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Requested by @snowbarry_luver
Tonis POV
Sweetpea and Fangs said they have a plan for me to ask Cheryl out. I've liked her forever and I think she likes me too- well actually I know she does because she kissed me a few nights ago so I'm really excited
I was sitting at the Wyrme waiting for Sweetpea and Fangs when I get a text from Cheryl.
<<Thanks for trying Tones. I'm sorry, I'm going to be with Jason now,>>
"With Jason? What the fuck?" I say out loud
"Toni whats wrong? You look worried," Fangs says coming in
"Cheryl texted me <<Thanks for trying, I'm going to be with Jason now,>>" I say
"Shit Toni, where would she go to be with Jason?" Sweetpea asks
"Sweetwater River?" I say trying to think "Maybe
But you don't think she would? Do you?" Fangs asks
"I'm not taking any fucking chances, shes been a bit off lately, getting stuff in order so to speak,"
I run out the door and they follow me onto the bikes.
I speed off to the river, cutting the usual 15 minute ride to 3. I hop off my bike at the place cheryl brought me too last month.
"This is where Jason and I left on the boat, same place every year," She said sadly
"CHERYL!" I yell
All of us yell Cheryl up and down the shore until I see her about 100 feet from shore trying to break the ice.
I cant go to and risk breaking the ice on her.
"Cheryl, I know it feels like no one cares right now, like if you left no one would care. But Cheryl, I care and I WOULD CARE! Cheryl, I know how you feel right now, two years ago I did the same thing. I did the same thing Cheryl and I regret it ok? Because it's got better, it didnt feel like it was getting better, but I met you and you made my life better. Sweetpea, Fangs, Veronica, they're all waiting for you, they all care. I'm waiting here for you Cheryl, don't do this. Please," I beg
She looks up and makes eye contact with me. I can tell shes broken and scared, and I know its selfish but I cant lose her. I cant.
"Cheryl please," I yell with tears rolling down my face
I start cautiously walking out on the ice- it feels pretty solid here anyways.
"Toni, go its not safe," She chokes
"I'm not leaving without you Cher," I say getting closer to her
I get almost arms length away when I start hearing the ice crack.
"Reach out for me Cheryl," I say reaching my hand out "Do it for me,"
She grabs my hand just as the ice breaks and she is pulled in. I go on my knees still clutching on her hand and get her head above water.
Sweetpea finally gets out here and carefully gets her out of the water.
"And to think you were standing on the shore like a big dumb idiot," I say nodding at him
"I didnt think the ice could hold me,"
"It definitely cant hold you and cheryl at the same time, I got her,"
He nods and sets her down.
"Cheryl do you think you can walk to shore?" I ask
She breaks down crying so I pick her up and quickly get to shore where our bikes are.
"Do you mind going to my trailer or do you You want to go home?" I ask
"Yours," She says sadly
"Ok," I say
We ride home (at the speed limit this time) and I give Cheryl a clean set of clothes and then we lie on the couch under a million blankets.
"Are you warming up Cher?" I ask
"A little i guess," She mutters coming closer to me
"We dont have to talk about this now, but I want you to talk to somebody about it ok?" I whisper in her ear
"Can you tell me what happened with yours?" She asks bluntly "At the river you said you did the same thing,"
A small silence washes over us while I collect my thoughts.
"Never mind Toni, I'm sorry," She says
"No no its ok Cheryl," I say "I was 15 and figuring out my sexuality, I knew I liked girls but I didn't know if I was Gay or Pan or Bi or what so when I asked out my crush, a girl named Liberty, she said no because she was straight and spread it around to the whole school that I was gay, then it got back to my dad who kicked me out so when I came to live with my mom on the south side and she found out and said I was loveless and Disgusting. I thought I had no one so the next day i wrote a letter to Sweetpea and slipped it in his locker at the end of the day." I say with tears running down my face "He found me an hour later half conscious, with my wrist slit on the bank of Sweetwater and saved my life."
"I'm sorry," She chokes "I shouldn't've done that,"
"We all break sometimes Cheryl, I'm glad you texted me and that you figured it out," I say pulling her closer "You did it, you won the battle,"
"You won it for me,"
"No I didnt I just echoed everything that was silenced by all the noise Cheryl, you're strong, you decided to walk away,"
"I felt like I had no one, like no one cared and my mother basically told me to go do it so I figured whats one less blossom to this town?" She whispers "because no one loves me anyways,"
"I love you Cheryl," I say "I always have, ever since I met you cheryl,"
She looks at me, scared and worried about what comes next
"Cheryl its always been You,"
She grabs my face and kisses me.
"I promise to love you and protect you Cheryl, I'm sorry you feel unloved and I'll never let that happen again," I say connecting our foreheads
"Thank you Toni Topaz," She says
"Forever Cheryl Blossom, you and me against the world ok?"
Today was rough, and we still have a long road of recovery ahead. Not just her but also me getting closer for what happened. I know things aren't always great but with her by my side- there's nothing I cant handle.


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