Chapter 10

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Chichu has been so blooming lately. She seemed to like to be working at the Movie House than hanging out with me. Good thing I am too occupied with loads of paper works too. I asked Wendy's father for a job. I told him I can start from the bottom and be able to learn how things work. He gave me approval with one condition. I should also stay in Wendy's condo to report whatever her daughter is doing. Of course, Wendy's my bff and I cover her whereabouts. So working with the Sons Corp. and staying in Wendy's place made it harder for me and Jisoo to see each other. I felt like we are also slowly drifting apart. She has her own life so do I.

Months passed and I became busier. I have never seen the blond girl again since that last encounter at the bar. But I never forget her promise. I hope she's doing just fine wherever she is.

I got a call from my Mom that I should go home for dinner. I don't know if I am missing out on anyone's birthday. I know everyone's birthday by heart even my stepdad's birthday and their wedding anniversary. Mom was kind of in hurry so I was not able to ask further questions. She just told me I should not be late because it's very important for the family.

So I dropped by the mall to buy a special cake for my family. I accidentally bumped in with my gorgeous twin sis.

"Chuuu!" I jumped right away to hug her. "God, I missed you so much."

"Same here. You are busier than I, Baechu."

"Aish, yeah busy than ever. What about you?"

"Everything is perfect since I hired Lisa."

"Who's Lisa? A new employee?"

"She's more than an employee to me, Baechu." She is never interested in anyone except for her pet dog Dalgom and her obsession with chicken meals.

"Aigoo!!!!! Are you really Kim Jisoo?"

"Well, a lot of things changed. And can you believe it? Our parents approved of her. And they are finally willing to meet her. So I am bringing her over."

"Slow down, Chu. Let me process everything first. So they are okay with you being a gay too? But why did they give me a hard time when I came out? Whoa, that's unfair."

"And I owe you big time, Baechu. You paved the way for them to open their eyes about us being gays." She squeezed my cheeks gently. "Thanks to you Dad and Mom aren't being hard on me. Probably they are afraid I will rebel against them too."

"Stepdad." I corrected her.

"Is she your girlfriend?" I felt jealous a bit. I never expect her to be in a relationship first. Knowing she's a closeted gay as well.

"She's very special and the feelings are mutual. What else to do then? Eventually, she'll ask me to be her official girlfriend."

"That's bold of you, Chu."

"You can never meet a person like her. I won't let my chance slip."

"Well since the folks are quite supportive then go for it, sis. Fighting. I don't think I am being missed at home."

"They miss you too, that's why I asked mom to call you because they want to show their support for me having someone special. And I want you to meet Lisa too. She's a wonderful person, Baechu. You will surely like her personality. Plus she's a good catch."

"Wow, honestly I am so surprised about you being this open when you just came out from the closet. I wonder what did this person does to you?"

"Don't be crazy. All she did is wonderful things. I am not this confident about myself if it weren't for Lisa."

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