Chapter 18

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It is strange that Lisa didn't send me a single text ever since she entered Baechu's car. Were they engrossed in so much talking? Did Lisa realize she knew her?

I knew, that introducing Lisa to my family, especially to Baechu would have this kind of outcome. I could tell the way Baechu reacted when she saw Lisa and told her she was the one I am dating. Perhaps she'll stop whatever feelings she has for her. I am her sister and she could not steal anything from me. Technically Lisa is mine even though she knew her first. Even Lisa seemed not to know her. My twin was just her stalker and they have no connection at all.

I felt bad a little but I won't share Lisa no matter what. She made me realize that I am really not straight. It's because of that experimental kiss.

I tried sending her too many messages but no single reply from her. I even called her but she did not bother answering. What made me more anxious was Baechu also was not picking up too.  Why though? Why?

I didn't realize Mom is just behind me.
"Sweety, why are you still here?"


"What's bothering you?"

"Mom, do you think Lisa loves me?"

"Of course why would she make such efforts in meeting us when she's not even serious about your relationship."

"It's just that, well I am afraid to lose her, Mom. She hasn't sent a single message. She isn't like that."

"God, Chu. You are getting so clingy with her. Maybe she's tired and dozed off. She would message or call you when she's awake. Probably she's still at the train."

"I just hope so, Mom."

"By the way, what's with your sister? It seemed something is bothering her. Do you know if Joohyun's dating anyone?"

"Oh, I don't think so, Mom. She's busy working with the Sons."

She nodded, she's always worried about Baechu even though she's not showing it to my twin.

"Well you know it is my first time meeting someone that you love. And everything is new to me. I was not expecting you to be swinging that way like your sister. But I am happy though. I must say Lisa is a quite good catch and decent. Your Dad and I wanted to know her better and the promotion offers still stand."

"Really, Mom? Wow, your support means a lot to me. I will encourage Lisa to take the promotions."

"And please invite her again. She was not able to eat pretty well. And next time we will serve dishes she likes."

"Thanks, Mom! You are the best."

"Come on let's go upstairs. Just check your phone tomorrow."

A few months ago...

I went home straight after knowing Baechu was safe but the experimental kiss I pulled with the blond kept me wide awake the entire night. It felt that I'd been longing to experience those kinds of stuff. I wanted more and wish to know her. But Baechu got a huge crush on that blond. I could not betray my twin sister. And besides, there's no way I'll ever meet her again. But deep inside I am praying that I would meet her in the future and if I accidentally meet her then I'll surely not waste any time to know her.

Baechu just got back from sneaking out and I just pretended that I was s excited for her. I was actually getting so jealous that she could freely do whatever she wants. I am this little chicken who got scared to do even little things. She again talked about this blondie girl she's been crushing for several months. I really wanted to tell her that she's kinda slow. I already kissed her crush. It was silly and for sure we would end up fighting because of what I did. I never win against her. She's always the prettiest, smartest, etc. I am just someone who lives behind my twin's shadow. People don't notice me whenever she's beside me. Though some say we are equally beautiful, a lot of people would still choose Baechu over me because she has this mysterious appealing look. While I am the bubbly version, 4D and comical.

After a week of sleepless nights because of that silly kiss, the blondie showed up in front of me asking if there was still a job vacancy. I was like dreaming that she was really talking to me in the right state of mind and not drunk like the last time I saw her.

It's the first time I would do something bold and that's making me feel good about the things I could do. There's no turning back.

She was confused a bit. I knew she remembered the kiss and our conversation but something about her just didn't add up at the movie house.

Yeah, she might be confused about me and Baechu. I awfully felt bad that she remembered Baechu despite being drunk. I swore I would make her forget everything and only see me. I did my best and showed her who I really am and it worked. Lisa started to show some interest in me. She's liking me and asked me to go out with her. We had wonderful moments every time we were together. I became close with her best friend Seulgi too and we all hang out occasionally. Lisa would talk about her past and I would share some information about myself but not about my family.

When I felt that I have established a good foundation in our relationship after months of going out I decided to finally ask Lisa to meet my family and she was really cool about it. We're going to be official girlfriends with my parents' blessings. I also worked it out first with them. I outed myself and they accepted me. I'm so confident that whatever happened Lisa would still choose me because what we have is real.  We both love each other and not her ex nor even my twin sis could break us apart.

I knew it for myself because Lisa isn't the type who would easily fall in love with anyone. It took her time to move on from her previous relationship. I'll make sure at the end of the day that I would be Lisa's end game and no one else.

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