Falling In Love

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Cheryl's POV
I like Toni- a lot.
I don't know if she likes me, but we always go out on what I would consider dates and she's always holding my hand or letting me cuddle into her or something.
We're on one of our "dates" now and she places her hand on my thigh.
My breath hitches for a second
"You okay?" She asks
"Fine," I say
She smiles and goes back to watching something on her phone.
She gets a call from Sweetpea.
"Pea, what's up?" She asks
Her expression changes quickly
"Ya I'm on my way,"
She hangs up and sighs
"I gotta go, I'm so sorry,"
"Can I come?"
We rush out and get on her bike. Pull in to the white wyrme and I freeze.
There is fighting everywhere.
"Cheryl you can't stay here," she says "go home, quickly. Stop for no one, if someone's following you just drive around,"
"But Tones, What about you?"
"I have to stay C, they're my family,"
I nod and take the keys before she turns I grab her hand.
I pull her into a hug.
"Topaz, I think I'm falling in love with you. Please don't get hurt,"
She nods and kisses my cheek.
"I promise Blossom," She says holding my face "I have to go, wait for me at your house okay?"
I nod and she walks away.
She didn't really say anything back. But she did kiss my cheek, which she's never done before.
I speed home get inside and lock the door.
Hours pass with nothing from Toni and I'm worried.
A knock at the door makes me fly down the stairs. I open it to Toni, somewhat bruised but okay. I hug her and she hugs me back
"You scared me Toni,"
"I know, I know, I'm sorry," she says "I broke my phone and had to go to the hospital with Sweetpea,"
"How is he?" I ask
"He'll be okay," she says
She puts her hands under my jaw so that she's cupping my face.
"Cheryl, I think I'm falling in love with you too," she says looking into my eyes
I smile
"Can I kiss you?" She whispers
I nod and she kisses me
This is what love is.
"I've always liked you Cheryl. Not a day goes by where I didn't fall for you harder,"
"I always liked you too," I say
I look at her eye and it looks bad.
"C'mon Tones,"
I help her Ice her eye and let her invite the boys over for a movie night
I love her
And I'm glad she's okay

A/N: just a short one, comment ideas for more oneshots!!

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