Chapter 29

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Wendy and Seulgi are both confused why Irene would lie about going to the cafe. The three are silently sipping on their drinks. Exchanging looks as if reading each other minds is possible.

"Yah! I can't take this anymore. Rene, what was that all about? You even dragged Seulgi here at the cafe when you outright declined my invitation? I thought you wanted to go back and work with the COO?" Wendy finally broke her silence and demanded some answers.

"It's complicated and Ms. Kang I do apologize for being rude earlier I hope you don't feel uncomfortable with me." Irene apologized and Seulgi just smiled at her.

"Well, a deal is a deal. I think I'll be taking her favorite car because you just helped me there." She stretched her arms and focus on her drink as if it were the most fascinating thing she has ever seen in her entire life. She clearly does not want to be there but she got cornered.

"What deal are you guys talking about? I didn't follow." Wendy asked.

"Ms. Kang is my fake girlfriend," Irene explained and Seulgi could not help but stare at her full of amazement.

"What????! Hell no not her, Rene. This is so unfair." Wendy objected to whatever Irene is planning to do with Seulgi.

"Seungwan, it is just a fake one. I am just playing with them. Of course, Ms. Kang does not invest any feelings in this fake relationship." Irene glanced at Seulgi briefly.

"But you know she's my type. Why would you use her?" Wendy could not help but pout like a kid being conned.

"Aheeem, girls I am just in front of you. Please don't act as if I don't exist." Seulgi reminded and sat upward.

"Ms. Kang just let me deal with my best friend. I will contact you soon." Irene said.

"Yahhh, you can't contact her anytime she's just your fake girlfriend. You might fall for her in the end, Rene. God! I can't believe you would cross me like this." Wendy protested in frustration and some customers look at them.

"I guess that's my cue to leave. You girls talk it out. I'm outta here." Seulgi retreated immediately afraid to get involved between the two girls. "And please just call me, Seulgi." She walked fast as if afraid someone would ever stop her.

Seulgi started to feel uneasy as she tried to recollect what she just saw earlier. To be completely honest Irene's giving off some kind of impression that she's trying to hide something from Lisa. There's something about Irene's eyes, the way she looks at Lisa. She does not hate her for Jisoo. What Seulgi saw was a woman trying to conceal how hurt she is. That's what she wanted to figure out.

"It would be impossible if she's attracted to Lisa they just met and they are complete strangers to one another. What could it be then?" She decided to keep everything she witnessed but she would be more observant. She dialed the number she memorized by heart.

"Hi, uhm, are you busy? Can I go there and hang out at the cafe?" She asked for permission.

"Sure, Bear. You sounded like something is troubling you." Jisoo asked worriedly. "Is everything okay at work?"

"How's Lisa? How are the two of you doing?" Instead of answering Jisoo's question, she asked her.

"She's working somewhere else, must be for the company expansion. I haven't heard from her yet. Maybe dad is making her occupied."

"Yeah, she's probably busy right now. Don't worry I know my best friend she's so invested in you so she would do everything to make you proud of her."

"I know, I trust her that's why I have nothing to worry about."

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