Chapter 14

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I hate him for acting as if he's our real father. Like Chichu needed his permission to date, anyone. I feel annoyed already even before the actual dinner get started because he needs to join us. I really don't like him trying to fill in our real father's role. He's been there ever since no wonder he got close to Chichu. But acting as if he's really the father is a big no to me.

Well to my delight I enjoyed  Mom's home-cooked meal so I settled first at the table while waiting for my sister and her guest. I felt the presence of our guest since Mom cautioned me and I heard Chichu apologizing on my behalf for my awful attitude toward our stepdad. So I straighten up myself to face this Lalisa or Lisa. And also to see if she's deserving of my sister's love. I will not allow any person whose not within my standard to date my only sister.

When I turned around to face Chu's special guest, my whole world crumbled down. I could not bring myself to talk to them. Confusion is written all over my face for sure. Then something clicked. Her set of clothes is all familiar. She's wearing the same hoody and pants but this time her face is visible. No hoody covering her head and no facemask hiding her beauty. The same girl at the mall. So for a second she never notices that it is me. I could have recognized her earlier if she was not wearing those. I could have recognized she was my blondie. That's why everything about her intrigues me. Her doe eyes could speak a thousand words.

Why is Blondie in here? it is the big question I keep asking myself mentally. I asked her to look for me when she was not drunk but not in a way to introduce herself as my twin's lover. I don't know what exactly to feel and how to react. I can't just get mad when none of this is Chichu's fault. I looked at my sister and she was also confused about my state. I am a big fat liar if I'll say I am not getting angry about the situation. Why does it have to be her? Why? Her name is wonderful, so she's Lalisa Manoban, the drunk woman I always stalk at the bar. She's the woman I've been longing to know and be part of her future. Why can't it be me? I thought we are fated to love each other. My efforts are put in vain. I will never have you, Lalisa. Not now that you belong already to someone else. Worst she's not just somebody but my twin sister, my very best friend. I could no longer hold my feelings anymore. I shed tears but I immediately shut my eyes to stop them. This moment is not ours but yours and Chichu's. This day is important to her. I can't let my feelings take over me and put my sister down. My only sister never took the courage to be out of the closet. Now she has her reason to be proud of. I can't just ruin it for her. She's important to me.

Lisa's staring at me. Like she's confused but looking worried at the same time. Is this where we should really end when we haven't started yet? Are you truly happy now with Chichu that's why you forget your reason to drown yourself in alcohol.
I have so many questions in mind but everything is useless now. Some things are rather be kept untold than cause problems for others. I did pull myself together and acted tough in front of them.

"Hi, nice to finally meet you, Lalisa Manoban. My name is Bae Joohyun. I am actually Chu's sister." I extended my hand to her "Well her twin sis, just minutes older." I laughed fakely after explaining this to her. Who am I kidding, right? All I wanted to do is to run away from them. To try to get over her right away because I can't afford to hurt Chichu. Maybe the two of them are destined to be together. I am just being delusional having a huge crush on someone who doesn't even spare me a single glance. The way she smiles at Chichu is killing me. That should be me making her smile. Right now, I am invisible in front of her. She only sees me as the girl from the mall. And Chichu's twin sister. She does not recall talking to me at the bar.

"Uhm hi ah-" She's having a hard time processing everything. Both of us are shocked for sure. But she's not aware of my feelings. I want to push her and yell at her, "How dare you forget about me? How dare you break your promise to look for me?"

Chichu clung onto her arm. "What? Are you surprised I have a pretty twin?" She teased her. "I told you so, right? Baechu here is drop-dead gorgeous. She's always the head turner." She said proudly.

"Oh, no, no, not at all. I think all of the family members are so good-looking people. By the way Sooyaa. Well, your sister. I mean, uhm." I caught her stealing glances but still getting all shy. Did she happen to remember me now? No, she can't tell to Chichu.

"Relax, Limario. Baechu does not bite. You two are strange. Have you met before or do you guys know each other?" She asked curiously.

"Chu, what are you talking about? This is my first time meeting your GIRL." It tasted like poison on my own tongue. "I tried to wink at Lisa so she would ride along.

"Ha?" Lisa obviously got more confused as I explained it to my sister. "Ah yah, it is nice meeting you. Joohyun unnie." What the hell she's calling me unnie. Jisoo and I are the same age but she's not calling her unnie. Grrrr. Because I am just the sister, right? Who am I fooling around? Of course, I am older than her. I really hate this day! I wish the damn floor open and eat me. How can I escape from this? Somebody, please save me.

"Just call me, Joohyun. I prefer it that way." I said coldly. I don't know why am I acting like this. I can't be close to her it's gonna hurt me more.

"Ah, okay," Lisa said timidly.

"Come on, ladies, let's all settle. Dinner is ready." Mom called us.

She sits beside Jisoo and I am in front of her. Next to me is Mom. Then Mr. Kim Heechul settled at the end of the dining table.

"Lisa, right?" He started. "You know, we all got surprised that someone caught Jisoo's attention. She's not vocal about her preference. We're actually strict in so many ways. But Tiffany and I consider the kids feeling more."

"For God's sake, we're no longer kids," I interjected which earned all of their attention. "Sorry."

"Joohyun here is more of the independent girl. She does not want to work in our family business." My Mom supplied. "We heard a lot of good feedback from our other staff. You've been such a hard-working employee which made things easier for Jisoo. We can't thank you enough."

"Oh, not a problem. The pleasure is mine. I do random stuff so it's really okay."

"Now that we meet you in person and we have nothing against you dating our child. Well, I would love to offer you a good position, Lisa." Mr. Kim offered.

"Dad, please go easy with Lisa. Let her breathe." Jisoo interrupted. "Don't get pressured, you can decline if you are not interested." She held her hand and I just cast my eyes down to avoid seeing their hands.

I am so done. I can't stay any longer and deal with them. "Excuse me, I should get going. Mr. Son wanted me to send a report early tomorrow and I haven't started the task yet." I excused.

"Hold up, Baechu. Lisa will go with you. It's really late and she does not want me to drive her home. Can you give her a ride? Just drop her off, she'll take the subway." Jisoo pleaded.

"Sooyaa, I am good. Do not bother your sister."

"I am not bothered. It's okay." I said emotionless.

Lisa looked at me with doubt. While my sister kissed me on the cheek. "Thanks, sis!"

I think it is a bad idea. But I don't want her or anyone to think that I am being affected. I will just drop her off. I won't be doing anything. This feeling I have for her must die real soon or it will be a bigger problem.

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