Chapter 35

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I don't know what happened. I should be upset with her because of what she did earlier now I feel guilty. She ignored me calling her and she seemed to be about to cry soon. I saw her come out from the CEO's office maybe they had a fight or whatever. The relationship between the stepdad and stepdaughter isn't really that good compared with Sooyaaa and Mr. Kim. She has no spot for him. Maybe because she still wishes her mom should have not remarried. I have the feeling that I should follow her no matter what. Good luck if she would then gets mad again.

For someone with short legs, Irene walks really fast and I could not almost catch up with her. Can she even slow down? Good thing my long legs give me so much advantage. I did grab Irene's hand and pulled her close to me when I got the chance. It wasn't my intention but her body suddenly collided with mine so I just wrapped my arms around her. I was scared that it might hurt her. I don't want to let go of this tiny woman. She started to cry and it made me feel a lot of crappy feelings inside me. Why is she crying? Who hurt this poor tiny woman? I allowed her to take her time and cry. She's very vulnerable and not the strong and cold Irene I usually see at the office. Maybe some people already saw us or whatnot. I wouldn't give a damn about anyone. Irene needs me and this moment is very important for me. I wanted to say sorry to her because it took me months and months before figuring things out on my own. She was there for me when I was drowning myself in alcohol. She was there to cheer me up when I was at the lowest point of my life but I was not able to even recognize her. I didn't know the great difference between her and Sooyaaa because I was confused with the kiss. If not because of that kiss maybe, just maybe I realized earlier that Irene was the girl who stalked me everywhere not Sooyaa. She's the girl who bugged me at the bar. She's the old lady I met at the Subway who carried me to the park. Lastly, she's the person I promised to look for when I got sober. But I failed her. I really did hurt her and the hate she's throwing me is acceptable. She should have kicked me at their house when Sooyaaa introduced me as her girlfriend. I was so sure she was devastated the moment she recognized that it was me and I am already with her twin sister. I wished she was a bit selfish and did something crazy like tell me 'hey you got the wrong girl.' I am really sorry Irene, I've been hurting you every day. It must be torture to see me every day and work with me. I wanna make things right this time. I wanna fix everything and I should start with your sister. I hugged her tighter afraid to lose her once again.

"Irene," I called her attention. My blouse has been wet due to her tears and I don't mind. I just want to see her eyes. She flinched when she realized it was me hugging her. Why is she so cute? Her nose is already red due to crying but now her face started to turn cherry because of embarrassment. She was trying to compose herself and put distance away from me but I did not let her.


"Don't go. Stop running away from me. It's funny that you managed to stalk me almost every night for months then when I finally got sober you just stop because I only disappointed you for getting the wrong girl."

"Wait, what? You knew already?"

I chuckled, her expression was really golden and I want to capture this moment forever. "Sorry, I was a bit slow. But finally, I got this all figured out. It's a very long story. To make it short, if you remember I was looking for the old lady who lend her scarf to me, right? My search leads me to you, again I'm sorry that I even called you an old lady. I was really drunk that night."

Irene laughed so hard as I was telling her my apology. "Yah, you are quite offensive when you talk about the old lady. You don't have any idea I am close to smacking you every time you did mention it."

"I know. And I wanna make things right this time. I just wonder why your sister lied to me?"

Irene paused, "Chichu probably didn't know you were the same person I was stalking. Are you going to break up with my sister?" She asked worriedly.

"Aist, why are you so kind, Irene? Your image does not fit your real character. People's impressions of you are all misconceptions of what you seemed to be. I know I've been hurting you. I did promise to look for you when I got sober. I still want to keep that promise, Irene."

"So what? What can you do about it? You're already causing a lot of damage." She said sarcastically.

"If we are not outside with a lot of people. I might have kissed you already." And I meant those.

"Have you gone crazy?"

"Yes, and it's because of you. You're too intoxicating."

"Yah! What do you take me for?" She then smacked me and I only giggled. "What's wrong with this day? It's quite overwhelming."

I wondered what she meant by that. "Oh yeah, why were you walking away? Are you perhaps cutting from work?"

"What? Oh no, I am not. I just thought I need to get away from that building. It's suffocating."

"Is that because of me?"

"No, not really about you. It was something else. Can you allow me to take a half day today? Will you be alright with Wendy?"

"Heck no, I will go with you. I'll send her a message to have a half day too."

"What? You may be the COO but you still need to complete your duty hours."

"No, I am with the company's owner and that's valid enough. You will vouch for me, right?" I winked at her and pulled her to the parking area.

"Where are we going?"

"Chill I have no intention to abduct you. I know you don't want to get back to the office so I'll take you somewhere else." She's still very red. I helped her put on her seatbelt. My heart gets too excited whenever I am close to her. It makes me giddier actually. I pulled a paper bag from my backseat. I almost forgot about it. I should return it to the real owner. I then put the scarf around her neck. "This suits you better. Why are you being so quiet?"

"You, you ahm you don't have to do this. I am aigoo, well, not used to being treated like this." She was stuttering. Not the eloquent Irene I knew of.

"Why not? I just return your scarf back."

"No, I mean acting all sweet suddenly with me. It's ahm."

"You deserve more than that. You can take a nap for a while. I'll wake you up when we got there." I grinned triumphantly. I like seeing her reactions. It seems like I do have a serious effect on her.  She's obviously red because she's blushing. Irene is too cute for me. I would love to be the reason for her smile just like what she is to me. I won't hide anymore. I am now convinced that she's the reason why my feelings for Sooyaa is quite confusing me lately. Because I am certain I am not in the right relationship. Just wait for me to fix everything. I know she's important to you and I might hurt her in the process. I will do my best to be gentle with her.

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