Chapter 4

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A few days after...


I decided to look for a job so I can be productive and not a burden to Seulgi. It is about time to give back, I guess.

I entered the movie house since it was the given address in the ads. I only grab a cab downtown to save my gas. My allowance won't be enough and I don't want to ask for money from my parent or Seulgi anymore.

I spotted the ticket booth right away. It is still early for them to operate so I did expect that there's no one out here. Glad there's a staff so I can inquire. "Excuse me, Are you guys still hiring?" I asked the lady who happened to be bending over trying to reach some stuff under the counter. She carelessly raised her head to see me.

"Awts." She groaned in pain. The impact is kinda hard. I hope she's okay.

"Oh, careful." I was not able to see her face because she was facing the other side. I took time to observe the movie house. Wow, it's actually cool here with a vintage concept. There are types of vinyl attached to the walls and classic musical instruments too. Next to this place is a cozy cafe.

"How did you find out that we are hiring?" She slowly faced me. And I was like left in awe as I tried to blink my eyes a couple of times. Wondering if she's really working here as a staff. She got the face of an actress. Or probably she landed many commercial ads already. She then gave me a warm smile and I felt awkward because I got caught checking her out. Her brow raised a bit and matched my gaze.

"Uhm, I saw it from the ads. Are you guys still hiring for a movie operator?" I explained stuttering and stared at my shoes since I could not look at her.

"Oh, I see you are up for that job."
Why is she giving me that kind of look as if scrutinizing every inch of me? It felt weird, to be honest. What is weirder, I think I met this woman somewhere else. Or just my imagination?

"Yes, I will try to do something else other than hanging out at the bars." I felt the urge to explain which I shouldn't have. "I always go bar hopping at night and I realize I need to earn some money for myself too." Damn me why am I being nervous? How can I do the interview like this? I don't think I'll be able to get the job.

"That's why you stink."

I immediately sniffed myself. Yikes, this is embarrassing. "I took the shower," I said defensively. I felt so conscious about myself. When she's looking so damn beautiful and fresh.

"Just checking if you are sober." And she smirked. "I am glad I meet you today in here."

"Do you know that I am dying to meet you not in a place like this when you are sober? Do you think I will stand a chance?"

Something is telling me that I really met this woman before. I am like experiencing a deja vu.

"Are you alright?" She asked me.

"Yeah, I just remembered something. So going back is the job still available?" I composed myself. Aish I don't know If I can redeem my dignity. I am so awkward, to be honest.

"Yeah, it is. Where's your resume?" She looked at the folder I was clutching.

"Here, wait, wait, why are you asking for my resume? Should I really give it to you, not to the boss?" I was kinda hesitant.

"Nuh, never mind you are already hired." She shrugged and went over to the cashier and took a piece of paper.

"What? I am hired? Just like that? Are you the boss?" I got surprised by her sudden decision. Does she trust people easily?

"You can put it that way." She looked at me from head to foot. And I felt naked around this woman.

"But you haven't checked my resume yet?" I still clutched the folder tightly which caused it to be crumpled a bit.

"Well, I think you are fit to do the job. Roger and Cindy took off without notice so we are running out of employees. Let's say we are badly in need of staff and hiring you will be the best decision."

"Wow, that's kinda fast. Do you own this business?" I asked curiously. I tried to avoid asking the personal question since it was inappropriate.

"Nope, I am just a part-timer here since we need more hands. It's a family business. And please don't ask about my family. My parents are strict."

"My parents are strict."

"Tell me about it. Well, wait. This has already happened. No way." Now I look like a fool in front of this woman.
"Hey just to ask have we already met by any chance?"

"That's for you to figure things out."

"No way! Why do you sound like someone I met before?"

"Hey, are you sure you're not drunk? You don't look sober to me." She asked suspiciously.

"I really am sober, but can I ask your name?"

"Oh, I thought you wouldn't ask at all. My name is Kim Jisoo. Welcome to BK Movie House."

"Kim Jisoo, wow. You got a lovely name there."

"I know, so what's your name stranger?" She chuckled.

"Lalisa Manoban. See because you didn't even check my resume."

"Nuh, not a biggie. Come on Limario Mamobal. I'll show you around."

"It's not Limario Manobal. It's Lalisa Manoban." I corrected her.

"I am not good with names. Limario is easier."

"Okay, you're the boss, Miss Kim."

"That's too formal. Call me Jisoo." She suggested.

"May I ask how old are you?"

"I am 26. How about you?"

I got chills and goosebumps. There's no way that I met her in my dreams.

"Limario, are you alright?" She asked.

"I'm so sorry, I got to go. Nice meeting you." I then took my leave without looking at her once again.

"Hey! I thought you need this job." She yelled but I chose to just continue walking away from the movie house.

My heart's racing like crazy. I don't know what got into me that I chickened out around Kim Jisoo. So she's older than me. I should call her unnie. I shook my head. Gees why can't I forget her smile? I think I got a small crush on her in just a short period of time. This is not good. I don't want to have any complications at work. Jennie and I started as co-workers too.

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