Chapter 7

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"Finally you answer my call." She said in relief. "I was trying to reach you. I thought we are going to buy some new clothes?"

"Not today. I have guests"

"You have guests? Wow, this is the first time you forgot our twinnie date. Are you dating someone behind my back?" She teased.

"No, I am not. And if I do then it should be 'I got a date'. I said I have guests. GUESTS." She said with emphasis on it.

"Chu, technically I am still older by minutes." She reminded me because her twin is being sarcastic for no valid reason.

"But I act more like an older sister to you, Kim Joohyun." Jisoo points out.

"Stop calling me a Kim. You know I would never ever want to be one." She said annoyed.

"Baechu, why are you still trying to fight them? Stop resisting. Just think you are putting our Mom's last name. Don't think of other things. Besides Dad has been always good to us."

"Stop calling him, Dad. He is far from Dad. He's trying hard. He will never be our Dad. You should never call him like that. I never approve him for Mom."

"Okay, Baechu calm down. This is not a good time to be arguing about dad with you. Just go by yourself, I am busy right now. I promise I will make it up to you. We will shop together next time."

"Are these people more important than your own twin?"

"Sorry, Baechu. I'll talk to you later." She felt a bit guilty for dismissing her twin sis.

"Okay, bye, I love you, sis." She understood Jisoo is just busy at the movie house and did not push further.

"I love you too. You take care and be home early."

"Yes, Mom."


She then hangs up the line. She was supposed to help her do the part-time job at the movie house but because she's a rebel, she refused their Mom's request. And she did not feel any remorse for abandoning her twin sis. She felt she was losing her sister because she got totally brainwashed by their mom and stepdad.

She respected Jisoo's decision to acknowledge herself as a Kim. They were officially adopted. As if they had a choice when their mom married that man when they were little. She still uses Bae, she misses her late dad every day. She was daddy's girl. And she hates the fact that Jisoo grew closer to their stepdad and their real dad is being replaced.

She continued driving with no direction. She didn't feel like going to the mall and shopping alone. But she also didn't want to go home early. She tried to think of better things to do but she couldn't.

"What is she really doing recently? Should I help her at the movie house? No, no way. Mom will then tell me that finally, I am accepting them fully. I should be firmed and let them know that I will remain as Bae Joohyun unless I get married." She shook her head. "Speaking of getting married, am I really able to get married? Knowing for sure my preference then my parents would surely disown me." She chuckled at the thought of her parents being so stressed out because she would bring a woman to their home and announce she was about to marry her.

"Maybe soon when I found the right person for me. Someone who will understand me and I can rely on." She said to herself and smiled as she remembers the person she likes so much. Well, she's not really looking for love. That person came into her life in the most unexpected way. She just realized that she's falling in love with her too hard. She knew that she was not straight ever since and that desire fueled more after meeting her several times. Well if they are fated to be together so be it. Right now she just wanted to enjoy her life as a single. Not that her twin will get a lover sooner than her. She knew she'll get a lover first. Jisoo is the type of person who stays within her limits. She's afraid to try new things or disobey their parents. While she is a total rebel.

"I really wanted to unwind but I can't go anywhere. I made a promise to Jisoo to avoid trouble anymore. I don't want her to hate me for breaking my promise. She's right she is acting more like older than I am. But it is just minutes of difference. Oh no this is really bad. What should I do? I am really hating myself. I should also get a job for myself and move out of our home. I don't what to depend on anyone else."

"Oh, yeah. I'll drive to my favorite place to relax." She smirked and sped up. She normally spends time at the beach alone whenever she feels so disconnected from the world.

She drove without realizing the time. And when she got there it was already sunset. She sat on the sand and removed her shoes. "This is so relaxing. It is already sunset. I just got here and Jisoo will kill me if I go home late. She's really acting like our Mom, not my twin sis." She murmured.

"Ugh, I will deal with her later. I will just tell her that I met one of our colleagues and it took us a long before we decide to separate. Yeah, I'll call Wendy for my backup excuse."

She called one of her closest friends to have a solid alibi if ever Jisoo would suspect her.

"Eh, Irene what's up? Want to hang out tonight?" Her friend asked her.

"Oh, not tonight Seungwannie. I just needed to ask you a favor."

"Sure thing. Game on."

"If ever Jisoo calls you, please, please tell her that I was with you at the mall."

"Uhm, Irene, why would I do that? You never lied to your twin sister."

"Okay, this is the first time. Well, I was supposed to go shopping with her but she declined today and asked me to go by myself. I don't feel like going to the mall. I am outside the city right now."

"Geees, okay. I will cover for you but you owe me big time. You really need to hang out with me next time. Our friends are asking a lot of questions as to why you stopped hanging out with us?"

"Is that all you want? Shoot. Count me in. I will surely hang out with you."

"Okay, just take care wherever you are Irene. And please no silly business this time."

"No, no I am not doing silly stuff. I am just here alone on the beach getting some fresh air."

"Good, just be safe, okay?" Wendy reminded her.

"Thank you so much, Wannie! You are an angel, I swear!"

"Yeah, whatever Irene. The deal is a deal."

"Got it. I will hang up now." She smiled widely knowing she was saved.

She takes a deep breath and enjoys the sea breeze. "How I wish to spend a day with my special someone in here someday. That's going to be so romantic." She squealed like a dolphin, good thing no one is there. A part of her misses a specific person.

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