The Breakup

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Toni's POV

Its the end of spring break, we have Thursday, Friday and the weekend and thats it. I planned a date for Cheryl and I tonight that's absolutely perfect. I go up and knock on the door. She opens the door slowly and immediately I know something is wrong, she isn't dressed in her going out clothes, she doesnt have lipstick or any makeup on which is unusual.
"Baby what's wrong? Are you sick?" I ask
"Toni I need to tell you something," SHe says starting to cry
"What happened Cher,"
"I'-I'm breaking up with you," She says with tears falling down her cheeks
"I feel like we need to break up, its not working, I'm done," She says looking at the ground
I start tearing up and have to hold myself together.
"Look at me," I say as she looks at the ground "Cheryl, I just want you to be happy, so if you think we need to break up ok but I'm here if you need me," I say trying to to choke on my tears
We stand there looking at eachother for a moment.
"I dont need these," I hand her the roses I brought and walk away
I make it to my bike and see her close the door.
"FUCK! WHAT THE FUCK DID I DO? WHAT THE FUCK?" I yell kicking my bike and starting to cry
I drive all the way to the whyte wyrm not giving a fuck about the speed limit. I go inside and sit down, pour myslef 3 shots and downing them all. In a matter of an hour I am drunk.

Fangs POV

I walk in to the Whyte Wryme expecting Sweetpea already setting up pool for our nightly game. Instead I see Toni at the bar downing 2 drinks in record time. She hasnt even drank since she started dating Cheryl.
"Topaz whats up? I thought you were with the gf today," I say trying to figure out whats happening "What are you toasting to?"
"Today is about fucking remembering what the fuck I did Fangs," She slurs downing another drink
"What do you mean?"
"I knew it was too fucking good to be fucking true fuck I'm fucked, I fucked Cheryl, I fucked myself, what the fuck,"
"Slowdown Topaz, what happened?"
"We had a date planned and I showed uo with roses and fucking everything bro and she fucking broke up with me. Open the fucking door and looked like a fucking wreck herself and fucking broke my fucking heart,"
"Why dont we cool it on the F bombs?" I say trying to make her laugh
"Fuck you, you're not my mom," She spits back
Sweetpea walks in and notices me and Toni.
"Topaz whats up? Where's Red?"
"Fuck you too," was her only response before downing a shot of vodka
"Cheryl broke up with Toni," I explain
"WHAT THE FUCK?" He yells
"Thats the fucking spirit Pea, fuck the what, like what the fuck did I do? What did I do Fangzzz," She slurs while begining to sob
"I dont know Tones,"
"I knew I didnt deserve her, to be happy with the hottest girl in Riverdale. I'm a fucking southsider and a sketchy one at that. She deserves so much better, fuck, shit shit shit. I dont remember doing anything. Our one year anniversary is in 3 fucking days 3 fucking days,"
It was like this for the rest of the weekend and she finally sobered up enough to go to school. Pea wanted to crucify Cheryl but toni wanted to be friends with Cheryl so we decided to repect her decision unless it got obvious that something bad was happening. At lunch I meet up with Toni who is with Jughead and the rest of the core 4.
"Toni, why do you look like shit?" Jughead asks
She really doesnt look great. Bags under her red puffy eyes, hair that she barely brushed and hasnt washed in 3 days underneath a small hat, baggy clothes, no makeup at all and is not smiling- and hasnt since before thursday. She ignores the question and looks to her phone.
"Are you talking to Cheryl? I need to talk to her about vixens and she wont pick up her phone," Veronica says to Toni
Toni starts crying at the mention of Cheryls name. You dont even understand Toni's cry, most people have never heard it but it breaks your heart every single time.
"She's not at school?" Pea whispers to veronica
"No, the last time I heard from her was Thuirsday night, we sat on facetime for 6 hours. She jsut wanted me to make sure she didnt do anything stupid, like the sweetwater incident. She didnt talk at all." Veronica explains "I assumed she was with Toni all weekend."
"Well you fucking thought wrong I was with Fangs all weekend," Toni says through tears
"What happened Toni?" Kevin asks her
"Cheryl broke up with me and I don't know what i did wrong,"
Toni leaves to go to the bathroom.
"I found her Thursday night at the wyrme, drunk out of her mind and crying.She kept drinking until yesterday when she threw up for like 10 hours straight," I explain
"Thats so weird, Cheryl literally was crying all night too, I thought they were doing well," Betty says shaking her head
"Toni hasn't drank like that in a while, she was really upset," Sweetpea says
"To make it even worse, today would have been their 1 year anniversary," I say "Look what Toni got her,"
I go to pull out the necklace and ring Toni gave me yesterday to "Throw the fuck away since I dont have a fuucking girlfriend to fucking give it to," and it wasnt in my bag. Actually i didnt have my bag i had Toni's
"She took my bag," I say shaking my head "Her keys, the necklace and the ring are all in my bag, where the fuck would she have gone?"
"She's at Thistlehouse," Sweetpea says "I put a tracking app on her phone when she was drunk,"
We all discuss and decide its toni's funeral.

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