Chapter 46

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A few days earlier after Lisa and Jisoo's break up.


Wendy persuaded me to come home and fixed everything. She told me she was worried about how Chichu would deliver the news to our family. She didn't want me to end up looking like the bad person in the picture with LiSoo's breakup.  She also made a point of the earlier I clear things up the better. I didn't want to explain myself however she literally kicked me out of her place so I could go home to my family.

What am supposed to tell my parents? I am not sure if they would even believe in me when Chu is always the favorite child. #FAVORITEDAUGHTER at its finest. My Mum has so many expectations of her and well our real father happens to be very close with her too so I don't really stand a chance. I am an outcast inside this house. It's home but it didn't feel that way anymore after Daddy left us.

Mum prepared my favorite snacks when she saw me entering the house. She said it's been a long time since I last visited them. That was probably during Lisa's introduction. I almost jumped out because she startled me. I have no idea she was aware I would be home when I didn't send them a notice. At least she made me feel welcome.

There's always a hesitation if I should start a conversation or not. If this is just a regular day where I just drop by and check them then I could confidently talk about anything. But today I know already I may get a good scolding from Mum.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked mom expecting she would be definitely mad at me when the news finally reached the whole household. Chichu has been throwing tantrums at everyone. I actually wanted to avoid any confrontation with my parents or Chu. I just know what's gonna happen. In this house, no one is going to listen to me except Daddy who left already a few years ago. I just miss him even more in times like this.

Mum shook her head and engulfed me with a comforting hug. "Why would I be mad at you, Baechu?"

Okay, this is weird. Why isn't she mad at me? Is mom sick or something?
"Didn't Chu tell you that I cause their break up? Don't you hate us? I mean me and Lisa?" I asked sounding confused because heck I really am.

"No, I don't darling." She fixed my hair. Owwwwwws, tsk, okay that's kinda new. I kept my thoughts to myself.

"This is the first time you didn't get mad at me. Did something happen? You normally take Chu's side." I take that back, I just need to know why she's acting like that.

"I wanted to listen first to your side story before I get to decide who really is at fault. Both of you are my precious daughters. I may not be a perfect mother to you and maybe I made bad decisions in the past that I lost your confidence in me, but darling Mommy is really trying hard to act together. I don't want to lose you. I know you are distancing yourself from us because I failed as your mother."

"Mum." I wanted to say I don't hate it. My late Dad always reminded me about not holding grudges against anyone. That I should be considerate and understanding all the time. If I won't take the initiative of doing so then more conflict can't be avoidable.

"It's alright, Mommy is just being emotional. The two of you always have a sisterly fight but nothing like this ever happens. Chu isn't going out for days. I tried to help but she's pushing me away." Mum looks tired and really worried. Chu is really a pain in the ass. She's old enough to be acting like this. She isn't even like this when we were kids.

"What did Jisoo tell you then?" I grew curious about whatever she just said to our parents. There's a tendency that she would lie to them to save her flat ass. Sorry if I am being too much sass. Grrr, I just can't help but get pissed off due to the situation.

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