Chapter 22

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"Irene, come in. Please have a sit. What do you want to have? I'll have my secretary prepare it for you."

"Oh, no worries, Uncle. I am just here to clarify something. It's about the message you sent me earlier."

"Oh, yes, yes. I almost forgot about it. Well, your dad and I talked last week and he's getting all worried about you."

"Uncle, you know Mr. Kim isn't my biological father. And I don't want to call him like that."

"I'm so sorry, Irene. I am really sorry if I hurt your feelings. But please hear me out. Well, I was your Dad's best friend. And I know you are missing him so much. I also opposed your Mom's second marriage but through time Heechul has proven his sincerity. He really does love your Mom and of course both Jisoo and you." Uncle explained. I wished to just have this conversation done and be out of his office.

"Still he could not replace my real dad. Whatever he does I won't accept him as my father."

"I know, sweetheart. I know. But yes, your stepdad is just looking after your well-being and he highly suggests that I encourage you to work with your company. This is something that you should decide, Irene. Heechul believes your expertise will be a great help to the company's expansion and this would also mean a lot to your late dad. He was working so hard about the expansion and after so many years it's about to happen."

"I can't, Uncle. I can't bear to work for our company. It will only bring me sad memories of my father's effort of building it then he would never see it succeed."

"Irene, you are your father's eyes. Let him see what he had worked for all those years. Use this as your driving force to overcome your fears. Let go of your father, Irene. It has been so long."

"I don't know, Uncle."

Uncle patted my shoulder, "Don't worry I'll send that brat to join you. It's about time Wendy should learn to be responsible too. I don't know when she'll ever mature since it's impossible for her to grow up." He chuckled pertaining to her daughter's short height. But I am also short just like Wendy. Why are they always making fun of our heights?

"Then that sounds a trouble to me, Uncle."

"Why? You'll have her to work with you not the other way around. She'll be your secretary."

"Uncle that could make your only daughter flip. You know how uncontrollable Wendy is."

"That is why I am so grateful you are her bestie. She'll have to adjust in the real world. Sooner or later she'll have to run my company. I wanted her to be a capable CEO and prepare for the challenges."

"I promise not to let you down, Uncle. And I will take care of Wannie too while she's working at the company."

"That's the answer I am waiting for from you, Irene. I'll call Heechul about this. You go back to your area and gather your things tell Wendy to pack her things too."

"Yeah, Uncle."

I'll do this for Dad and no one else. Mr. Kim should not think I have accepted him already. I went straight to Wendy's office.

"Wannie we have new job assignments. Your father told me to ask you to pack your things."

"New job assignments? Then why would I pack my things? Are we going to work in abroad?" She was getting all excited about the details that just how Wendy is.

"We will move to a different company," I said without any emotion.

"What? Are we both fired?" Wendy became worried. "What did I do this time? Do you think Dad figured that I almost lose the recent project?"

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