Chapter 24

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Why do I have this unsettling feeling?
Dad told me she'll have my Limario work for something else not at the movie house. So it is still a promotion. But Linario working away from me makes me already miss her even though she hasn't started yet. She shared she will only accept the bottom job and prove to herself she was worthy to be trusted by my parents. It is the most admirable thing I ever heard from anyone.

Aside from that, she's really an eye candy so most of the employees might easily fall for her. Aish this is really bothersome should I ask Dad about it?
But I trust Limario, I always have this sense of good judgment of character.
I know she'll never look at anyone the way she looks at me. I am so sure about her feelings. Anyway, this is also for our future. My parents only wanted the best for me so they are helping my Limario.

But there's another thing that is bothering me. I should have not lied from the beginning. I may get caught up with the lie I made one day and lose something precious to me. Limario is someone I could never give up no matter what. I will really fight for our relationship no matter what. And Baechu loves me more than anyone in this world. She would understand my reason and she would let it go and just be happy for me. Being the eldest she always gives way,  though technically she's just minutes older than me.

Should I talk to her about Limario so we can settle things between us? I want her to keep the truth from my girlfriend. She might think differently and hate me for lying about how we really met.

But that kiss was real, though it was some experimentation from the start. It sparked something inside of me. Like butterflies were activated in my tummy and it never stop until now. Limario has a total effect on me. I am her slave and willing victim. I'll do everything to please her.

Someone knocked at the office that pulled me back from my train of thought.

"Takoyaki delivery!" She changed her voice. She's such a dork. "And extra spicy Korean chicken wings for the love of my life who loves me second after the chicken."

"Don't make me sound a bad girlfriend, Monkey." I pulled her closer to me to give her a tight hug. "I so missed you."

"You always do, even though I just went out to buy our lunch."

"I told you we can have delivery why would you want to go outside and buy it personally?"

"Because I am making sure they are serving us clean foods. I don't want you to have an upset stomach. The movie house needs the manager to be bossing around."

"Yah! You are already sweet but why make me look like a bossy manager? Am I bossy, huh?"

"Or course not, my Sooyaa." She tapped my nose slightly. "You are the best boss I work with. If only I can work for you forever but your Dad seems to want us to be separated."

"No, he's not separating us. Just preparing us. And you can always drop here during lunch."

"How I wish I can teleport every now than when I start working there. You know I can barely stand being away from you. I love when you are just around."

"Such a sweet talker."

"I am not a sweet talker. That's all honesty."

I kissed her passionately which she then responded with an equal effort. "Aish, I love you so much. Why do I have this feeling that I am all over you and it scares the hell out of me to love someone so much." I adore everything about this woman in front of me. She's so beautiful that makes me cry. Yes, she's really mine. She looked at me worriedly.

"Sooyaa? What's going on?" She caressed my face and pecked my eyes. I felt the dampness on my cheeks. I was not aware that I literally shed tears. She wiped my tears away.

"My love, what's wrong? Did I do something wrong?"

"No, you did nothing wrong, Lisa. You are just so perfect."

"But you are crying Sooyaa, it also makes me wanna cry too. Tell me what should I do?"

"Just love me, love all of my flaws, and be with me through whatever."

"Is that all? Of course my love, you know how much I love you and I will do my best to be a better version of myself. I love you including your flaws. So stop crying, it does not suit you. I love whenever you are giving me your cheerful smile, Sooyaa."

"Please keep your promise." I felt conflicted.

"Of course." She hugged me tightly like she could never let me go. "You're the reason I decided to live my life. Of course, I'll keep my promise."

"Thank you. Thank you so much, Lis."


"Darling, did you notice Joohyun's reaction at the dinner?" Heechul asked her wife.

"Joohyun is Joohyun, she's always hostile. Maybe she's being protective of her only sister. You know how close the two are."

"Well she's your daughter and you should know well. But I did sense the tension between the twins. I am quite not sure but there was a thick atmosphere at that dinner."

"Heechul, stop it already. There's nothing wrong with the way our daughters acted that dinner."

"Well, this is just an assumption. I felt like she knew Lisa even before meeting her here. She really looked betrayed I just wonder why Lisa seemed not feeling any tension?"

"What are you trying to say, Darling?"

"She hates me so much because she felt so hurt when I tried to fill in your late husband's role in your lives. I get where she's coming from. But she's giving Lisa the same stares she's given me all these years. As if Lisa somehow hurt her so much."

"How can you be so sure about it? Maybe she was acting all that because she felt Lisa is taking away Jisoo from her."

"Yeah, maybe. I'll just figure it out myself. Anyway, Joohyun agreed to work for the company."

"Is this real? What made my hard-headed daughter change her mind?
Right, probably Mr. Son knocked some sense out of her. You know he's my late husband's best friend."

"Maybe. At least everything is settled."

"Don't go easy on our daughter. Even if you'll give her a big position she would still see you as her enemy. I want you to promise me, you'll have her learn the hard way. That includes Wendy." She instructed her husband.

"Lisa does not want a high ranking job and now you are trying to make it difficult for your own daughter and her best friend?"

"Do you think we were able to build a company through easy labor?"

"Fine, I'll have them work at the bottom but I will check other options too."

"Thank's darling." She grinned with satisfaction. "I'll let you manage everything. I'll focus on assisting our other daughter. And you will help build Joohyun's career."

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