to you, Lis?"

There's someone knocking at the door. "Hey, both of you out." Wendy was determined to tear the door down. "CEO is at the office looking for you guys. He doesn't look too pleased. Hurry and get out."

With all my efforts my tears betrayed me. That's the time Lisa paid attention to me. She took her handkerchief and gently wiped my tears. "I'll talk to your Dad. Everything's my fault."

"You know I don't care about my family. I can fight for us, Lis. Is that what you are worried about?"

"No, I just don't want Seulgi and me to drift apart because of this." And she opened the door and left me. She even passed Seungwan.

"Are you guys alright?" Wendy asked worriedly. "Did you just cry, Rene?" She coaxed me. "COO seems to be in deep thought. What's with her huh?

"I don't know she isn't talking to me. She's telling me something I don't understand, Seungwan." I felt helpless. I don't know what's running through Lisa's head. And it makes me scared that she might give up on us right away because of too many complications.

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