Chapter 15

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Jisoo walked them out to the parking area. She was so happy that Lisa showed up for dinner. She was not comfortable with Irene's secret glancing over at Lisa but she shrugged it off. She was grateful enough that her sister agreed to drop off Lisa at the subway.

"Limario, thanks really for coming. But can you come back again? Mom and Dad told me to invite you some other time if your schedule permits."

"Of course. I'll surely find time for you and your family so I get to know them more too." Lisa positively answered. The Kims are not bad at all except for Irene who threw a lot of attitude at their stepdad.

Lisa wanted to just walk alone but Jisoo insisted she hitches a ride with Irene since she was along the way and she can be dropped off at the nearest subway station. She felt Irene's being strange around her after the introduction. She wondered if there was something wrong with the way she looks or if Jisoo's twin plainly does not approve of her.

"Take care Baechu, take care MY LIMARIO." Jisoo kinda started to be a bit possessive after dinner, this made Lisa's face turn red, and did the same.

"I will, you don't have to worry about me. I will call you when I got home, MY SOOYAA." They too hugged and Irene just rolled her eyes. It was a painful sight that she must endure and pretend she was not being affected.

"Goodbye Chu, we're going," Irene said. And gave her sister a warm hug. She missed being at home and having late snacks over scary movies with her.

"Bye, Baechu. Please visit us here more often. Mom loves hearing your compliments."

"I will and will also bring Wendy with me."

So the two of them entered the car. Dead silence filled Irene's car when the two of them settled. Irene patiently waited for Lisa to be finished her farewell with Jisoo. As if they won't be seeing each other for a couple of years. It was obvious that her twin wanted Lisa to stay a bit more, it just so happened she's worried when Lisa travels alone and it's already getting late.

"Sooyaa, get inside already. It's too cold outside. We are leaving now." Lisa requested.

"I will. Don't get sleepy on the train and don't forget to call me." She reminded. They are used to it. Keeping in touch after their work shift is normal for them. After going out several times they already made a strong bond. They know the likes and dislikes of each other. But they never talk about their family. So Jisoo inviting Lisa over to meet her family means a lot to Lisa.

The couple smiled at each other contentedly. Irene prayed hard to all Gods she knew of that she won't see them making out because she would be shattered. Thankfully her prayers were heard. She felt so anxious about what the two can do when they were alone. Jisoo then went back inside as Lisa asked her to do.

"Erase, Erase, Erase." She was not aware she have spoken her thoughts loudly.

"Are you, okay?" Lisa asked as she puts on her seatbelt.


"You look uhmm sick, I don't know. Do you want me to take over? I can drive." She offered.

"How can I be okay when you are acting like that?" She said absentmindedly which puzzled Lisa more. She hates that Lisa is so innocent and acts so nice to her.

"Did I do something to make you upset?" Lisa observed Irene's hands trembling on the steering wheel.

"This is nothing." She then started the engine but got an electric shock when Lisa suddenly holds her hand. Her hands were warm and comforting.

"Please don't drive if you're angry." Lisa moved closer which made Irene panic. She tried to move her head to the opposite side so she won't be feeling Lisa's breath on her face.

*click. Lisa ensured Irene's seatbelt is properly put on. The latter's so out of focus ever since she entered her car that she forgot to put on her own seatbelt.

"There you go. Now you can drive."

"You don't have to do that. Don't do anything to make me feel uncomfortable with you. I am not Jisoo." She said coldly and began driving.

"Then don't lie as well. It makes me uncomfortable." Lisa countered.


"Why didn't you tell Sooyaa that we met earlier? I don't like people lying."

"I lied for her own good. This is to protect her from you."

"Why would you do that? I am not a bad person, Joohyun. I care deeply for your sister." Irene felt a pang in her chest.

"Because knowing the truth will hurt my sister. And I am trying to avoid that. She does not need to feel guilty when she did nothing wrong."

"You are not making any sense at all, Joohyun."

"You are too. Just don't mind me."

"Is this about the cake? Or the spicy chicken?"

Irene shook her head. "No, this is not about a small matter. It is about the broken promise."

"Ehhh, you are talking about something I know nothing of."

"You don't understand because you simply forget about everything you said. How can you just forget, Lisa?" She looked at her full of hatred.

The way Irene said it hits differently with Lisa. She was overwhelmed by how Irene spat words to make her feel guilty without doing anything wrong with Jisoo. Clearly, she does not have anything to do with Irene, she's just a stranger. And she wish it would be their last encounter. She can't deal with a difficult woman like her even she's Jisoo's twin sister.

Irene cried silently while still driving and Lisa was just observing her. "I'm sorry. I really do. Even I don't know what am I apologizing for. You can drop me off at the next block."

"But the subway is too far from there."

"I'll take a cab. I can handle myself. Just drop me off there." She requested because she could not stand seeing Irene crying.

Irene understood that Lisa is getting awkward with her because she was creeping on the blond. She thought it was best for the two of them. She stopped as Lisa wished.

"Lis, can you promise something?"

Lisa felt all weird about Irene's actions.
But she still listened.

"Please never hurt my sister. And if you remember something just move on and be happy with her. She seems to like you so much." More tears streamed from her eyes and this made Lisa a lot guiltier if she was causing Irene this kind of pain.

"I will." She got out of the car and watched Irene drive away. She never felt this kind of emptiness. As if she made the worst decision in her life. She wanted to know Irene's reason. She felt responsible for her. Jisoo will hate her if she knew she made her sister cry. She made up her mind to fix Irene's problem with her. She did not waste a time and hired a cab.

"Mister, just follow that car wherever it goes."

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