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Cheryl's POV
I'm at Veronica's party and it's super boring, all the same people, all the same drama, everything's the same.
Until this pink haired, stunning girl sits next to me.
"You must be the famous Cheryl Blossom," she says extending a hand "Toni Topaz, I'm a friend of Jughead,"
"I didn't know that weasel had friends," I sigh "anyways, you probably have heard terrible things about me anyways. Jughead hates me, there's no sense trying to make you like me,"
"For the record, I use friend as a loose term when it comes to Jughead- he's in my gang, and I take anything he says with a grain of salt because he's an idiot,"
"Agreed," I half laugh
"Plus he didn't do you justice on how pretty you actually are, or tell me your laugh was so pretty," she winks
"Slick Topaz," I laugh
"You drinking?" She asks me, while accepting a drink from Jughead
"Not tonight," I say with a half smile "with hotties like you around, who knows what trouble I might get in."
We talk for about an hour.
"TOPAZ, DRINKING COMP! YOU IN?" A serpent yells
"Ya Fangs, I'm in,"
"I'll be back in 5 minutes. I'll be hammered- but I'll be back,"
"Just in case," I say grabbing a marker from the table beside me "here,"
I write my initials and number on her hand
"Call me sometime,"
She smirks and heads off to the drinking competition.
Half an hour passes and I wander, seeing if I can find this mysterious girl.
"Hey you're Fangs right?"
"Uh ya, what's up?"
"Toni and I met a few hours ago and she said she would come back after your drinking competition,"
"Would you be Cheryl?" He asks
"Ya," I say confused
"You're friend took her, said you were looking for her,"
"I have one friend at this party and she doesn't know Toni,"
I panic and look everywhere for her.
I go upstairs to the quieter parts of the house and hear muffled cries.
I try the door and it's locked.
Luckily- I've lived here enough to know where the keys are hiding. I quickly grab it, unlock the door and burst in.
I see Toni on the bed, half naked, looking terrified with someone on top of her.
"Oh my god Toni are you alright?" I half scream
She has a piece of duct tape over her mouth- of course she's not alright.
"Get off of her," I scream going over and pulling the guy off her
I immediately recognize a serpent jacket on the guy.
Someone from her own gang tried to do this?
"Jughead?" I ask shocked
His face is scratched to shit and he has a black eye but it's him.
"Blossom, What do you want?" He hisses "we were in the middle of something,"
"You're an asshole,"
I kick him, and stomp on his groin.
"Mhmhmmm," I hear Toni panicking on the bed
"Toni, Toni it's ok. You're ok now," I say "this is going to hurt but you're ok,"
She nods and I take the tape off her mouth
She's an absolute disaster right now.
"C'mon, lets get you out of here," she nods and I help her down the stairs.
"What are you doing with Toni?" A late serpent asks me
"Someone just tried to rape her, I'm taking her home,"
"I've got it, I have no fucking clue who you are,"
Toni grabs my hip and shakes her head.
"I-I wanna go with you," she says "please,"
He looks at me.
"Here's my phone number and my address I live alone you can come by whenever," I say "but do me a favour and kill Jughead Jones,"
"Why would I-"
"Because he did this to her," I say
He gets really angry and calls another couple serpents over. We get in my car and she's still crying.
"Hey hey, Toni it's ok," I say softly, trying to calm her down "no ones going to hurt you, I promise ok?"
I put my hand on hers, which is rested on her leg.
"You're ok Toni," I reassure
"I'm sorry," she says
"For what?"
"I shouldn't have said I wanted to go with you, I should've just gone with Pea,"
"It's ok T, a similar thing happened to me and for a few hours I didn't want to be around men either. It scares you,"
She nods as I pull into Thistlehouse.
"Are your parents going to be mad?" She asks
"No, because I don't have parents,"
"Me neither," she says looking at her hands
"Look at us Topaz, one in the same?"
I get a small smile from her.
We get out of the car and I lead her to the kitchen.
"Are you hungry?" She asks
"No," she sighs
"Wanna shower?" I ask
She nods and I extend my hand. She takes it and we go upstairs, I get her a towel, pajamas and show her how to use the shower.
"If you need anything I'll be able to hear you from my room ok?"
"Can you stay here?" She asks "I mean I know it's weird, I know. I don't wanna be alone,"
She looks at her hands
"Nevermind, what am I saying it's fine," she says quickly
"No no Toni, if you want me to stay here I will,"
"Mhm," I say "I'll sit right here,"
She nods and I slide down the wall.
She takes a 15 minute shower before I hear the water turn off.
"Cheryl?" She asks
"I'm still here,"
"Can you pass me the towel?" She asks
"Of course,"
I get up and get the towel off the counter and hand it to her.
She literally has a six pack- that's hot
No, stupid lesbian. Keep your feelings in check Cheryl, she's hurting.
I hear a knock at the door.
