Chapter 17

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Wendy arrived at her place and went straight to her bedroom. Upon entering she saw Lisa sitting next to the bed with her eyes closed. She wondered if Lisa was asleep already. Technically it is her bedroom but Irene and her share the same room since the older girl is scared of sleeping alone, whereas the Son family has plenty of other rooms in there that she could stay in. Her dad assigned Irene to go wherever she is and stays at her place too. She's all glad that Irene's more loyal to her than to Mr. Son. Sometimes it amazes her still why would Irene ask for her Dad's help. She could have just worked for the Baes.

She was so careful not to wake up Lisa. She gave the medicine immediately to her best friend and miraculously the latter did not fight but just cooperate. Thankfully it was nothing serious just rashes this time. Irene went back to sleep after taking the meds without knowing Lisa's presence.

Wendy witnessed how Irene suffered because of her allergy and that almost took her best friend's life. That scared her to death so even if she would ask her to hang out she ensure Irene would only take non-alcoholic drinks.

Ahw sat on the couch across the bed and observed Lisa. She really felt she knew her. And then remembered Irene talking about a certain blond girl who she said never looked at her even once. She knew about Irene's sneaking out to stalk an unknown blond. Then she connected the dots and she realized the blond woman must be Lisa.

Now she was worried. Why would Irene be killing herself if she finally met Lisa? She knew she could not drink alcohol. What really happened between Lisa and Irene? And how did Lisa end up having dinner with Irene's family?

"What's the deal between the two of you?"

Lisa opened her eyes feeling someone is staring at her. She then turned to meet Wendy's scrutinizing eyes. And getting a bit uncomfortable.

"Oh, you're here." She sat up straight.

"Did you change her clothes?" Wendy was being so protective of Irene.

"No, no. Your maids changed her clothes. I just waited outside. They asked me to accompany her while waiting for you." She could not help but stutter. She didn't want Wendy to be thinking anything about her and Irene.

"Lisa, can you enlighten me? Why would my best friend kill herself like this? What happened?"

Lisa froze and felt blamed for something she had no clue about at all. "Okay, I will tell you everything." She raked her hair with her fingers. "I am her twin's girlfriend." She said casually.

"What????!!! Jisoo is gay???" Wendy was utterly shocked and this made Irene stir from bed.

"Hey, lower your voice, Wendy." She cautioned her. She was afraid it would wake up Irene.

"Sorry, I didn't see it coming. Irene and I are best friends but she does not share things about her twin so that's wow,  and of course really surprising for me."

"Oh, really? Wow, they really respect each other that much."

"So I believe you met Irene through Jisoo."

"Sort of. Well, I met her earlier at the mall but I didn't have the idea that my girlfriend has a twin."

"Wait so she hasn't met Irene before? So she's not the same blond girl Irene got a huge crush on." Wendy just let Lisa talk and kept her opinion.

"So I got introduced to their parents and met Irene as well. She offered me a ride to the subway station but I got a bad feeling she was not okay with me being her twin's girlfriend. She was acting so strange. So I followed her to clear up things because I wanted her approval. I thought she won't take long inside the bar. I don't really want to go inside that bar anymore. I am a changed person."

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