Chapter 37

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I notice that my monkey and I are growing apart. There are things that she keeps asking me about. Like since when did I get allergic to perfume? How early did I start drinking alcohol? I felt something is really going on with her. I don't know what exactly it is but I got the feeling she's starting to realize something. I need to make sure Baechu won't get in my way. Call me selfish but Limario is mine alone. I won't share her. My twin should back off knowing we are in a relationship regardless if I tricked Limario in the first place. I don't care if they met first. She's mine and finder's keeper. I called Seulgi and asked some questions about how is my girlfriend doing at work. She assured me she is just busy proving her worth so my family would approve of Limario and not notice any strange about her. It is kinda relieving knowing I got Seulgi's full support. She could be my eyes and ears. I knew that she can never say no to me and she can be more loyal to me than to her best friend.

I prepared food for Lisa so I can stop by during her lunch break. This is to lowkey remind my sister to back off and claim what is mine. I will talk to daddy as well to somehow reassign my girlfriend or Baechu. At first, I was okay with them working at the same company but now I figured she was working directly with my sister and it made me worried day by day. She might tell her she's that girl. I can't just wait for it to happen. I need to move ahead of them.

I barged into my Limario's office ignoring my sister and Wendy. Gosh, she's obviously unhappy with my present. I don't like the feeling of being jealous or losing over my twin. I always hate it when she got first whatever I want. This time I should win. And Lisa, I will make sure to keep her away from her.

She smiled the moment she see me get in. I knew she missed me a lot and she was burying herself to work again.

"Hi, Chu! It's nice to see you here." Wendy greeted but it doesn't feel genuine at all.

"Chichu what brings you here?" My twin asked.

"What? Am I not allowed to see my girlfriend? The company has taken most of her time and I can barely see her. I regretted that I allowed her to work for this company. She was doing great at the movie house."

"What's with the attitude?" Wendy asked.

"Nothing just missing my hot girlfriend, here." I kissed her in front of Wendy and my obviously jealous twin. That's it, die in jealousy Baechu. You should stop whatever evil plans you have. You can never steal my girl.

"Hey." Lisa stiffened but accepted my kiss anyway.

"Have you eaten lunch already? I cooked all your favorites. Come on let's  eat." I said with an authority. "I brought extra for Baechu and Wannie."

"But COO has a-" Wendy was interrupted by my sister.

"It's okay, she cooked of these for us. We can have our early lunch. I'll just adjust the COO's schedule." Baechu chimed in.

"Great. So it's decided. Why on Earth you never informed me you are working closely with my girlfriend?" I asked her. "Anyway, I am glad you are so you'll shoo those bitches trying to get her attention."

"Chu, what's with you why are you talking like that?" She asked.

"Hey, I am outta here. Just eat without me. I will head to the Purchasing Department." Wendy excused herself. Good, so she won't be meddling in family matters.

I am trying to compose myself. I don't want to hate my twin sister but I felt like she is betraying me behind my back. Lisa's life used to revolve around me yet after working with my sister she somehow change. I don't see any reason but her. She might have polluted Lisa's mind and acted like a victim.

"Come on let's all eat," Lisa called our attention.

"Before that, may I just ask the two of you?" I started. "Am I missing anything? When did the two of you become closer?"

"What are you implying Chu? Don't show your jealousy to your girlfriend." She lowkey mocked me.

"Oh well, woman instincts. I didn't know you became that desperate to steal even your sister's girlfriend. It is so pathetic, Baechu."

"Sooyaaa, that's enough. Why are you charging your own sister with such accusations?" Lisa defended.

"Oh wow, now you are siding with her. Is she the reason you became distant?"

"I am busy working. I am not able to keep in touch for a lot of reasons and it should be discussed between us."

"What to discuss? Have you been planning how to break up with me?" I yelled at her.

"Jisoos! I think that should be it. We need to talk when you are not angry at me. I still have a lot of work to do here."

"Chu what is going on with you?" Baechu asked full of concern. I hate how she is playing like the innocent woman here.

"Stop acting like you care, Baechu. You still have the nerves what a thick face. You are making me sick. Just admit it. The two of you are doing something behind my back!"

The two of them looked horrible. I must have pulled the string. "What???? Do you think I am stupid not to know? You're slowly losing interest in me, Limario." I glared at her and then back at my sister. "And you! I lost my respect for you. I thought we were a team. That we would stick to each other yet here you are you couldn't control being a slut and are too desperate to get what is mine." I pointed my finger at Baechu.

She looked hurt. "You don't know what you are talking about. Stop accusing me of something I didn't do. I was the one who got robbed here." She talked back.

"Huh, what???" I said in disbelief. "Is she doing better Limario? Are you enjoying her company? Where did I lack?"

Limario tried to comfort me but I pushed her. "Sooyaaa, please calm down. There is another way to talk this out. Not like this."

"You are here because of me. You said you wanted to prove your love to me. But no, you change your goal. You've been poisoned by my own sister. You fell into her trap. She only wants you because she feels accomplished every time she gets what she wants." I started to become hysterical and uncontrollable.

"Sooyaaa enough! Stop calling names. She's still your sister. And stop playing like you never lied to me." Limario has turned into a different person.

"See? She has you wrapped all over her hand. You never raise your voice to me. Where is my sweet girlfriend?"

"Chu, let's talk like adults. You are acting like a child. This ain't place for discussing this." Baechu begged.

I walked out because I was outnumbered. I felt like losing
I can't lost in her. Lisa is mine. I will do everything to keep her. I heard Baechu ask Limario to follow me.

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