School Trip

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Toni's POV
Cheryl's going away on a school trip for a few days and I'm worried.
She rarely sleeps or eats when she's not with me.
"Baby are you sure you'll be okay without me?"
"I'll miss you, but I'll be okay,"
"And you will eat everyday? And sleep?"
"I promise TT,"
I lean her against her locker and kiss her temple
"I'll miss you okay Cher?"
"I'll miss you too,"
She kisses my cheek and heads off to the bus
It's two am and I'm just chilling at Chers house.
She said I could stay there since my trailers heating broke. She's been gone two days so she's coming home tomorrow.
I get a call and pick my phone up
"Toni Topaz,"
"Hey Tones,"
"Oh hey baby I didn't even look at my phone. How are you?"
"I can't sleep, I thought I'd try to call you,"
"What's wrong? Anxiety?"
"Ya, I was just worried about you,"
"Oh I'm okay babygirl, don't be upset okay?"
"It's nice to hear your voice too,"
"It's nice to hear your voice too Cher, how was the trip,"
"It was okay, it wasn't very fun without you,"
"Awe does someone miss me?"
"A little,"
"I'm sure,"
"I wanna go to sleep but I can't,"
"Are you laying down?"
"It helps you at home when I talk right?"
I tell her about my day and everything going on in Riverdale
I hear her snoring and giggle
"Goodnight Baby,"
We haven't said I love you to eachother yet (we haven't even kissed) but I really do love her.
I keep the line on and go to sleep myself.
I wake up and the call ended a hour ago which means cher is probably almost home.
I go downstairs and have a bagel.
I have to remember to pay Cher back for all this food.
I sit on my phone and turn on some music when I hear the door open.
"Babes!" Cher says running in
She kisses my cheek and I smile
"Hey babygirl," I say "how was your trip?"
"Good," she says "but I missed you a lot,"
"I missed you too Cher,"
"Thank you for helping me sleep last night," she says "I.."
"What C?" I ask "what's wrong?"
"I love you Toni,"
"I love you too Cher,"
She smiles and I press my lips to her cheek and hold them there for a few seconds.
"I wanted to say that first baby," I mumble against her cheek
She giggles and I grab her hands.
"Technically, you did say it first,"
"Last night, you were half asleep and I woke up for a second and you said i love you Cher,"
I put my hands on her hips and my cheek against hers.
We sway to the music playing through my phone.
"I missed you Tones,"
"I missed you too C,"
I look into her eyes and she smiles
"Can I kiss you?" I whisper
She nods and I softly kiss her
She's really good at this
We pull back and Cher takes a step back and looks at me stunned.
"Was I that bad?" I half joke "that was my first kiss,"
"Me too," she says "it was.. great,"
I nod and kiss her again
"I love you Cher,"
"I love you too Tones,"
A few seconds pass and things get a little awkward
"So... what do you want to do?" I ask
I nod and we go to the living room
We watch a Disney movie and are sitting on two separate couches
Neither of us have ever had a relationship so it's a little weird sometimes
"Baby are you okay?" I ask
"I'm okay T," she says pausing the movie "something on your mind my love?"
"Why are you sitting so far away babygirl? Are you upset with me?"
"I didn't think you wanted to cuddle,"
"Of course I want to cuddle cutie,"
She comes over and lays beside me to play the movie.
"Isn't this much better?" I ask  kissing her temple
She nods and hums
She watches the movie and I play with her fingers.
I kiss her cheek and down her  neck
"Babe.." she moans softly
"Want me to stop?" I mumble against her neck
I smile against her neck and keep kissing and playfully biting at her neck
"Are you okay with this?"
"More than,"
I do that for a few minutes then I kiss her cheek and go back to watching the movie
"Ya baby,"
"I love you,"
"I love you too Cher," I laugh "what's wrong you seem sad?"
"Just tired,"
"Go to sleep babe, I'll sit here,"
"Are you sure? We haven't hung out in a while,"
"It's okay baby, we'll hang when you aren't tired, you need your sleep,"
She hums and cuddles further into me.

Mock my words
I'm going to marry this girl

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