Meeting the boys

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(Basically Toni hasn't told the boys that she is dating CHERYL BLOSSOM yet)

Tonis POV
I've been arguing for a while with Cheryl. We started dating at the beginning of summer and though it was obvious to anyone else in the city- the boys still didnt know I was dating her.
"C'mon Cheryl 1/2 an hour and then we can leave if you want, but if you dont show up and they think I'm lying about dating someone they will set me up with someone,"
"Tones, I'll meet you there after your shift, but I dont this to be disappointing. I was really mean to them," She says sitting down on her bed
I go over and cup her face in my hands.
"They will love you because you make me happy ok? Thats all they want,"
"If you say so,"
"And its no pressure meet the fam as well because FP doesn't know either and he might be there as well,"
"I hate you Topaz,"
"You love me bombshell,"
"I do, now go to your shift I'll be there at 3 on the dot."
"Deal," I kiss her cheek and hop on my motorcycle to the Wyrme,
I get through the slow shift until around 1/2 an hour left when the boys come in and bombard me with questions.
"So whose your mystery man/woman?"
"When are they coming?"
"Are they hot?"
"Please tell me they're nice!"
And about a billion other questions in the span of a half an hour. I clock out at 3:05 and Cheryl still hasn't shown up.
"I'll go call them," I say leaving the area
I wanted them to be surprised so I never referred to Cher as a 'she' just to make the boys mad.
"Hey Babe, where are you?"
"I'm so sorry tones, I fell asleep, I'm just leaving now, be there in less than 5,"
"No worries, don't speed, be safe,"
"Ok love you bye,"
"Love you too,"
I hang up and go back inside.
"Are they on their way?" Sweetpea asks
"Yep, almost here,"
We play pool for a few minutes before Cher walks in. I put down my pool stick and went over to her.
"Hey Cher," I say kissing her "I missed you,"
"Hey babe, I missed you too," She says looking down at the floor
"What's wrong?"
"They aren't gunna like me and then you're gunna stop liking me andI'm gunna-" She starts rambling
"Calm down, I love you ok? And so will they, just be yourself, your REAL self,"
She nods and gets her usual confidence back in a smile.
"Perfect," I say grabbing her hand "Ready?"
"I'm ready,"
"Boys this is Cheryl Blossom as you already know, my girlfriend,"
The boys all look shocked
"H-hey Cheryl,"
"Hey, let me just apologize for what I've done in the past,"
"Cheryl you dont need to, if Toni is with you, you've obviously changed," Fangs says
"Plus we did some less than admirable stuff ourselves," Sweetpea continues
"Clean slate?" Jughead asks
"Clean slate." Cheryl says nodding
We go and take a seat at a booth and keep talking.
"We knew you and Cheryl talked and like weren't enemies but how did you two start dating?" Sweetpea asks
"Well Remember when I saved her from the SOQM?"
"Well we kissed when we saw each other and then started hanging out a lot. Then I asked her to be my girlfriend on the last day of school," I say putting my hand on Cheryls' thigh.
"Awe how cute, but you didnt tell us for that long Tiny?"
"Tiny?" Cheryl says laughing
"Tiny Toni Topaz, because she's small,"
"Shut it Sweetpea!" I say through gritted teeth
"Awe you're adorable when your angry," Cheryl says kissing my cheek
"Red do you want to play pool?" Sweetpea asks
"Red?" Cheryl says laughing once again
"Sweetpea doesn't like to use peoples actual names," I explain "He used to call me pinkie until one of the ghoulies called my shorty, then he came up with Tiny,"
"How about that game Red?"
"I would but I've never played pool," She replies shyly
"Come on babe I'll teach you," I say grabbing her hand
I try and teach Cheryl to play, she slowly gets the hang of it after a while and we begin to play a game against Fangs and Sweetpea while Jug goes and picks Betty up.
"Your turn Cher,"
"But you're so much better than me and we can win," She pouts
"And you're gunna win it for us," I say kissing her cheek
She groans and takes the stick from me. We only had to sink the 8 ball, Fangs and Pea had 2 more balls left. She hits the ball awkwardly and it happens to hit the 8 ball and go in.
"Thats my girl," I say kissing her cheek
"I figured Veronica told you," Cheryl shrugs
"VERONICA KNOWS," Betty screams once again
"Ponytail keep it down, not all of us have ears of steel,"
Suddenly Betty walks towards me and drags me across the room by my hands. I look at Cheryl whose confused and then Jughead who's just laughing.
"Toni, be good to my cousin," Betty says with all seriousness
"I will be, I am, I swear,"
"You know about her past she cant deal with losing another person, so also be careful with yourself Tone,"
"I will Betty dont you worry, also if you truly want me to be safer tell your idiot boyfriend to stop getting in fights because thats the only reason I fight people."
She laughs
"Sorry I haven't been around all summer, how was July 11th?"
"Oh ya know, Cheryl locked herself in her room, alone and I didnt know what to think because V told me about Sweetwater river and I didnt know what to think. I climbed up the banister onto the first roof over the garage and then climbed the siding to her window and stood on the ledge until I could pick the lock and I somersaulted in,"
"Sounds like quite the entrance,"
"And an ab workout might I add, then I hugged her until she stopped crying,"
"Let me guess she yelled at you for being dangerous,"
"Yes she yelled at me for 5 minutes while I laughed at her,"
We keep talking for a couple minutes.
"Approved," Betty says sure of her self as she drags me by my hands back to Cheryl
She lets go of my hands and goes to stand beside Jug and talk to him
"What was that about?" Cheryl asks
"Oh well be proud babe, I just got the Betty seal of approval,"
"Well, I wouldnt have doubted it for a minute,"
"FP!" I hear someone say from the other side of the bar as
"Ready to officially meet the fam?" I say grabbing her hand
"Toni no, Toni," Cheryl protests
"Hey FP, just so you know Cheryl and I are dating,"
"Oh that was your announcement? I already knew that," He says
"What? How?"
"Well one, I borrowed your phone and you have a contact named 'baby-girl,' with a rose and a picture of you and Cheryl kissing,  2 I saw you guys kissing at Pops, remember I work there, and 3 I went to see Cheryl on July 11th to make sure she was ok and because I was feeling guilty and saw Toni climbing like Spider-Man up the side of the house and then rolled into a room, I assumed that was for Cheryl and not practicing for American Ninja Warrior, so I figured it out,"
"Jughead your dad is like 10x smarter than you," I say to Jughead laughing behind me
"I'm happy for you two, now I have business, Tiny get out of here," FP laughs
"Why dont I get us some drinks?" I say to Cheryl "Go catch up with your cousin,"
I get the drinks and sneak up behind CHeryl and hug her from behind, with a cola in each hand.
"Let me guess a Cherry Cola for Cheryl Bombshell,"
"Always cha cha," She laughs grabbing the drink
"I love you Cheryl Blossom,"
"I love you Toni Topaz,"
We talk for the next couple hours before Cher gets tired and decides its time for her to leave.
"I'll drive you home," I say grabbing my keys
"So admittedly that wasn't as bad as i thought it was going to be," She says while I buckle the helmet for her
"Oh ya? I told you so," I tease
"Don't gloat," She pouts
I drive back to her house and let her off.
"TONES I drove my car there!" She remembers
I smirk and kiss her,
"Well I guess you just have too come back tomorrow,"

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