Chapter 28

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Powder Room

"Look, I don't know what's the deal between you and the new COO but you are the one who told me to do the job we signed up for. There's no turning back, Rene."

"Should we make her life miserable, Wendy?"

"I am in whatever you decide to do with her. We're a team but you are acting like a jealous bitch, Rene. What is with you?"

Irene's eyes are getting red and Wendy immediately hugs her. "Hey, I am not picking a fight with you. I'm sorry for calling you a bitch."

"You didn't do anything wrong. I am just so tired of fighting for something that should be mine."

"I'm so sorry, Rene. I also don't know why your step Dad did it. But please don't hate her. She seems so nice. I don't want to do her dirty. Just like us, she's not aware of the changes."

"I know. But why of all the people on the planet? Why her?"

"Do you have a history? The last time I checked your NBSB."

"Wannie, she's my drunk blondie!"

Shocked written all over Wendy's face. She tried to fake it. She already met Lisa and pretended it never happened. "Gosh as in for real? The woman you've been stalking for several months?"

Irene just nodded and wiped her tears.

"So your step Dad is actually doing you a favor, huh?"

"No, Wannie. He likes her for Chichu. She's Chu's girlfriend."

"Stop joking. How can Jisoo beat you? You've been following that woman for almost half a year. How did your sister meet her? And wow Jisoo is just like us? That's a surprise I didn't see it coming."

"I don't know how but she's working in the movie house. I think she's newly hired there."

"Jesus! Irene, you need to fight for her. Don't tell me you are letting go because she's already taken by Jisoo."

"Are you crazy? I can't do that to my own twin."

"Isn't it suspicious, she's seeing Lisa but she never talks about dating her? The two of you are close and share the same room before. You've been blabbering about this blondie and she knows it for sure."

"She does not know Lisa is the drunkard blondie."

"Wow, so what a coincidence?"

"Wannie, I can't work for her. It's killing me to see her."

"Don't say that. You actually look happy seeing her. You are drooling over her."

Irene's eyes were cast down. " I am not allowed to even like her. She's restricted. The last thing I want is to have a fight with my twin over a woman."

"But you know the COO first. Fight Irene, don't be a coward. She's really hot and if you are not going to do anything to fight for her then don't get jealous if I would act cute around her.  I am not even scared of your short twin."

"Aigoo, coming from a midget like you. Let me remind you that we are all short girls."

"Nyahaha I thought you are about to say WE ARE LOVESICK GIRLS because I would strongly oppose."

"Anyway, I don't think it's a good idea to work with my blondie, I mean with Ms. COO."

"Wow, look at you! I thought you are not going to fight for her but you already claiming her yours." Wendy scowled. They went out of the powder room.

They continued to bicker when they saw a familiar face in the reception area asking for some information. Even if they're on the third floor they can easily spot the lobby due to the unique structure of BAE building.

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