Chapter 50

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"Shall we go? I'll hire a cab for us."  Lisa suggested. As she opened the door for Jisoo. The small girl just followed her.

"Ahm... where's your car?" Jisoo was looking around the parking area. She was wondering why would they take a cab when Lisa can drive.

"I don't have a car anymore. I sold it." She knew Jisoo too well so she answered her casually.

"What? Why? Don't you love your car so much?" Jisoo's forehead starts to furrow. She couldn't understand why Lisa did that. She's worried that Lisa run out of cash.

"I felt like it's a déjà vu but yeah I love my car but I still can live without it." She's really cool about selling her car. It's not a big deal for Lisa. She needs money after all now that she's jobless and paying rent.

Jisoo didn't want to push the topic. Anyway, it seemed Lisa didn't want them to talk about it. "I can go home alone, Limario. You don't have to accompany me. You have done more than enough." She declined Lisa's offer thinking she was being too much burden and Lisa would hire a cab again to go home afterward. They just agreed to be friends and she does not want Lisa to think anything bad about her. She's trying to win Lisa's good side.

"No, I insist. I am still worried. You kinda look pale. It would kill me if something bad happen to you." Lisa felt she was obligated to send Jisoo home safely. She should have brought her straight home however bringing Jisoo in her place went well and they finally had their closure.

"I am not." Jisoo denied it and turned shy and covered her small face. "I know you are not used to seeing me unpresentable like this." It made her conscious about her looks though Lisa isn't the type.

"No, you look just pale but you're still pretty. As if I did not date you. I know you look naturally beautiful. It runs in your blood." Lisa assured Jisoo. "And I do really insist to accompany you. Don't decline my offer, please."

"Fine, I let you accompany me back home but I have another request, Limario." She was hopeful Lisa won't decline her request.

"Oh, no you are asking for a lot of favors, huh?" Lisa wanted to decline already because she rather sleeps all day long. And she's worried about Irene if this news reaches her. She mentally notes to call her about this.

"Can you join us for lunch? Please don't say no." Jisoo was pleading and using her charms which normally works with Lisa when they used to date.

Lisa was thinking thoroughly. Anyway, she already said to Irene that she was unable to see her today because she had a long day prior. She's weighing if she should say yes or no to Jisoo who's waiting for her answer.

"Okay." She said finally because she couldn't say no to Jisoo who looked like a poor puppy.

"Great, I'll tell mum to cook your favorites. I'll send her a message so she can prepare ahead of time. Oh, no. I should call her so she'll be able to know right away. She doesn't check her phone when she's in the garden. Do you have any special request?"

"Anything is fine." Lisa tried to call Irene to inform her she was going to visit the Kims. She doesn't want this to become a misunderstanding between them. She's actually glad she made peace with Jisoo and she's sure Irene will be happy to know about this. But Irene isn't picking up.

She's busy trying to call Irene multiple times while Jisoo is on the other line talking to her mom asking to cook dishes that Lisa loves.

At the office. Wendy and Irene just finished attending a meeting when a VIP client wanted to meet Irene personally. She was actually expecting to meet Lisa as the new COO.

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