Chapter 47

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I asked Joohyun for another meet-up. I know she's really busy but there's no harm in trying. If she can't meet me then maybe tomorrow or the next day or the next, next day. I just can't help myself I always miss her. I told her this a couple of times but she said I am just lying. She even told me that maybe I am just being bored while waiting for the companies' feedback about my pending application. I am not normally a clingy person. She should know how hard it is to ask her out like this.

I checked myself in the mirror and convinced myself that I do already look good. Don't get tense. It is just another date. I was about to leave but I went back to see my reflection. Gosh, I am pretty handsome. She should be stunned later. Then I checked my breath before anything else. Hmph, I am just so perfect every day. I should have that confidence in me but whenever I am in front of Joohyun already I can't say whatever I wanted to say. She would keep guessing because my tongue got tied every time she was close. Heck, it's not even cool when you cannot impress her because you're stuttering most of the time. I'm getting all conscious just walking right next to her. Not because I got some insecurities with myself. It's just that wow I look like her bodyguard and she's an A-LIST celebrity. I also felt this with Jennie and Jisoo. I must say I am fortunate not everyone can have the same experience as me. But it's not something I can brag about. If I were to choose who I would date in a lifetime then it's Joohyun. But Jennie and Jisoo are like life lessons. Without them, I wouldn't stumble into meeting Joohyun. Heck, it sounded like Joohyun is the big boss for the final chapter of the computer game.

As for my attire, I just wear a simple huge printed shirt and a pair of blue jeans. I matched it with my old yet presentable pair of sneakers. I know I'll be walking a lot later. Like a lot of long walks with Joohyun. We just don't stop at one place. She loves roaming around.

So I brought a huge bag back with me like we are going in camping. I don't want to miss out on anything the last date we had I got a very bad cold.

I am becoming shy because of our setup. She's now the company COO and here am still jobless. Her father assigned her to the vacant position immediately since I left the post. Well, this is the hard part I know she's fine with cheap dates but I just can't settle to bring her to cheap places, right? So I made a big decision since my savings is almost gone. I sold my car. Joohyun isn't aware of it. She knows it's precious to me. This is the reason as well I couldn't just pick her up from work. I would ask to meet up with her at the same place since that's halfway from where I live and from her work.

I arrived first this time. I haven't slept because I was procrastinating the entire night. I thought of a lot of activities that we could do today. Like going to a theme park and watching the fireworks display. That's magical and romantic. She'll love it for sure.

Hmm. She'll be out by 5 pm I still have time for a power nap. I dozed off a bit while waiting for the time. I don't know how long had it been. I just woke up leaning on Joohyun's shoulder. I fixed my eyes on her. Waaah my breath almost hitched. She's damn gorgeous.

"Hey stranger, did you dream of me?" Joohyun looks like an angel except with her corporate attire. She's wearing a pencil skirt. Glad she has her favorite scarf and put on those gloves to keep herself warm. She dresses up as an heir to the company. And anyone would say immediately that Joohyun is a big-timer.

I slowly stretched my arms and snuggled with her. Wahh she came from work but she still smells fresh. "Hey, stalker. Your shoulder must be tired. Why didn't you wake me up?" I checked my watch and it was already 6:30 pm.

"You looked really tired and need some rest." She pinched my cheeks. "And I missed seeing you sleeping like this. You are like a baby."

"Is that how you see me when I passed out at the club too?"

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