Chapter 45

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The two are in front of the counter. "Can we get one Chipotale Cheesestake and one Chicken Mosaic in Spicy BBQ and for the drinks two hot chocolates, please,"  Irene ordered them.

"Oh wow! I can't believe it. The two of you are here again. I thought you aren't dating huh?" The woman from the counter couldn't help but get intrigued with the couple in front of her.

"Excuse me do we know you?" Lisa asked.

"You don't but I know you. You're this drunken girl who always ends up here. And this girl next to you is your girlfriend." She said it as if she knows more about them.

The two turned red. Of course, they don't have a label yet.

"Well, I am glad you still remember us. But the last part is not right." Irene corrected.

"But the two of you look good together." The woman wondered. Then she stared at Lisa. " Why don't you ask her to be your girlfriend? She even carried you all the way to the park when you passed out." 

This made Lisa feel guilty. She scratched her nape. "We aren't girlfriends yet but we will come to that point in no time."

"So when would that be?" The subway staff asked.

"Hey, ahm can we just have it for to go, please? We really are late already." Irene saved Lisa from more questions.

"Sure coming right up. Just wait at your table."  Lisa felt relieved that the woman stops asking them.

The two seated face each other in an awkward way. "Don't mind that woman. She's always nosy." Irene broke the awkwardness.

"No, it's fine but. Are you okay with this setup?" Lisa was worried that Irene might find her not serious about where this relationship is heading. Of course, she's serious about her but putting a label on it is too early. She wanted to take their time. She couldn't just jump instantly into another relationship when one just ended not long time ago.

"I understand the hesitation of putting a label on what we are right now. I am fine. I can always wait until you are ready, Lis."

"Joohyun," Lisa reached out for Irene's hand. "It's not that I am not ready. I am certain of my feelings. You know what's inside my heart, right?"

"I do, and I am not making the label any big deal so you shouldn't mind it too," Irene assured her.

When their order arrived the two left the Subway and decided to enjoy their snack while roaming around. The two enjoyed their quiet walk together. Lisa would occasionally press Irene's hand because it was soft and cute.

Lisa has been sneezing. "Didn't I tell you, you'll catch a cold?" Irene looked at her worriedly. The two keep walking while Lisa's hand is still inside Irene's pocket.

"I'm fine maybe I just need uhm..." Lisa was like choking. She couldn't say the exact words. She felt dumb for acting like a kid.

"What do you need? Let's buy you some meds, Lis before going home."

"No, Joohyun I am really fine. Ah ahhhachooo!" Then she sneezed again. And covered her face in embarrassment.

"You're not fine, Lis. Don't make me worry. You would then get a fever if we don't take care of that."

"Can I get a hug, Joohyun?" Lisa blurted out finally.

"A hug?" It was a random request but Irene wouldn't mind at all if Lisa wants a hug.

"Yeah, I think that's my excuse why I let you use them" Lisa put her hands beneath her jacket which Irene's currently wearing. Once her hands have securely held Irene's waist she then pulled her closer. She felt the thin fabric of Irene's clothes. She's glad she was able to offer her jacket, maybe it would be Joohyun sneezing, not her.

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