Chapter 43

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Lisa did resign the next day and sent over her resignation letter. She also changed her mobile number the same day. Then she packed her things and left Seulgi's place. Jisoo has been trying to reach her and asking people around because she's still not over her. Which Lisa wanted to avoid. As much as possible she does not want to ever cross paths again with Jisoo. And she needed to distance herself to give her some time to move on.

No one knows where exactly she's staying. She did cut all her ties with her friends. But there's one person she keeps in touch with.


Hottie 🐵:  Same place, same time.

Irene smiled widely after she got the message from a certain person. They still don't have any label yet but every chance to spend together is like magic for her. She immediately took off afraid she could get stuck in heavy traffic in the city. As she walked she also checked herself in front of the small mirror of her face powder kit. She felt so nervous every time she goes out on a date. Well, that's what she thought about this hang-out thing they have been doing. She calls is a date while Lisa always says it is their little hang-out thing. Nervous over and over again. Yes, she only feels this way towards a certain person. She wanted to always look pleasing and charming in front of Lisa.

Wendy is aware of her friends' rendezvous, it is no secret to her where the two would meet. But she does not ask for anything to give them privacy. She knows the two are trying to keep everything low. If Jisoo finds out she would probably cause another trouble. Although she's seeing Seulgi she never talks about Lisa and Irene.
Even Seulgi knows that Wendy has an idea about their two friends. But rather not know anything so she won't accidentally spill it to Jisoo. She admitted already that Jisoo has her way to manipulate her and the last time that she fell for it, she lost her best friend's trust. All she ever hope for is Lisa doing okay and healthy.

"Hey, the mirror would about to break Rene. Chillax girl. You have her head over heels why are you always conscious?" Wendy was busy fishing out for her car keys inside her purse.

"It's Lisa. How can I relax when both men and women would look at her like she's some kind of a meal to them?"

"Yeah, that is not even an exaggeration. She really has that kind of effect on everyone. I also got a brief crush on her when I first met her. Glad I was able to manage the temptations. Or else you already sent me to hell."

"You are making me look like I am an evil person."

"Aren't you?" Wendy teased. "By the way so what is up with your twin? Are you girls talking to each other?"

"Well she hated me more after Mr. Kim, I mean father sided me. I don't know if it's his way of reaching out. But at least for once, I felt like the world is fair to me. We both know Jisoo is always the favorite."

"Aw. Maybe uncle is just trying to patch things up between the two of you. It'd never be easy to find out that the person you loathed thinking he took your father's place is actually your real father. Like it's a kdrama plot. Did Jisoo know about this too?"

"I believe she was told as well. I am not just so sure if she knew first. However, if she knew first then for sure she has given me a word. She doesn't keep anything from me."

"Hmph, as if. Have you forgotten she kept a secret from you? She met Lisa and did her best to lure her and took her place. I always have a bad feeling about your sister. Well of course she's your sister I know I shouldn't say anything bad about her. It is just that both of you are opposites. But people love her more because she's  not anti-social and she's really likable compared to your energy."

"Thank you for that compliment, Wendy. I truly appreciate it." Irene said dryly.

"And hey Jisoo isn't a kid anymore. She made a mistake and she should face the consequences. Uncle sided with you because you are right not her. That's how parents should discipline their kids. Also, Lisa would be stupid if she gets back with her. Even how hard Jisoo would try what she did is still wrong. I would do what Lisa just did." Wendy stated her honest opinion.

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