Forever Family

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Tonis POV

I'm so excited

Cheryl and I are finally starting a family. After 3 years of marriage, and a miscarriage each we decided to adopt. Siblings

A 3 year old boy named Kai and a 2 month old little girl named Alexa.

We're at the airport in the social services office waiting for them to land. They're from California, their biological father died before Alexa was born in the army and their mother died in childbirth. A lot of trauma for kids so small.

They're mixed, Kai has brown hair, brown eyes and a similar skin tone to mine and Alexa has the same skin tone but green eyes and lighter hair.

"What are you thinking about babes?" Cher asks

"I'm excited Cher,"

"Me too Tones," she smiles kissing my cheek

We hear a baby crying and stand up.

Kai walks in with a social worker who has Alexa in her arms.

"Do you wanna try and calm her?" The lady asks Cher

She nods and takes Alexa while I bend down to talk to Kai.

"Hey buddy, do you remember talking to me on the computer?"

He nods shyly and looks up and Cher calming his sister down.

"My sister doesn't like planes,"

"That's okay. I don't like planes either,"

"Our last family hurt her when she cried," he says "please don't do that,"

"I promise you Kai, we will never hurt you or your sister,"

"Ah you notha foste-ar family?"

"If it's okay with you, Cheryl and I want to adopt both of you. So this can be our forever family,"

He hugs me and I smile and pick him up.

"I'm always going to protect you Kai, and Alexa you don't have to worry,"

He nods against my head and I think he starts crying a little bit.

"You don't need to cry Kai,"

"I not think I have a forever family again," he whispers

I look at Cher who heard that too and she smiles at me.

"Kai this is Cheryl, she's your other mom,"

He giggles and waves.

"Are you hungry kiddo?" She asks brushing his hair out of his face

"A wittle," he nods

"Well then we better go get something to eat," I say bouncing him

He giggles again and we sigh the final papers and leave.

"Tones I'll go grab the car, take Alex for me?"

"Of course babes. Are you okay alone?"


"I love you,"

"I love you too Toni,"

She leaves and I sit on a bench with Kai beside me and Alexa in my arms.

"Whe she going?" He asks

"It's a long walk to the car so she'll grab it so we don't have to walk,"


"What's wrong?"

"She doesn't wike me?"

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