Chapter 40

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Lisa has no choice but to go home. Well, she does not have a home to call on after running away because of her stepmom. And the only place she considers home is Seulgi's place. She does not know how would she react to Seulgi after the two of them exchanged punches like they would kill each other for real. She had no idea that her relationship with Jisoo would affect their friendship. It is not like she's cheating on Jisoo. She got fooled in the first place. She's in the wrong relationship when Irene has been waiting for her. She's more guilty of Irene's situation compared to breaking up with Jisoo. She thinks Jisoo should be able to take full responsibility for all the lies she fed to Lisa. She does not know her motives but she still sees Jisoo as someone kind but not as innocent as she has been trying to portray. Lisa has finally gotten a larger picture of their relationship that was built from all the false impressions.

Seulgi is sitting on the couch as if expecting her best friend's return. Of course, she knows Lisa rather die than come back home."Are you alright?" She asked and Lisa just nodded. She just entered Seulgi's cozy place which has been her home for so many years. There's a hint of concern with her question. She's still the same Seulgi whom Lisa met years back. The one who cares a lot for her. But her, attacking the latter like that earlier made Lisa doubt if she was really Seulgi. "Can we talk about this? I know I shouldn't punch you without knowing your side first. I don't know what got into me to be acting impulsively. You know I would never harm you in any way. But there was this urge that push me to do it."

I know and maybe because it involves Jisoo. I am trying to figure it out myself but maybe I am just being delusional. Why would you fancy your best friend's girl? Something that should apply to me as well. How could I fall for Joohyun when I know you are dating her?  Lisa thought.

"Oh forget about it. I don't mind these small cuts, Bear. It is clearly just a misunderstanding." Lisa said differently about what was on her mind. She can never judge Seulgi. She's been nothing but kind and supportive to her all the time. This is the only incident that the bear lost her cool and acted out of character.

Seulgi hugged her petite best friend. "Gosh, thanks. I was really worried that I broke your bones for real." She checked Lisa's wounds on her face and knuckles.

Lisa smiles at her. Seulgi is a family and no woman could make them hate each other. But she has this question in mind. "But may I ask you something? And I want you to be honest with me." Seulgi knows that she should answer Lisa with the whole truth or else everything would go down south like their friendship does not mean anything to both of them. She only wishes to avoid the worst scenario.

"What is it?" Seulgi tensely asked.

"Well, this just crossed my mind. Do you like Jisoo?" Lisa was eyeing her and tried to even read her body language.

Seulgi could not answer right away and the guilt is written all over her face. Lisa expected this already but she badly wants to hear it from her.

"Come on, I want you to answer it. Because I know you're dating Irene. Because whether you are serious or not with her I will take her from you by all means. I love Irene and being your best friend I need to be honest with you no matter what. And you should too." Lisa said without hesitation and full of determination.

"We are just faking it for the sake of the real thing. Because she discovered we had a bet. It's not hard to fall in love with Lisa. We decided to make it real and official."

"What??!" Lisa is confused as hell with her saying they are officially dating. Of course, she knows Irene loves her only. She's certain about it. And Seulgi telling this is messing her head.

"You heard it right. So I don't know why you are still interested in her even though you knew I am dating her already. Don't we have a brotherhood code?"

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