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Cheryls POV
"Calm down you big baby, its just a braid," I laugh trying to get Toni to stop squirming
"IT feels like I'm going to have no hair after this,"
"I won the bet and I'm almost done anyways," I roll my eyes
"Stupid bet," She mumbles
I finish and tie the braid back.
"Ther eyou go," I say "You look cute,"
"I'm not cute, I'm in gang,"
"Oh yes a big bad scary gang composed of a cheerleader, a little boy named Sweetpea and a heterosexual dumbass named Jughead Jones," I smirk "So scary,"
"Sweetpea is like 1/2 a foot taller than you,"
"Oh right I forgot the pink haired princess who is 2 feat shorter than sweetpea,"
"You're mean," She pouts
"Very, lets go babe. We have to go to school," 
She puts a hoodie on and pulls the hood up so you cant see the braids.
"Oh you're a little baby," I laugh
"I'm not getting teased by Sweetpea and Fangs for this,"
"Maybe I'll just tell them to remove your hood,"
"Don't you dare,"
I text Sweetpea quickly as she grabs her bag and we head out
"Can I drive today babe?" I ask
"In your dreams Princess," Toni says handing me her helmet
"I wish you wore a helmet,"
"I wish you didnt braid my hair," She counters
We race to Roverdale High and go to the student lounge and plop on the couch
"You're not gunna take that hood off all day?" I ask
"Nope," She smiles
I kiss her when I see Fangs and Sweetpea walk in and they pull her hood down
"Topaz," Sweetpea laughs "What'd you let you girl do that?"
"Because her girl beat her in pool," I say playing with her braid "Ain't that right babe?"
"You cheated," She challenges
"Me? Oh baby I would never," I tease
"You're a snake Blossom," She sneers
"Love you too baby," I laugh
"Toni Topaz, loving the new hairdo," Veronica says walking in "I'm guessing that was Cheryl,"
"Fuck off Lodge," Toni mutters
"Ignore her V," I say playing with her hand "Shes a sore loser,"
"You cheated,"
"NO I didnt baby, you just aren't very good," I Laugh
"You're Mean," She says pulling her hood back on,"
"You're a baby," I laugh kissing her cheek through the fabric
We walk to my locker.
"I know I'm not being a great sport today but remember I love you, and I'm yours ok baby?" She says leaning against my locker
"I know TT, and if you want to take them out you can 100% can ok?"
"I'll keep them because it makes you happy," She says kissing me
"What are you doing kissing the love of my life?" We hear from behind us
Betty Cooper. My stalker and not so secret admirer since 9th grade. When Toni and I started dating she FLIPPED her shit.
"Cooper, watching the show?" Toni smirks grabbing my ass
"Topaz, once your girlfriend gets over her rebel phase I'll treat her real nice, dont you worry," She snaps back
"Oh Cooper are you jealous that you have to use your hand and imagination to fuck Cheryl while i get her all to myself," Toni winks (Still groping my ass i might add)
Toni attacks my neck and gives me a hickey.
"I love you babygirl," She says walking away
"Thats disgusting," Betty says walking the other way

"Hey baby," I say as Toni flops down beside me in the student lounge
"Hey Cherry," SHe says kissing my cheek
"Whats wrong?"
"Oh nothing my love, Betty is just being particularly annoying today and I missed you," She pouts
She gets really insecure about our relationship sometimes. She was in a short term relationship before we dated and the person had a boyfriend the whole time and used the relationship to embarrass her so she gets really nervous sometimes.
I put my legs over hers and wrap my arms around her neck. I whisper 'I love you's' and 'I'm yours,' while kissing behind her ear and down her neck.
"You're my favourite person babe, I love you so so so much and I'm never going to leave you,"
"You're cute y'know that?" She says
"So I've been told by a certain hottie," I flirt.
"Mmm," She laughs
I nuzzle my head in her neck and close my eyes
"Blossom youre kinda clingy eh?" Sweetpea says sitting across from us
"No, where did you get that idea?" I ask
"Shes not clingy to that whore because we are soul mates,"
"Call me that again Cooper," Toni threatens "I dare you bitch,"
"You're a slut," She says
Toni Moves to get up
"Baby please just ignore it," I mutter into her neck "I love you please dont get into this,"
I kiss her neck and nuzzle my head closer to her.
"Go get off on pictures of my girls instagram," Toni winks "And butt out of our lives,"
I giggle and she kisses my head.
"Whats so funny?" She asks
"You're just funny." I say
"Funny looking," i laugh
She scoffs
"I'm just kidding i love you so so so much,"
"Me too,"
"Toni I just got an app that asks questions wanna play?" Fangs asks
"What would be your 3 wishes for a genie?"
"That I will be with this cutie forever, that Sweetpea isn't a little bitch all the time, and either that betty falls off a cliff or turns heterosexual and steps off me and my girlfriend,"
"Don't wish death on her," I say
"Did you not hear the heterosexual part?"
"Whats worse than being dead? Being straight," Fangs laughs

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