"Who's that?" She asks
"Must be your friends," I say "mind if I check,"
"I'll be ok,"
"If they ask if you want to go home?" I ask "you can stay here if you want, it gets pretty lonely here,"
"I'll stay if you don't mind,"
"Not at all,"
I hop down the stairs and look through the blinds.
Pea, I think his name was.
"Hey wheres our girl?" He hisses
"In the shower, she's almost out," I explain
"Jughead says you raped her not him,"
"Why would Toni come with me if I raped her?" I ask "I walked in on it- it was Jughead,"
"I don't mean to be an ass but Toni is like my little sister. I need to hear that from her, I can't lose her,"
"Of course, let me see if she's done," I say "make yourself at home,"
He nods and I go back upstairs
"Hey T? Sweetpea wants to talk to you,"
"Why not?"
"He'll be mad,"
"He's not mad sweetie, can I come in?"
I walk in and she's in the clothes I gave her but they reveal what she's looking at- a hickey.
"He's going to kill me,"
"No he's concerned about you," I explain "Jughead said I was the one trying to rape you, not him and he wants to make sure you feel safe here. He's here to help Toni,"
She nods
"Can you get me a sweater though?"
"Of course Toni,"
We go to my room and I grab her a sweater, then we go downstairs.
"Toni!" The boy says excitedly
He hugs her
"Can we talk?" He asks
She nods
"I'll be in the kitchen,"
"No stay," she says "please,"
"Is that ok with you?" I ask Pea
"If she wants you here it's fine,"
I nod and stand beside Toni.
"After the drinking competition, Jughead said that his dad had called with news from his search. We went up stairs and he hit my head and put duct tape over my mouth," she says
"He said it was her and that she made you say this,"
She shakes her head.
"I promise Pea, ok?"
He nods.
"Tones why don't you go back upstairs, I'll show your friend out ok?" I ask
She walks upstairs.
"Why don't we meet for breakfasts Pops tomorrow morning at 10," I offer "I've been through this, the same thing happened to me at Veronica's last party. It's easier if there's no boys around. She's scared, she's broken and I can tell she's not used to feeling vulnerable, I know how that feels,"
"Will she be ok?" He asks
"Eventually yes," I say "she might be scared or tentative for a while, but she'll get better- I did,"
"Good, ok. And can I bring Fangs?"
"Of course, just not Jughead,"
"Oh ya," he says
"Goodnight, I'll see you tomorrow,"
He nods and walks back to his motorcycle and I walk upstairs. Toni's sitting on the floor.
"I forgot which bedroom was yours or which one you want me in,"
"That's up to you, do you want to be alone, do you want to sleep in the same room and I can sleep on the floor?"
"Can we sleep in the same room?" She asks
"For sure,"
I change quickly and grab blankets so I can sleep in the floor.
"You don't have to sleep on the floor," she says
"It's ok T," I say
"No, please," she says "come up here,"
"Ok," I give in I will
I hop up on the bed and she immediately cuddles into my side.
"Goodnight Toni,"
"Goodnight Cher," She says
I wake up with Toni stirring.
"Good morning," I say stretching
"Good morning cu-" she says
Confused I look at her
"Cutie," she finishes
I smile a bit.
"Cheryl I like you, and I was wondering if you would want to be my girlfriend," She says
"I would love to Toni but is this some way to try and forget last night? I mean some people jump into things,"
"No no no, I wanted to ask you after the drinking competition but obviously that wasn't an option. This is who I am, I'm very forward,"
I smirk
"Ok Topaz,"
She kisses me and for the first time in my life- I feel alive.
"You're a really good kisser," she flirts
"Not bad yourself Tones,"
We get changed.
"Why don't I take you out on our first date? breakfast at Pops?" She asks
"We already have a date, with Sweetpea and Fangs and we're running late," I laugh "let's go,"
"When did you meet Fangs?"
"I was looking for you and he said my friend came looking for her- wouldn't he know Jughead?"
"He's new and Jughead's an idiot,"
"Makes sense," I laugh
I drive to Pops and we get out. She extends her hand and I take it.
"Are you ok with them knowing? I mean are you out?" She asks
"You asked me out not knowing if I was into girls?" I laugh
"No I could tell, well I could tell you were into me anyways," she smirks "I'm good,"
"You are, and im not out, but I'm also not in the closet- no one's ever asked me before, are you bi?"
"Ya, you?"
"Full of surprises bombshell,"
I laugh and we walk into the restaurant hand in hand.
"Toni!" Fangs yells
He hugs her
"Bro we've never hugged before- why now?" She laughs
"We were worried Topaz, I kinda just left you alone in a random house with a random girl I've never met," he says "sorry, but I don't even know your name,"
"Cheryl Blossom," I say
"She's not some random girl- she's my girlfriend,"
"What?" Fangs says excitedly
"She's the girl you were talking about last night? Makes a lot more sense,"
"You're talking about me Topaz?" I laugh
"Maybe," she blushes "but who wouldn't- you're a babe,"

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