Chapter 25

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This is happening at the same time...
Both Lisa and Irene arrived at the company. Heechul's secretary assisted Irene together with Wendy to go to their designated area.

While Heechul meets Lisa personally to give his special instructions.

Welcome aboard, Lisa. This is your new office. I hope you wouldn't mind if I didn't follow through with your request. I made a list of what's your task on a daily basis. And the manuals for COO. Don't worry you'll get used to it and I got your back. I also assigned people to help you with your job since you are a beginner and do not have any managing background. You'll have two experts who will work with you closely. They should be here after their briefing. I will leave you for now. I know everything has not sunk in yet. Congratulations on your promotions!!! Fighting!!!

Lisa is unable to process what's Heechul just told her.

COO, COO, COO.........

"Chief Operating Officer. How the hell I got a high position when I said I only work for them if I start from the bottom?" She said to herself.

"Welcome aboard Miss Bae and Miss Son, well there is a slight change with your job assignments." Heechul's secretary explained. "It's all indicated in the manuals. Feel free to read it when you have free time."

"What change is that? Irene already explained the situation to me and I am not protesting if that's my father's doing. I am cool working under Irene. Even she would boss me around." Wendy winked at Irene who then returned with a warm smile.

"The COO position has been filled." He said and waiting for the girls' reaction.

"Excuse me, Secretary Lee, Mr. Son notified me about the possible position I may fill in. There must be a misunderstanding. Why would they hire anyone when it is supposed to be given to me by my stepdad?"

"Your mother asked the CEO to give you some challenges. She believes it would be vital to start working as a key player. Staffs run the business but nothing to worry you'll get paid accordingly. The new COO isn't equipped with the skills that the two of you have. You will be assisting the new COO since your expertise will be vital to help the expansion succeed."

"Wait," Wendy massaged her forehead. "What do you mean, the new COO isn't equipped with skills? How the hell, Uncle entrusted the position to someone whose incompetent? Either Irene or I am up for the job. I could say we are actually qualified and Irene being one of the heirs must really have the position." She complained.

"Secretary Lee, why did my stepdad choose this person? This is so unacceptable and a brutal insult to us. Wendy might be irresponsible but she did not study business abroad to be humiliated like this.  Who is this new COO?"

"Miss Bae, I hope you don't make any fuss about it. I was just asked to brief you and Miss Son about the changes. You will meet the new COO by lunch."

"Irene don't let this slide. Ask your Mum, come on. This is so unbelievable. Why would my father allow your stepdad's plan?" Wendy stomped her feet like a kid having tantrum.

"Excuse Secretary Lee, may I just call my Mom."

"Of course Miss Bae. I will now take my leave." He excused.

Irene immediately dialed her Mom's number.......

"Mom, what's going on? Wendy and I are here in the company. Secretary Lee briefed us but this isn't what Wendy's father told me a few days ago that's why I accepted this offer."

"Good morning too, Joohyun. Where's your manners daughter?"

"Aigoo, I'm so sorry. Good morning, Mom."

"Did you sign the contract?"

"Yeah, Wendy and I signed already and we have our own copy."

"Did it state that you will have a high position at the company?"

"No, the contract only stated that our expertise will be needed for the new expansion."

"Then you already answer your question, Joohyun."

"Huh, but Mom?"

"Please tell Wendy to do well, okay? Good luck on your first day. You'll love the new COO for sure. Bye, sweetheart!"

"Mom?Mom! Aigoooo! She hung up already."

"What did Auntie say?" Wendy asked.

"Wendy we're in trouble. Why didn't we read the contract thoroughly and asked more questions?" Irene started to pull her hair in frustration.

"Are we really in trouble? Should I talk to my dad?" Wendy was biting her fingers already. She does this whenever she's anxious.

"No, you can't call him. It won't do us any good. I think your Dad lured us. We both got scammed." She started to feel so drain even though they just arrived at the company.

"OMG, I will really yell at him when I see him. How can he do this to us? What should we do now, Irene?"

"We do what we signed up for. We can't terminate the contract, of course."

"Should we meet the COO now so we'll able to know him more? Is he that bad in business that he needs the two of us?"

"I have no idea who that person is. I'll make sure he'll regret taking away my position."

"Let's give him hard time. Make his stay here as hell."

"You betcha, Wannie."

"Is this kind of prank?"

"I wish this is just a prank. That secretary Lee would take back all the things he said. But Mom confirmed it."

"Gosh, this is so unbelievable Irene."

"Yeah and I already felt so stupid for allowing this to happen."

"Let's meet that punk!" Wendy balled her fist.

"Yeah, we will meet him after lunch. Let's just study these manuals so we won't look like a fool in front of him." Irene suggested.

"Fine, let's work harder, Irene, and show them we are smart bitches." Wendy applauded.

"Really? Smart bitches?"

"That's what the younger generation would say it. Just don't mind the term and get along, granny."

"Yaaaah, Son Seungwan!"

"Fine! Peace. Let's read these now."

They read the manuals to kill time. They will have their lunch outside and meet the New COO afterward.

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