Chapter 44

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Dead silence, the two girls were looking at each.  No one wanted to talk. They didn't know their father arrived just in time to witness how his wife's precious vase got broken. Their mom got it from an auction a few years back in England before she even got married. She had been an avid collector of antiques. She decided to keep just one as her souvenir. All of her collections were sold because she didn't have a designated storage room for them. 

The girl in a pigtail felt terrible knowing how important this vase was to her mom. Even at a very young age the two of them were always reminded not to play around the study room.

"What should we do with it? Mom would really get angry with me." She was getting nervous and wracking her brain on how to resolve the problem at hand.

"Calm down, let me think of a solution. Maybe we can just be honest so she would punish us lightly?" Her sister suggested as she was thinking of a better way to help her scared sister.

"Are you insane? I don't want to get punished. Let's just come up with a lie. Let's tell, Mom we didn't know." She didn't like the suggestion.

"Hey, we can't lie. The servants would get the blame if we do that. Come on, I will help out." She's being mindful of others that could be dragged if ever they would choose to lie.

The two got startled when their mom appeared at the door. They thought she'll be home by dinner.

"Oh, my God! What just happened here?" Tiffany couldn't help but become hysterical. "Who did this?"

"We-we just arrived here, Mum. We heard ahm , we heard something broke that's why we went down from our room." She was stuttering and gulping after she delivered what she wanted to tell to her mother.

"I should call the cops and summon the servants. This can't be possible. Did someone break into our house? Are you not harmed, girls? Let's check if there are missing items inside the house. Go check your room too and let me know if something is missing."

"Yes, Mum!" The two said in chorus and hurried back to their room.

"What did you do? Mum surely gonna ground you. You'll get busted sooner or later. She even mentioned calling the police. What if the servants got fired because of this?" The girl with straight long hair and full bangs tried to knock some sense out of her sister.

"I panic. I am so sorry. I don't know what to say to her." She said in her defense.

"Telling a lie to save your flat ass is still not okay. You need to go down and clear the misunderstanding. Don't you pity the servants?" She's getting worried she knows the weight of punishment waiting for her sister.

"Fine, I'll just tell, Mum so you would shut up." She said agitatedly.

"Good girl."

Her sister went down to talk to their mom while she busied herself playing with the crossroad puzzle.

A few minutes passed her Mom stormed into their room. The next thing that happened traumatized the poor girl. Her mom pulled her ear and spanked her. She couldn't count anymore. "How many times did I tell you, Baechu not to play around in the study room? There are plenty of rooms that you can play in. Didn't you know how much that vase cost?" Tiffany was so furious. All she knew is, that as a mother,  Irene should be disciplined to learn from her mistake.

"Mum, please stop it." She begged. "Why are you taking it against me?" Her mind was full of confusion. Why is she being punished when she did nothing wrong?

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