Chapter 27

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"Why are you looking for the COO?" I am actually nervous as to why Irene is looking for me. But didn't she know her father assigned me to this job? Does she think the new COO is a guy?

"Uhm, just business related. I need to have a word from him because there's a bit of a misunderstanding. Wendy and I got assigned to work for him."

I look at the other small woman beside Irene. She looks really in pain and quiet. "I see, Irene would you like to introduce me to your companion?"

"Uhm, this is Miss Son Seungwan. My best friend. She has a high reputation in the cosmetics industry. Their brand is leading in abroad and among the top 5 here in Korea."

"Miss Son, nice meeting you. I'm Lalisa Manoban, Please take good care of me. Your guidance is vital for me to learn new things."

"Just call me Wendy. I prefer my English name while in a working environment." She subtly winked at me.

"Sure, you can call me Lisa too."

I offered my hand for a  handshake but Irene immediately slapped Miss Son's hand. "Lisa, this is not a good time for a chit chat we are here for the COO."

"Irene, how did you know her?" Wendy finally talked.

I smiled because, from the looks of these two women, they seem to be true experts in the business who I needed most to guide me to work properly and fill in my role as COO.

"Why are you smiling?" Wendy asked.

"You guy's are already talking to the new COO. It's kinda funny I just knew about this when Irene's dad briefed me. I am actually waiting for the two of you but I didn't expect you to be one of them, Irene. I hope you'll teach me everything." I bowed to show my respect to my mentors.

The two women looked dumbfounded after I told them who I am.

"You're what?/You're the COO?" They said at the same time.

"Yeah." I scratched my nape.

"He's not my biological father. I never call him, Dad." She corrected me in her cold voice. Lisa, you need to be careful with your words. I mentally scolded myself.

"Omo, omo. We were expecting to deal with a moron." Wendy giggled but I sure heard her call me a moron. So I look at her for an explanation. "Oh no, I mean we thought we will be dealing with a guy. I am glad it's a woman after all, right, Rene?"

"How did this happen?" Irene seemed to be still shocked.

"You know my best friend is more comfortable working with women. She's allergic to men. We will do our best Miss COO. If you like I can be your personal secretary. I can work with you 24/7." Wendy generously offered which amazed me.

"Oh, no need for that Miss Son. You're being helpful enough. Let's just spend 8 hrs on a daily basis with 3 days off."

"Gosh, we have 3 days off?" Wendy clapped happily. "Feel comfortable addressing my name. No need for honorifics."

"I'll keep that in mind, Wendy."

"Cool, so Irene. Should we start now?" She asked Irene whose dozing off.

"Irene, is there a problem?" I asked worriedly because she seem to be so conflicted.

"Well, I just wonder why my stepdad didn't inform me about you working here as the COO. Please don't misunderstand but I am upset that he made a fool out of me."

"Rene, what are you saying, she does not look like an idiot maybe he sees her potential." Wendy butted in.

I am just listening to them. So they thought I asked for this position. Now I felt my other foot is in the wrong place. Irene isn't comfortable with me ever since so this would pile up on her hate list for sure.

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