Chapter 3

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"Good morning, Seul." I kiss Seul on her cheek. Well, a lot of people thought we are in a kind of complicated relationship because they see us always bickering with each other. We live together. No, not really she adopted me like a lost puppy actually. She saved me from me. She always takes care of me even though I am being a difficult person to deal with. I can't go back home. I am trying to deal with my own shit. She's like a family to me.

"Eeew, go and brush your teeth."

"Sorry about last night."

"Stop saying sorry if you can't even mean it. Really, Lisa. You have been apologizing countless times. You really need to fix yourself, Lis. I can barely recognize you. Don't wait for me to kick you out of my place. No one is going to accept you in that state." She warns me.

"I am sorry."

"I said stop. Don't let me hear those words over and over again. I am not Jennie. I am your friend that's why I am still trying to keep you around."

"Fine." I raise my hands. "I don't know how long I would be doing this to myself too," I said honestly.

"Yeah, you still have me no matter what, just don't drink a lot. It is fine for me if you go bar hopping, just make sure you'll be able to go home by yourself. You need to personally thank whoever that girl who helped you last night."

"Oh was it the bartender?"

"No, she didn't take care of you. Someone else who happened to be out there too."

"Then I am clueless, Seul." I don't know what she's trying to tell me. I thought it was the bartender who cleaned up my mess.

Seulgi fixes my bangs and gazes over me dearly. I know she's getting worried. "Hey, I am not saying you need to move on instantly but I am suggesting you go out and meet new people. Make some friends and try to be sober, okay?"

I nodded, she was right. "I will try."

"Just do it. And introduce me to her or them. Bring new friends here. They are welcome at my place just no drugs, okay?"

"I am just brokenhearted, Seul. Drugs aren't my thing."

"I know just reminding. So I gotta go. You take care of yourself. I don't want any bartender calling me tonight to pick you up."

I smile at her. "Yeah loud and clear."

I watch her leave the house. Now that I am alone I am trying to recall whatever happened last night.

"Why are you always drinking alone?"
I got startled when a small petite girl sat next to me. For a second I thought she was Jennie. The alcohol really hit my system already.

"Sorry, I don't talk to a stranger." I then focus on my drink.

"Then let's be friends. You know I always see you in different bars. Your girlfriend seems to be nice." She extended her hand and I ignored it.

"I don't have a girlfriend. She's the reason I am here. To forget about her." I saw how she shyly retreated her hand because I didn't take it.

"So the mono eyelid girl isn't your girlfriend. Glad to know you're single." She seemed happy about the news. Such a weird woman.

"Gross, Seulgi is like a sister to me. Not my girlfriend. Can you please leave me alone?" I don't know why I need to explain it to her.

"Knowing that you are all alone here makes me think that I should hang out with you."

"No, you ain't welcome here. Now go and find someone else you can annoy." I saw how she pouted and I thought she was cute but I shrugged it off. I drink to forget my ex-girlfriend and not to hook up with a random woman.

"I will keep my mouth shut. Just let me stay with you."

I called the bartender's attention, "Give this lady any drink she likes. It's on me."

"Sorry, I can't drink." She declined which made my brows furrow.

"Then why are you even here?"

"Because of you? I saw you enter this place."

I got alerted by her answer. "Fuck, are you stalking me? You said you always see me drinking alone. Do you know I don't go to this bar regularly?"

She nodded. "I know and there's no pattern so I am really having a hard time tracking you down. And I don't get to go out any time I like. I just sneak out."

Wow, this woman must be a real psycho to follow me all the way here. But maybe she's just telling things. I don't really trust strangers.

"How old are you?" I changed the topic.

"26." She grinned like a fool.

Oh, so she's older than me. "Wow, aren't you old enough to sneak out?"

"My parents are strict."

"Oh, tell me about it." I don't want to hear some boring stories but I did try to sound empathetic.

"My life is not interesting. I think yours are more interesting."

"Huh, then you will get nothing from me. I am the most boring person as far as I know. I don't have plans for my future that's why my girlfriend left me." I said sarcastically.

"Well, that's her loss, not yours."

"As if she's been wasting her life as I do."

"Oh, come on. When are you going to stop drinking like this?"

"I don't know maybe when I finally get over her or maybe never?" I scoffed.

"Do you know that I am dying to meet you not in a place like this when you are sober? Do you think I will stand a chance?"

"You're funny. I am not even sure if I can recognize you when I am sober. My head is actually spinning like crazy and talking to you makes me dizzier."

"Ah, you are hurting my feelings there. But I am going to let it slip since you are just drunk and stupid."

"Excuse me? Who's stupid?" She giggled. Why is she being so cute? Who is this woman?

"Stop staring at me. I may melt and not be able to go home." She said.

"Hey sneaky girl, you better tell me your name."

"Sorry, I won't tell you yet. It ain't fair to introduce myself then you will just forget about me. I will wait until you are sober."

"What kind of condition is that? Look I am not even slightly interested in you. I was just asking because we were talking here for some time."

"Well, that's for you to figure."

My mouth left agape. This woman really, aish. I felt my stomach twist. And I felt like choking. "Rrm..."

"Are you okay?" She asked worriedly.

I tried to stand so I can go to the restroom. I think I am about to puke anytime soon. "Rrmmm..."

"Hey, you look awful. And where do you think you're going?"

I could no longer hold it..... I felt the need to release all of it. And I did let go of everything like a fool grinning.

"Eeeeeeewwww.... Really? You are a major turn-off. This is so disgusting." I just hugged her after I puked. I felt so happy hugging a total stranger and I myself also wondered why?

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