Come Here

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Cheryl's POV
I was having a bad day. Actually, no I was having one of the worst days of my life. Right up there the the Sisters Of Quiet Bitches and Jason's death, this has to be one of the worst days ever. Toni and I fought last night about something stupid and she's been avoiding my calls all day. Walking through the halls alone make me so sad, not being able to laugh at Toni's jokes or hold her hand or anything- and it's only lunch time. I sigh and look around the cafeteria. I'm definitely not sitting with the sad breakfast club, it's basically a therapy session every time I do so, I'm not sitting with the vixens, I can't sit with the serpents because Toni's there. Alone it is I guess. I sit down and eat my salad at a vacant table, subtly looking at Toni and the serpents every once in a while. She's smiling but not her usual amazing smile, just grinning and sitting next to Pea. Fangs points in my direction and looks at Toni. She shrugs and gives him a sad smile. She says something back that Pea didn't like because he smacked the back of her head. I can't watch this anymore so I leave, not knowing where I'm going, I throw the rest of my salad out, I'm not hungry anyways and wander the halls. I'm the only one in the halls so letting a tear slip down my cheek I sigh. I might've lost her for good. I can't even tell you what the fight was about- something stupid about her bike that I brought up. Up ahead someone rounds the corner, I see a flash of pink hair dye and the black leather jacket I'm so accustomed to seeing around the halls of Thistlehouse. I sigh and turn around so I don't see her and she doesn't see me crying.
"Cher wait," she says
I turn around
"What Toni?" I ask looking at the floor
"I wanted to say I was sorry," she says "sorry for everything I was just in a bad mood last night,"
"Why are you apologizing? I was the one being a bitch," I sigh
"But I let it get way to far," she says "sleeping at sweetpeas was not cool,"
I look up and my eyes meet hers
"Come here," she says opening her arms
She understands that relationships are hard for me.
I fall into her arms and hug her.
"I'm so sorry Tones,"
"Cher it's ok, it's ok," she says rubbing my back "it's just a fight, not a big deal,"
I nod and she wipes my tears.
"Wanna go sit with me and split my sandwich?" She asks
"I already ate," I lie
"No you threw your entire salad out again Cher," she says "I was watching to make sure you ate enough, and you didn't,"
"Fine," I sigh "What were you and Fangs talking about that made Sweetpea hit you?"
"He asked why you weren't sitting with us and I said we had a fight and I really messed up and thought you didn't want to be with me again so Pea got me," she sighs
I giggle a little.
"I love you Tones," I say
"I love you too Blossom," she says side hugging me and kissing my forehead
We go to the cafeteria and sit down.
"You two good?" Pea asks
"Ya were good," Toni smiles kissing My cheek
They laugh and I sit there- happy I got my girl back.

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