Chapter 54

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Third Person's POV

Lisa and Irene couldn't keep their hands off each other since their first time doing it. It was like they became more addicted to each other. Most of the time it would be Irene making excuses to pin Lisa down to get what she wants. She's unbelievably needy and aggressive since everything is new to her. She can't get enough of Lisa. She would still ask herself if she's not dreaming that they are really dating for real and going steady. Going to Lisa's place has been her habit after work. Of course, Lisa would then submit willingly to her queen like a poor slave. She likes this side of Irene. And she does not complain about it.  Aside from being all sweet and exploring each other's bodies the couple also does a lot of things together. They would bake and cook together. Binge-watch Money Heist on Netflix. They are both spontaneous and they can talk all day long without getting bored. For them, it's magical that you can be with a person all the time but you still miss her the moment you got separated by hours.  Every day they both look forward to seeing each other. Lisa adjusted to Irene's schedule to be able to have lunch together. She would patiently wait until Irene would be done at work and drop by for dinner.  Wendy couldn't relate and had been telling them that they should just live together because she was the one being stressed every time Irene would go home late and leaves early to have breakfast with Lisa.

Also, Irene convinced Lisa to work for the company. They had a little argument because the latter was trying not to create any issue that could ruin the former's reputation but Mr. Kim already interfered and assured Lisa that she will be treated without any special treatment. And they could just temporarily be discreet with their relationship to not affect the company's image while the issue of Lisa being the former girlfriend of the other heiress hasn't been forgotten by many employees yet. They believe once the tension at the office subsides then they could be just other regular couples. Well, as for Heechul, he doesn't care at all. For as long as both of them could perform their tasks. And besides, it is the investors' special request. They love to work with Lisa knowing she has brilliant ideas for upcoming projects. The project should be spearheaded by her together with the international team, the investors had sent to the company. While it hasn't started yet the lovers are in relaxation mode and trying to spend more time together as much as they could. The two decided to meet their friends. And when they said friends that would be Seulgi who Lisa hasn't talk for so long and Wendy, Irene's bff who has all the time in the world to hang out and tease the new couple.

"God! Can you please quit staring at each other like you are going to eat each other's face in front of me?" Wendy complained for the nth time. "I thought we were here to see Seulgi?" She looked around hoping to see the girl she has a secret crush on. Well, she is the only person who thinks it's a secret when her actions are all obvious.

Irene tore her eyes away from her girlfriend for the first time that day and glared at her best friend. "We're here so my girlfriend and Seulgi could patch things up with each other. And we are not doing anything. You are exaggerating it, Wannie." Irene reasoned out defensively. She settled playing with Lisa's fingers.

"Wow, why are you suddenly becoming so possessive with Ms. COO? I mean Lisa." Wendy asked with a hint of suspicion. "Tell me, did something happen without me knowing?" She was ogling her two friends. She felt like she missed out on such details.

Lisa choked while having her lemonade juice. "Gosh!" She felt embarrassed being put into the hot seat. She was looking at Irene to rescue her. She knew she can never win against Wendy's reasoning. She could never dodge any of her questions if ever. Her brainy friend could really connect the dots and she's not the kiss-and-tell person.

"Because she's my girlfriend, mine. And.." Irene immediately joined the talk to speak for Lisa and trailed off as she looked at the unexpected person walking in their direction together with Seulgi.

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