Chapter 55

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Third Person's POV

"Girl, this is the moment you have been waiting for. Do you know who is just at the next function room?" Rosé cheerfully entered the room.

"Is today her first day?" Jennie asked. She was just hiding her excitement and pretended she knows nothing about Lisa's comeback.

"Yes, and you have to retouch right away. I believe the CEO and the COO are discussing an important matter with her. She'll be here after their meeting." Rosé pushed her friend to go to the powder room.

"Rosé, calm down. Let's not be obvious around her."

At the other function room. Heechul just finished reviewing some documents given by Wendy. Lisa, Irene, and Wendy were just waiting for the CEO's special announcement. It wasn't really on the schedule so they were all puzzled why they were gathered for an immediate meeting.

He looked contented when he finished signing the last document and handed it to Wendy. "You are all probably wanting to ask me why I called you here at this hour. I know you are getting intrigued by now. As you are all aware the clients specifically asked to work with Lisa since they love her previous proposal. And I am grateful to my daughter for persuading Lisa to come back. She's new and it was given and we don't want Lisa to be short on our support.  We will be assisting her all throughout. So there's another movement I arranged myself recently. I don't want you to get surprised about this. Since it's a special project I will include another person. Lisa will have a partner so someone could guide her directly. So Wendy and Irene can just focus on their respective assignments. Her partner, she's an expert in the field and with an exceptional career background. I believe she will be very important to us. It wasn't a haste decision if you are going to object because it was kinda sudden. Her portfolio was reviewed by both Ms. Park and Ms. Kim and they already approved it before this meeting even happened."

Wendy and Irene looked at each other. They were both clueless. They couldn't think of any person that the CEO was describing to them. But they had gut feelings she's really impressive to be able to get that far.

"Lisa, I trust that you won't take things personally. This is for the company and I have no intention to put pressure on you." Heechul said. "And Joohyun, I hope you trust me on this as your father."

"Who is Lisa's partner, uncle? I mean President?" Wendy getting more curious.

"Come on in. It's about time to introduce yourself formally." Heechul announced and the door opened.

"Nyeongan!!!" Jisoo greeted everyone cheerfully. "My name is Kim Jisoo, a new member of BAE Corp. I'll work hard and do my best as what is expected from me." She winked cutely at Lisa. "And so I believe you're my assigned partner in this project Ms. Manoban." She slightly wiggled her brows.

"Father? I mean President, why is Chihu here? What about the movie house she is currently managing?" Irene would like to object but her father's decision was final.

"I assigned someone else. You see, I reviewed Lisa and Jisoo's performance and they really did well together. It is not something personal. I believe everyone can set the past aside and prioritize the company first." He challenged both her daughters.

"Yes, Sir. This is well understood." Lisa bowed. She knew that the president's judgment is always right. And she has nothing against the decision. She was just worried for the twins. The two just reconciled and she didn't want them to get into another misunderstanding.

"Okay, I'll get going. Wendy, you will be in charge. Ms. Park and Ms. Kim are just in the next function room. I don't think they need to know about Jisoo much other than what was provided in her portfolio. It is highly classified. To add just simply introduce them like regular employees. And Jisoo, take note of this. You won't be receiving any special treatment here. Just like your twin, you must earn people's respect by working hard. Did I make myself clear?"

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