Chapter 52

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If you are going to ask what happened that night then forget about it. Nothing happened. Wendy was such a bummer. We got caught almost about to do something we shouldn't be doing in the first place. We were supposed to address our problems but we kinda lost control. Well, everything was initiated by Joohyun and I was too weak to decline. Maybe we did miss each other that much. We never had a major fight like that so it somehow justifies our actions. Unfortunately, Wendy kicked me out of her house. She said we could do it some other time. Though we didn't have much time to do something else, we somehow managed to talk our problems out. And we both had a good cry because we almost broke up. I can never imagine life without Joohyun. She's everything to me. I could say what I had with Jennie and Jisoo were both real but it didn't hit like this. Joohyun is more like a home to me. She's someone I would always want to see at the end of the day. So when she drove away from me that very moment, it felt like my whole world crumbled too. We kept apologizing to each other. I told her everything about how Jisoo and I met at Seulgi's place. That I had no idea she would be hoping to see me there to get my stuff. I explained that everything I did was only out of the concern and she understood my side. I did not regret following Jisoo all the way to the bar. I would never forgive myself if something happened to her. She's someone I used to love and she was destroying herself because of me. Joohyun said she would be worried too because that was the sister we were talking about. She was a bit concerned and acted a little jealous when she learned I let Jisoo stay overnight at my place. I was able to reassure her that Jisoo and I reached a certain point of mutual agreement to stay in a good note. We needed that moment to have closure. I even told her about the kiss and hug that Jisoo asked me for. At first, Joohyun raised her brows. I couldn't read her expression but I was sure she wasn't pleased upon knowing Jisoo kissed me. That was the moment she started kissing me again all over my face down to my neck. Only if Wendy didn't barge in maybe that escalated to something more. Not that I am not ready. I am more worried about Joohyun. She's inexperienced. She may have some flings but they never came close like what we have. Ours is serious and I am not planning to let her go. And I also don't think it was the right time for that. I can always wait whenever she's ready. I am sure it was just out of impulse. Maybe she wanted to erase the invisible trace of Jisoo's kiss. I find her really cute just being like that.

My mind snapped back when someone made my head turn. My eyes were met by hers. She was looking at me with full of love and everything turns blurred except her beautiful face in front of me. She kissed me without hesitation and I returned the kiss. At the back of my mind, I was getting conscious to kiss back. People who know her and employees from the company might see us.

"Good morning, Hun. I missed you." She wiped my lips and when she was satisfied enough she then settled on the chair across from mine. We agreed to have breakfast together. "I love you." She said it without blinking her eyes and just focus on me.

My heart instantly melted as she said those words. I watched her hand reach mine. My heart beats wildly inside my chest.

Her brows furrowed and she was already pouting like a kid. "Hun, didn't you hear what I just said?" She asked.

"Huh?" I was dumbfounded. I really got lost looking at my girlfriend's beautiful face. "I'm so sorry, I couldn't take my eyes off of you. It is just me or what? It feels like you are getting prettier day by day, Honey." I blurted out which was kinda loud enough for others to turn their attention to us. Then I looked around, some eyes were already focused on us. I gulped, I don't want the unnecessary attention and yeah I am dating a company COO so who am I fooling with? Of course, people would recognize her here. This restaurant is just a few walks away from the company where I used to work.

"You think so?" She raised her brow. She was desperately trying to be cool about my compliment but failed miserably. If she isn't my woman then she could easily deceive me. But I know Joohyun well. And I know how my words could affect her.

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