Chapter 9

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"You're late." I indicated. I know it is rude to be like this but I am just trying to test her patience with me. I observe she has this mannerism that she would then look down at her feet to avoid any eye contact. "I am not upset that you are late on your first day of work. You sure have your reason, right, Limario?"

"The thing is, well I am so excited to go to work that I couldn't sleep the whole night. Thanks to Seulgi who woke me up." She explained. "Another thing I cooked something for you, I mean for us, but I know my excuse is still not valid, Miss Kim. I'm sorry. I will not do it again. I will be early from now on just don't cut my salary."

"What made you think, I would do that?"

"No, no I just needed the job and becoming paranoid."

"Are you desperate to earn money?" I asked.

"Not really but I felt like you deserve more. Not just home-cooked food. So yeah I need this job to have some money and to get going. I'll buy you something more edible."

I melt seeing her being so shy like this. "Oh, Limario. I didn't know that you're a sweet person."

"I am not, actually. But I just wanted to cook something for you since that is what I can afford for now. Not that uhm well, you give me this big opportunity to start my life and you have been nothing but nice to me. You even welcomed Seulgi here."

"That's sweet of you. So where is it? I wanted to eat whatever you cook for me."

"Oh yeah, here you go, Ms.K-"

"Sooyaa, just Sooyaa. You already called me that way yesterday. Why are you being too formal again today?"

"Right, uhm. I am sorry Ms. no I mean Sooyaaa." She smiled brightly.

"That sounds better. Shall we eat this together?" I took the lunch box and pulled her. We both jolted when we felt there was static.

"Sorry." She apologized.

"Why are you being apologetic over small things? Probably the tiles are being grounded. I'll have someone to fix it later."

Her whole face turned red like a tomato. "You don't have to pull me, S-Sooyaaa. My legs are longer."

"Yah, it's obvious. But you're like a lost puppy there. If I needed to drag you then I do so."

"Well, uhm, are you always this comfortable with strangers?"

"Technically, we are no longer strangers. We've met several times and you are my employee-turned-friend." I explained.

"Yeah but that's less than 48hrs when you hired me."

"I think, I've known you for a long so, so 2 days is good enough, Limario."

"But what if I am someone that can't be trusted?"

That made me pause and laughed, "Yah, I don't think you can even kill a mosquito." She pouted cutely at me.

"Take me seriously. Please, it is not that I am anti-social. I am just not the type of person who loves to socialize."

"Okay, all I wanted to do is to eat the breakfast you made for me. Let's put your past behind us. I am not really interested in your past which I sensed that you don't really want to talk about."

"Yeah," She nodded.

"Now, can we eat?"

"Yeah, sorry." Finally, she budged and followed me without protest.

While eating I could see her glancing at me which made me conscious a bit. She seemed to have something on her mind that she wanted to talk about. "Limario, please talk if you need anything."

"Oh, I don't need anything."

"Are you sure?"

"Okay, I just wanna ask if, uhm like what's your favorite color, favorite food? Because you seem to like the chicken so much."

"Quite observant. I love chicken more than anything else in the world. Next is Dalgumie."

"Dalgumie? I thought you are single?"


"I see."

"Is that it? You won't be asking anything about my Dalgumie?"

"Oh, I won't be nosy. That's your personal life."

"Really? You are not intrigued who's Dalgumi?"

"Yeah, I don't like mixing work and personal stuff."

"Wow, bravo, Limario. Didn't know you are this cool."

"I keep my nose away from other people's business, Sooyaa. Been there than that."

"Ooh, is this about her again?"

She nodded and took a deep breath. "It would be always about her. I don't know why I am still thinking about her when our relationship ended months ago."

"Is she the reason, you are drowning yourself with alcohol."

"I thought, it's the best escape. Only when I am drunk, I can forget that she broke my heart. I still yearn for her."

"That's too bad for your health. Loving someone too much isn't healthy. Not that I am a relationship expert and have first-hand experience. I just know too much in anything could be seriously dangerous."

"So you mean, you never experienced love?" She asked curiously.

"I like someone but it's too early to say if I really do."

"That's a problem then. You only get hurt, Sooyaa. Try to find someone to who you know you could entrust your heart fully."

"Seriously? We are talking about love while having breakfast." I chuckled.

"We do," Lisa affirmed.

"But I think she's worth it though." I stared at her intently. Sending her a meaningful message that I am not sure if Lisa paid attention to at all. She just focuses on the sunny side of her plate.

"We'll never know, Sooyaa."

"You are right, Limario."

"So how's your meal?"

I gave her an approving look and two thumbs up. "Super good!"

"Which one?"

" The chicken, chicken, chicken."

"You obviously like it since you repeated it thrice."

"No, I love it so much. Can you cook for me again?"

"Sure, not a problem, just tell me whatever you like. I will try to check the recipes online."

"Really, you'll do that for me?"

"Yep, not a biggie. So this Dalgumie you mentioned earlier. Doesn't he cook for you? Is he starving you?"
She just said she doesn't like asking personal questions. Lisa is so unpredictable.

I laughed so hard and Lisa got confused because of course nothing is funny about what she said. But for me, it's really funny. "It's the other way around. I take care of everything for him."

"And you are asking someone else to cook for you while you do that for him?"

"Yes," I answered and she became silent.

"Do you really like him that much?" She asked me if maybe she was getting curious.

"I love Dalgom so much," I answered.
"And by the way you know I don't like to have a boyfriend. Aren't you getting curious? I told you and Seulgi that I like to have a girlfriend."

"No, I am not." I kinda felt disappointed for not getting any reaction from Lisa. She's too oblivious.

"Fine. You are such a bummer."

"A bummer? Why?"

"Nothing." I scoffed and met her eyes. "Dalgumi is my pet dog."


What is really wrong with her? She does not react to anything. She's too dry. Yeah, she's sweet for cooking our breakfast but kinda slow when you are trying to point out the obvious.

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