Chapter 58

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Third Person's POV

Lisa couldn't get enough of Irene. She didn't care if they would arrive late at Jennie's party. She missed her girlfriend so much. And being alone with her like that is a rare opportunity.
She distracted Irene from preparing what she should wear for the party and carried her onto the bed. She was glad Irene stayed for lunch and decided to attend the party together.

"Stop please, stop." Irene was giggling and trying to stop Lisa's naughtiness. "God, no! Don't go there please." Her girlfriend was giving her small bites on her side and that's one of the ticklish parts of her body. She taught Lisa already lost her self-control. She was acting so behaved during their lunch and nothing unusual until she was fitting her dress in front of her. A part of her felt guilty because she should have not tried on those provocative dresses in front of her girlfriend. She must have baldly turned on.

"Hmmmmm, I missed you a lot. I want to kiss every inch of you." Lisa said truthfully. She wanted to make love with her girlfriend. They were supposed to just have lunch so she invited Irene to come over to her place. But her inner demon was telling her to do more. That they both deserved it after a very long time of not being able to feel each other, flesh to flesh.

"No, we will be late. You don't want to disappoint Ms. Park and Ms. Kim, right?" Irene tried to push Lisa away so she could get up.

Lisa groaned. "Can't we just stay here?" She complained like a child as she hugged Irene tightly. She didn't want to let her go.

"You should have not accepted the invitation in the first place so don't ever complain to me. It wasn't my fault, honey. Besides I am just accompanying you since you needed a plus one." Irene bopped her nose on her cute girlfriend. A part of her was tempted too but worried they won't be able to meet their commitment for the night.

Lisa gave Irene a peck. "You're not just a plus one. You're my date and my only muse, Hyun." She wanted to clear this up.

"Mmmmmm," Irene had no response for it. But it overwhelmed her every time Lisa would assure her like that.

"Besides, I can't decline Rosé's invitation. She was really pleading with me to attend. That woman is head over heels for Jennie." Lisa was playfully stroking Irene's erect nipples. She couldn't wait to undress her.

"Hmmm, should we help her?" Irene asked as she was laying atop Lisa.

"Nuh, she'll manage and she knows her boundary. We may only bruise her pride. She rather wants me to stay out of it."

"Alright." Irene sat on Lisa's lower body and caressed Lisa's exposed abs. "So does this hotshot want to continue what we're doing or shall we get out of bed and get ready for the party?"

Lisa grinned, "Give me some time." She pulled Irene to pepper her with kisses. "Gosh, I love you so much, Bae Joohyun. Why are you making things difficult for me, huh?" She lifted Irene and changed their positions so she could hover on top of her. She held Irene's hands against the bed so she couldn't move.

Irene stared at Lisa. She knew already she needed to give in that time. She could read the longing and the need in Lisa's pair of doe eyes. She was desperate to get what she wanted. And anyone could melt by just the way she stared at her. Irene knew as well anyone could readily sell their souls to the devil just to have this moment with Lisa. She used to only dream of kissing her. She fantasized about Lisa most of the time when they were merely strangers to each other. Her day was always daydreaming of being with her even though Lisa seemed not to care for her at first. Sometimes she still couldn't believe that Lisa is all hers now. They've come too far and nothing else matters but their relationship. So she purposely licked her lower lip to tease her sexually frustrated girlfriend. She knew her weaknesses though.

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