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Toni's POV
Something is up with C.
She seems annoyed and she seems like she doesn't like people talking
And not her normal "shut up you're an idiot"
Almost like "you're hurting me"
And she winces every once in a while
I'm not in her class right now and the fire alarm goes off
We start walking outside when Fangs grab my arm
"T cmon,"
"What?" I ask
"Blossom isn't doing well and she's super embarrassed,"
I nod and follow him to outside on the left of the school where Cheryl is crying covering her ears and Sweetpea is kneeling beside her
"The fire alarm is bugging her," he says "is she scared of them?"
"No," I say simply
I sit beside her and rub her back
She jumps and then realizes it me. She calms down and when the alarm goes off she unplugs her ears.
"Wanna tell me what's up?" I ask "I could tell all day something was bothering you,"
"It's not a big deal TT," she says
"Cher don't try that with me please! I know when you're lying,"
"I have an earache," she says "it started small and it's gotten worse today and the fire alarm really hurt,"
"I bet it did babe," I say moving her hair from the front of her face "you could've told me,"
"You had a quiz,"
"No I have a stubborn girlfriend," I laugh "let's take the rest of the day off, and I'll take care of you okay?"
She smiles and I kiss her forehead.
I run inside and grab my keys and Cher's stuff
"Ms. Topaz, you ran into a burning building?" A teacher asks
"It's a drill, my girlfriend's really sick," I say "we gotta get home,"
She rolls her eyes and let's me go.
"I can finally say I ran into a burning building for you Cheryl Blossom," I joke
She punches my arm and giggles
"Ow, next time your belongings can burn then,"
She gives me a small smile and I peck her lips.
"Can we just use your car for now? I don't want you driving and my bike is pretty loud,"
"Of course TT," She says
I grab her hand and I drive home.
"Go lay down babes, I'll make lunch and get something for your ear okay?" I say softly
She nods and walks upstairs
I grad Advil, food, a hot compress and walk up the stairs.
"Tones it really hurts," she whines
"I know baby, I know it does," I say rubbing her back "you wanna watch some TV and cuddle?"
She nods and rolls over so I can get on her bed.
"Put this on your ear babes, it'll help,"
She nods and puts it on her ear and we eat.
"Thanks babe," she says cuddling into me
"How is it?"
"Good im glad," I say kissing her temple
We keep watching TV and she eventually falls asleep.
I clean up and take everything downstairs and clean up the kitchen.
I get my stuff piled in my bag so i can leave when she wakes up
"You're leaving?" She asks
"Well not without saying goodbye," I say kissing her forehead
"Don't leave please. I know I'm no fun but I want you to stay,"
"You're a lot of fun baby, but I assumed you wanna be alone,"
I nod and get back into the bed.
"Sorry baby, I just assumed you wanted to sleep through the night and didn't want me leaving like usual,"
"Can you stay the night?" She whispers
"Oh babe, I don't want to over stay. I'll stay until you fall asleep,"
"No please," she says "I'll drive you to get dressed in the morning. I need you tonight,"
"Okay babe. I'll stay,"
"If you wanna change there's pyjamas.." she says while sitting up
"Woah woah babe," I say calming her down "I'm okay in this,"
"No you aren't, it's in the bottom drawer," she yawns
I change into shorts and a small sweater and climb back on her bed
"Can we cuddle?" She whispers
"Of course we can cutie,"
She moves so she's under my chin and I wrap my arms around her
"How's your ear?"
"It'll be okay,"
I kiss her and then we fall asleep

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