Chapter 32

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"Gosh, I knew there's been a discrepancy. Aishhhh! We will hold an audit next week." Wendy drags her tray to the counter while Irene follows her on the line. "I'll lead the team."

"You seem to be more dedicated to work, Seungwan," Irene commented.

"Where's Miss COO?" Wendy asked.

Irene just shrugged she thought Lisa is just following behind them.

Lisa needs to call Jisoo to remind her to have her lunch break as well. She'll just follow them after.

From afar Lisa smiled seeing Irene and Wendy at the counter. She walks as silently as possible behind Irene. She feels weird about Irene's scent it was quite familiar but she could not remember what brand was or where did she smell the same scent.

"Your perfume."

Irene got startled when Lisa spoke suddenly behind her back. "Huuuhhh!!!"

"Easy, oh, I'm not aware you get startled easily."

Irene hits Lisa's arm. "Yah!!!! I almost had a heart attack."

"Chill, Joohyun. Awts are you a trained wrestler? Jeeez that hurts."

"Serves you right." Irene smugly said.

"Guys, are you going to order?" Wendy looked at them. " I'll look for our table. Go hurry. And by the way Miss COO where's your food? Did you forget Rene cooked for you?"

"Uh, ahm." Lisa didn't know what to say.

"It's all gone, Seungwan. The COO was quite starving earlier. She ate everything when you weren't around." Irene answered for Lisa.

"What?" Wendy's eyes got bigger. "Yah! That's not fair. You should share it even though Irene cooked it for you. How can you eat without feeling guilty?"

"I'm sorry Miss Son. I got carried away. You're best friend really cooks well." Lisa snaked her arm around Irene and pinched her cheek. "I think she's bewitching me."

"Gosh!!! My eyes are hurting. I can't stand to see you both." Wendy then proceeds to their table.

Irene still couldn't process how on Earth, Lisa is acting as if they are best buddies. She elbowed her. "Ouchh, Joohyun. You strike me twice today."

"Get a hold of yourself, Lisa. You are acting strange. Wendy might think differently."

"What? Why? I don't act strange. You smell strange."

Irene sniffed herself getting conscious that she smells bad. "Yah, I don't smell bad." She hits Lisa's arm with her spoon.

"Calm down woman. I don't mean that you are smelly. I just think you smell so familiar. What is your perfume?"


"Ahm, you mean Prada? Prada Candy."

Irene nodded.

"Yes. I knew it, that smells familiar but I don't know that it was actually from Prada. I think I met someone with the same scent." Lisa continued.

"And?" Irene asked not really sure where the conversation would go.

"The ahjumma who owns the scarf smells just like you, Joohyun. Is that the new trend for old maidens?"

Irene is about to smack Lisa. "You are really so annoying, Lisa." She gritted her teeth to control her temper. 'How dare Lisa called her an old maiden?'

"Sorry, I am just fooling around my friend. Come on let's go to our table." Lisa nudged Irene teasingly.

Lisa started to feel strange. The scent reminds me of not only the ahjumma from the Subway who gave her a piggyback ride until they got to the park. But also the first night she met Jisoo at the bar. That was the exact perfume she wore at that time but after that, she noticed that Jisoo is not fond of wearing perfume. Just natural body scent and lotion. When she asked Jisoo why she does not wear perfume anymore her girlfriend simply answered she never use perfume. She hates the smell of it. Now Lisa is feeling dizzy over thinking about how she really met Jisoo. And Wendy's strange question the other night added to her growing curiosity. She just watched Irene eats her lunch. Trying to read everything about her but she could not connect the dots and was still clueless.

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