Chapter 5

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Lisa accidentally puked, glad the woman did not get mad at her.

"I am so so sorry, Miss. Let me help you."  She was not able to carry her body and slump back in the high chair.

"Aigoo, you are not even  able to help yourself yet you are offering to help me." She took out the wipes from her purse to help clean up Lisa.

When Lisa was all cleaned up, she then went to the restroom to clean up herself too. "Excuse me, can you look after her? I just need to go to the restroom and find a mop." She asked the bartender.

"Oh, no need for that I'll just call the utility. You can go and do your business. I'll look after her whenever I can. You know the bar is jump packed."

"Thank you so much." She then stared at Lisa. Her head was resting on the counter. "Hey, can you promise not to move a muscle until I get back?"

Lisa signaled her to just go away. "I'm fine. Just go to the restroom."

"Aigoo, what an ungrateful brat."

A few seconds passed someone poked Lisa. "Yeah, are you done? How did you finish in seconds? I thought you are going to the restroom."

"I am looking for my sister." The woman's voice somehow became raspy.

"Oh, I thought you were alone." Lisa tried to open her eyes and her vision got blurry but she knew the same woman was smiling at her. So she smiled back too.

"Stop smiling at me. What a creep! By chance do you see my sister here? I didn't ask for my parent's permission. I just went out to check for my sister's whereabouts. I am getting so worried about her because she always goes out without telling me."

"Yah, you are confusing me. Why are you in a rush? I thought you wanted to join me."

"Oh, so you did see her."

"I don't know your sister. I'm sorry. By the way, are we going to meet again?" Lisa asked. She didn't want to be left alone.

"Maybe when you're sober." She laughed. "Look, I don't really have a thing for strangers. You have probably mistaken me for someone else. I need to really go now. She should not see me around."

"Oh, you are really confusing me. You said you've been following me. Now you're telling me you only went here to check for your sister, really? I never had a bizarre night like this. Am I dreaming?"

"You probably are. Goodnight to you."

Lisa grabbed the woman's hand. "Please, don't leave me. Jennie left me. I  don't want to be alone anymore."

"Who's Jennie?"

"She's someone I love so much but in the end, she didn't choose me."

"Look at you, poor woman."  She patted Lisa's head. "You're actually cute. You'll find a better lover in the future. Who knows we can meet outside this bar? The world is small."

"Then I'll find you when I am sober," Lisa promised.

"We will see about that. You are too drunk so stop blabbering things."

The bartender had too many guests lined up in front of her so she was not able to pay attention to Lisa.

The woman looked around and was hesitant about what she was about to do. She knew she would do something crazy but this is just one time. She surely is grounded if her parents found out she was not on her bed.

She pulled the groggy Lisa's face. "I don't really have time but I just need to confirm if I am really gay or not." She closed her eyes and kissed Lisa. This made Lisa's eyes open wide in shock. "You don't have to kiss back. This is just a self-experimentation and your lips are so inviting. For sure you will just forget about this. Goodnight."

She immediately left when she saw her sister heading back to the counter.

"Hey, thanks for watching over her." After cleaning up the woman settled back into the high chair next to Lisa.

"Huh? But you are just there?" The bartender said with a confused face as she continued to attend to her guests.

"I just got back. Didn't I tell you I need to use the restroom?" She just ignored the bartender and looked at Lisa softly. "You looked shocked. Are you okay?"

"Should I not be? What you did is damn vulgar for a lady. That's too aggressive, I must say." Lisa ranted out and she unconsciously touched her lips.

She laughed so hard that everyone around them turned their heads. "You're really drunk. You should call your friend to pick you up. I am going now. My sister has been calling me non-stop. She surely freaks out if she knew the lengths of trouble I did to follow you." She then hugged Lisa tightly. "I'll wait for you to forget your ex-lover. I really wish we will meet soon in a different situation."

"I told you, I will look for you." Lisa reminded.

"You did? I don't remember you telling me that."

"I think you are the one who's drunk here."

"Aigooo, look how talkative you are right now. Maybe drunk in love with you. And I am dead serious about waiting."

"So do I, I will keep my promise to look for you when I am sober."

"Don't make promises just do it. Goodbye for now. Please make sure to be healthy and stop drinking like crazy." She warned her.

"I will try, goodbye my stalker."

They both laughed. Lisa then felt sleepy and rested her head on the counter. She was smiling due to the thought that when she woke up she will look for her damn gorgeous stalker. She was so thrilled to meet her. Never in her entire life had she met someone who could match Jennie's beauty. Maybe she thought Jennie is perfect and everything. She was too blinded by her love. Her stalker was the epitome of perfection. She's like an art perfectly sculpted to match Aprodite's beauty. Or probably she's just too drunk and everything's overrated.

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