Chapter 36

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Lisa finally pulled over. She poked Irene gently. She was battling if she should wake her up or not. She wanted to bring Irene to a very significant place.

"Mm..?" Irene stirred from her seat. Lisa helped her remove the seatbelt.

"We're here sleepyhead." She smiled realizing Irene is always beautiful from all angles.

Irene's eyes went wider. She forgot she was with Lisa and she panicked a bit because she felt like she drooled and Lisa has witnessed everything. Her face has nothing but dry tears and she wiped them out thinking she has drool on them.

"Huh?" She looked around. "Really,  you brought me all the way here?" She couldn't read what was on Lisa's mind. She sat up straight and it was the reason she was not able to see the board. Her head accidentally hit it. "Argh!"

"Hey, you okay?" Lisa got worried and checked Irene's forehead. She blew the red spot as if it could make the pain go away. Irene couldn't help but blush. She didn't know Lisa has this super sweet side of her. They are too close that would actually look like they are doing something inside the car. The tall girl also realized that they're too close and she then gets shy. And she does not want Irene to feel awkward. She wants to take things slow and consider Jisoo's feelings at the same time. Technically she's not yet single and she does not want to blow her chance even though it's guaranteed Irene does like her too. She thinks of a way to make the situation less awkward.

"Please be careful. My car is kinda delicate." Lisa suddenly blurted out.

Irene could not believe that she was more concerned with the car. "Are you serious?" She asked.

"Just watch your head." Lisa then sits back properly and opens the door to get out. She's about to open the other door for Irene but the tiny woman already opens the door harshly and it hits Lisa's face. "Ouch! I just said to be careful." She holds her nose and checks if Irene did not break it. She almost faints seeing the blood on her hand.

"Oh gosh! I'm so sorry!" Irene immediately checks Lisa's nose and gets a tissue paper from her purse. "I didn't mean it. What to do? Let's head to the hospital." She seems about to cry feeling guilty that she caused Lisa a lot of trouble.

"Hey, it's fine. It should stop bleeding by now." Lisa grins. She loves seeing Irene being concerned about her. This is what she missed out on when she was drunk. Not that she never feels love by Jisoo. Irene is just so different. It's truly unexpected that someone like her caught Irene's attention.

"I shouldn't get mad at you. I don't know what got into me."

"What do you mean? Why are you mad at me?" Lisa was puzzled. She could not remember anything that they argue about.

"You're more concerned with your car than with my head." Irene cutely pouted but she was not aware of it.

Lisa chuckled, "Of course, you're more important. I actually lost this car to Seulgi." She slipped. She forgot about their deal. Now that she remembers she feels horrible. She can never cross her best friend.

"Lost this car?" Irene scowled at her and wanted Lisa to be honest about the deal. She already knew about the bet between Lisa and Seulgi. And one thing she needed to clarify to Lisa is about her real relationship with Seulgi. She does not want to think she's a two-timer and wants to steal even her twin's girlfriend.

"No, I mean uhmmm..." She's totally lost for words. She's scared to tell about the bet and scared that Irene would realize that she's still with Seulgi as well.

"Come on what is it? Why are you stuttering now, have you left your tongue elsewhere?"

"The thing is uhmmm. Yeah about Seulgi. I am worried for her. She seems to like you a lot."

Irene crossed her arms. "And? What about Seulgi?"

"You and she are together. Just like me and Jisoo. Are you sure you want to do this?" Lisa asked hesitantly.

Irene's eyes are glued to Lisa's lips. She can't help but stare at it. She's distracted, very distracted on what she's supposed to do with Lisa blurting a lot of things like a scared puppy. She wanted to tell her she was the only one. But she can't find the right time to cut her off.

Lisa continued, "I will totally respect your decision if you think this is all a mistake and I am crazy to pursue you knowing you're Jisoo's twin and Seulgi's girlfriend. If-"

Irene shuts Lisa's mouth by kissing her which takes the tall girl by surprise. Their lips are just pressed together when the small girl forces herself by biting her lower lip so Lisa would open her mouth a bit. When Lisa finally opened her mouth Irene's tongue didn't waste a minute exploring Lisa's mouth. She's not an expert in this area yet she watched a lot of films which gave her enough knowledge of how to do it. All she needs is a little courage to do it with the very special person right in front of her. She's been dreaming to do this since the first time she laid her eyes on her but that was too creepy for the first encounter and the tall girl was always drunk back then. It's a dream come true for Irene. Tasting Lisa's lips felt like she was in heaven. She indulged herself in it and savor each passing minute. Not too long Lisa gave in and matched Irene's action. Her hands are groping the small girl behind and positioning her against the car. For some time the two are lost in their own world and intimately kissing. Lisa showed Irene how great a kisser she is by dominating and imposing she's not a bottom type of a person. She's guiding Irene and the small girl is all out submissive like prey. They only stop when they both needed some air.

Irene tapped Lisa's nose. "That is something I have never done with anyone else but you." This left Lisa more puzzled and waited for her to continue.

"Seulgi is my fake girlfriend. She got busted to be only pretending she likes me because she made a stupid bet with you."

"Erh?" Lisa couldn't believe that she was fooled by Seulgi.

"Yes, you may thank me. You can keep your precious car." Irene wiped the lipstick stains on Lisa's mouth. She didn't know Lisa would look extra hot with a smudge of her lipstick. She gave her a peck. "You're my first kiss and thanks for making it unforgettable."

Lisa could only smile like a stupid person. Knowing she was Irene's first kiss felt like she already won the lottery. Not that it would matter to her but it's a consolation. She still could not believe that Irene has not been kissed. The small girl raised her brow because Lisa was being speechless for some time.

"What now? Stop staring like that."

Lisa shook her head and chuckled. She pulled Irene into a tight hug. She wanted to feel everything that is happening is real. "Thank you. Thank you for saving me that day and for always looking after me whenever I drown myself with alcohol. I promise to be sober and treasure each moment with you."

Irene only melted on Lisa's arms. She's biting the inside of her cheeks to refrain from crying. Finally, the moment she's been waiting for happened. She wouldn't care less about anyone's opinion. It's about time to consider her own happiness. But she failed to suppress her tears because she was overwhelmed. She let go of her happy tears.

Maybe they are not in any romantic place. But the place plays an important role in how the two of them met. Not far away from them the Subway staff's who was on duty the night they met is scratching her head as she's observing the couple being all lovey-dovey.

"She once said she's not her girlfriend. What's wrong with the young generation these days?" She shrugged and continued taking orders from the queue of customers.

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