No Matter What pt 2

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Cheryl's POV
Toni's been a little more open with me lately and a little happier and I'm so glad
"Hey baby girl," she says sitting next to me
"Hey T, we're still on for tonight?" I ask
"Wouldn't miss it for the world,"
"Hey girls," Veronica says standing at the end of our table
"Hey V,"
"What are you guys doing tomorrow?"
"Nothing, i don't think," I say "right babe?"
"Ya we're free,"
"Good I was thinking pool party?"
"Sounds like a lot of fun, text me the details,"
She nods and rubs off excitedly
"Ya I can't come, sorry babe,"
"Why not baby?" I ask "it'll be fun,"
"You can wear a bikini, I will be sitting there in jogging pants,"
"Oh T, I didn't even think about that. I'm so sorry,"
"It's okay, I'm used to skipping pool parties. It doesn't bother me love," she says kissing my cheek
"You've never been to a pool party?"
"Me Fangs and Pea used to swim in the river but that's it?"
"What did you wear there?"
"Boys swim trunks and a bikini top," she says embarrassed
"Why don't you do that?"
"I'll embarrass you and myself," she says
"No just say you like it," I say "no one will question you T,"
"Fine I'll come," she sighs "I don't know if I'll swim but I'll come,"
I kiss her
"You're so brave,"
She rolls her eyes and kisses me.
She walks me to my next class and I put my back against a wall.
"So you'll meet me by the bikes?" She asks grabbing my hips
"Erm..." I start
I hate going near the serpents they all give me weird looks or catcall me
"I pulled my bike to the side, don't worry," she smirks
"Then yes," I smile
She kisses me.
"I got history babe," she says "I'll see you later,"
I give her one last kiss and then go sit through chemistry for an hour.
I nervously walk towards the bikes. I hope Toni actually moved her bike like she said she would.
To my surprise she's almost half a space away from them, just texting on her phone.
"Hi baby," I say kissing her cheek
"Hi princess," she smiles "ready to head home?"
I nod and she helps me on
"Hold on tight," she winks
She speeds all the way home and we lay on the couch
"Baby, go take off your shorts. We aren't going out tonight,"
"I'm okay Cher," She says
"Okay, I just want you to be comfortable Tones. Whatever you want,"
She sighs and stands up
She changes and puts pyjama pants on.
"Thank you," she says
"Dont Thank me Babe," I laugh "cuddle with me,"
She gets behind me and I cuddle right underneath her chin. We watch a movie for a while before she turns basketball on and I get bored.
I nibble at the bottom on her ear and kiss down her neck before she tries to re adjust herself but I feel it.
"You like this babe?" I giggle kissing her neck again
"Cher Stop it," she mumbles, burying her face in her hands "it's embarrassing,"
"It's human T, I'm hot," I laugh
She giggles and kisses me
"Yes you are," She says "I love you Cheryl Blossom,"
I smile at hearing her say it for the first time.
"I love you too Toni Topaz,"
She starts kissing me hard and I sit up
"Toni I want you," i whisper hoarsely "all of you,"
She understands and she picks me up, wrapping my legs around her waist and head upstairs.
Toni's POV
"Is this your first time babygirl?" I ask breaking our kiss
She nods and looks nervous
"That's alright, I'll be gentle angel,"
She nods and we go back to aggressively making out on her bed.
I take her shirt off and get my own off too.
"Are you okay babygirl?"
"Yes," she moans as I attack her sweet spot
I slow down, I want this to be special for her. I also want to take my time because she's special to me
I get my pants off and reach for hers
"It's okay T, you can," she says
I go back to kissing her and get her pants off easily.
I'm only in a bra and boxers and Cheryl's in her matching lingerie
"How the hell did I get so lucky," I whisper
She gets her underwear off and so do I. Her eyes go wide at seeing the size of my dick
"Don't worry princess, I'll be gentle I promise," I say lightly kissing her
I slowly start going inside her and she moans
"It's okay baby girl, go ahead," I say "I wanna hear you,"
I lightly kiss her until she gets used to it and then I kiss her hard until she climaxes.
I feel her cum all over my dick and smile against her lips
"I'm so lucky," I say biting at her earlobe
"Can I suck you?" She ask coming down
"Can you handle it?" I ask cockily
She nods and slides off the bed pulling me with her
Her hands slide up and down my shaft making me really wet and I start to tremble.
She puts her mouth on my tip and starts sucking
Fuck she's good at this
My hands go to her hair and I fling my head back
"Babygirl, I'm gunna.." I start before cumming in her mouth
She comes back in the bed and we cuddle.
"That was amazing," she says kissing my jawline
"That's because you're amazing baby," I say pecking her lips
She hums and cuddles closer
"Was everything I did okay princess?"
"It was perfect Toni, Thank you," she says
"Always for you angel," I say
Part 3?

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