Chapter 19

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Lisa was so restless, she was not able to get some sleep. She wished she asked for Wendy's number so she could check about Irene's condition.

Then she felt so guilty for not sending Jisoo a text message. She took a deep breath and pulled herself together. She heard knocks so she opened it.

"Hey!" Seulgi greeted with two cups of coffee. "Coffee for you, buddy."

"Gees, just what I needed. Thanks."

"You're welcome, buddy." She smiled timidly at Lisa. "May I stay and finish my coffee here?"

"Why are you even asking? This is your house, Seul."

She chuckled forgetting it was her house."So, how was meeting the Kims?" She sat and crossed her legs. She grabbed one of the car magazines of Lisa to lazily flip the pages as if something interesting would catch her attention. She was worried for a lot of reasons. She could not brush it off. She still recalled Jisoo's concerned voice over the phone call last night. As much as she hates to admit it, she always has a soft spot for the chicken lover.

"The dinner went well but I stayed short there." Lisa settled next to Seulgi on the couch and put the coffee on the center table. "Jisoo's family is amazing but.."

"But what?"

"Her sister, I mean yeah she has a twin sister. It's funny for months of going out with her she hasn't talked about her twin much. I was surprised."

"What's with her twin sister? She's just another family member why are you being bothered by this?"

"I accidentally bumped into her at the mall prior to meeting her on the same day during dinner. We didn't really get along."


"Something is strange about her."

"What kind of strange? Why you sounded very interested in her? Given Jisoo is drop-dead gorgeous for sure her sis looks equally the same."

"Nope, they are not identical twins but both are damn beautiful. There are times they look the same but not really."

"Hey, buddy, you don't sound like my buddy. Are you being possessed?" Seulgi joked. "You only worried about Jennie this much. And when you met Jisoo you become better. How on earth you are so concerned about her twin sister when you just met her yesterday?"

"I think, I am being affected Seul. She does not like me for Sooyaa." Lisa thought Irene not liking her would be a problem in the future. "I need her approval to date, Sooyaa."

"Is she straight?"

"Why did you ask?"

"Well, I'll help you. Maybe when she knows you better then she'll loosen up and would like you for her twin. And that would be my role to play. I'll build up and boost your morale with her."

"Gees, how would she even be close to you? She's Sooyaa's complete opposite."

"Yah, just let me meet her, okay? Who knows she might be gay and we'll click. Then we will be having a double date. Us, being brothers dating the twins, that's gonna be an epic, Lis." She patted Lisa's head.

"Seul, don't imagine things. Irene isn't an easy girl."

"Uh, such a wonderful name. Irene huh? We will see about that. I will use all the remaining charms on my body. I haven't dated for ages."

"Hey, this isn't a game, okay? I am serious don't lead her on."

"Why are you being protective of her?"

"Natural instincts. She's a family." Lisa answered.

"But I am your family too. Don't you want me to go out and start dating? It gets lonely here."

"Of course, I'll support you about dating, but Irene is just a bad idea."

"Uh, just watch me swoon her. Wanna bet?"

"I can't believe you are asking me to bet. What would Jisoo feel when she figured we are betting on this?"

"Aish, this is just between us. The twins won't know anything. Come on just bet anything."

"It's impossible for Irene to even date you."

"Okay, what if she does?"

"Fine, you can take my car."

"Wow, you are so confident, Lis. Are you sure?"

"Never been this so sure. I am hundred percent Irene won't date you."

"Oh, no! You can't belittle the legend!"

"So what's the catch if I won this bet?"

"Decide for yourself, Lis. Just name it."

"Okay, I want two roundtrip tickets to Switzerland." Lisa grinned.

"Wow, a bit too much but why two? Are you going to ask your girlfriend to go with you?"

"Of course, who would I take then?"

"Gosh, you can take me! We have not traveled for months." Seulgi acted like she was being hurt by not choosing her.

"Then go and work things out with Irene. Ask her to travel with you." Lisa teased Seulgi. "I'll be easy on you. You have a full month to work it out, Seul."

"I'll make it earlier than a month. Watch me, buddy." Seulgi smirked and sipped on her coffee.

Well, she's really not there to have this silly bet with her best friend. She was supposed to ask Lisa where she'd come from. Jisoo called her asking if she knew Lisa's whereabouts. She was worried too because her best friend never did that. She always sends a message ahead of time so people won't be worrying about her. For Seulgi it was still a big mystery where Lisa went and why Jisoo was not aware of it.

She didn't want to be nosy, that's their personal lives. To be totally honest, Seulgi realized that she does not have an admiration for Jisoo. She loves her secretly but she knows her place. Besides Lisa is like a family to her she can't betray her.

At first, Lisa's relationship with Jisoo was really awkward and she witnessed how Jisoo made efforts to let Lisa know she was there to accept her. Jisoo waited for Lisa to forget Jennie. She changed Lisa into a better person. Like the monkey really came clean from alcohol. When Lisa thought Jennie was her whole damn world, Jisoo came to prove she was more than perfect. She was so patient and consistent making Lisa finally see the real beauty of her not only from the outside but her heart too. Which makes Seulgi admires her more.

Sadly Seulgi needed to endure everything that was being unfolded in front of her. She witnessed how the two fell in love and how the relationship blossomed. There's nothing she could not do for Jisoo. If her sister Irene is distracting Lisa then she would help in the situation. She believes Lisa belongs to Jisoo and she'll have to step forward and do something about Irene. She couldn't bear to see Jisoo hurt by Lisa. She has been always willing to set aside her own happiness for them.

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