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Toni's POV
I'm kissing Cheryl's neck and she's getting into it
Maybe tonight's the night.
"Tones," She says jerking away
"What's wrong C?"
"Nothing, Nothing, I just got tired. Maybe another night,"
I nod and move up the bed.
"Hey babe are you okay?" I ask
"Oh ya, I-I'm Fine," she sniffs
"Cher, please tell me what's going on?" I ask "did I do anything?"
She shakes her head
"Just give me a few more weeks, then I'll..."
"Then you'll What love?"
"Hit my goal weight," she mumbles
"Baby, you're perfect. I hope you know that," I say putting my hand on her thigh
"I just want it to be perfect. I love you and I don't want to take the night away from us because.. my body,"
"Stand up," I say
"Stand up baby,"
We both stand up and I take my shirt off
"I've always been really self conscious about this birthmark," I say pointing to a mark right under my bra line
She looks at it and tilts her head
"And I was shot when I was 12 in a drug deal between my parents and the ghoulies and I have this huge scar. Here, and the exit wound here," I say pointing to one scar on my stomach and one on my back
She gasps and looks at them
"Do they still hurt?" She asks
I shake my head and take her hand.
I lightly place it on the scar and she runs her fingers over it.
"Your turn," I say
"My.. turn?" She asks
"Take off your shirt," I say
She shakes her head and I grab the hem of her shirt
"Blossom can I, your loving girlfriend, please take your clothes off?" I ask
She bites her bottom lip and shakes her head.
"Cheryl, Blossom. Are you gonna to take your shirt off or am I going to have to do it,"
She rolls her eyes and takes her shirt off.
"Babe," I say "you're stunning,"
"You have to say that," she says "you're my girlfriend,"
"I don't have to say that, I want to say that. Baby I don't see any weight to lose even if you wanted to," I say grasping her hips
"I've al-always been self conscious about the sides of my stomach," she says "oh and my birthmark on my kidney,"
I look at it. It's really cute, probably half my palm in size.
"May I touch it?" I ask
"S-sure," She says
I graze it with my fingers and kiss the back of her head
"Cheryl you have nothing to be self conscious about. You're the most beautiful person I've ever seen,
"Thank you Toni,"
I go back so I'm facing her and cup her face
"Never think you aren't the most beautiful, powerful, sexy, hot, person in the room Cheryl. Because you are. And you always will be,"
"I love you," she says
"I love you too baby," I say "let's get some sleep,"
"Oh okay, I thought.."
"That wasn't so we had sex babe, that was to make sure you were comfortable in your own skin," I say kissing her "to make sure you feel okay,"
"Where did I ever find you?" She asks
"On the train tracks, remember?"
"Oh I remember," she laughs
We fall asleep and I hope she feels great about herself
Because I feel great about her.

I wake up to Cheryl cuddled on top of me, under my chin. Her hand is on my boob.
Plus she's smirking which is cute.
"Wake up baby," I whisper kissing her cheek
She slowly opens her eyes and smiles up at me
Then she realizes where her hand is and blushes
"I'm so sorry,"
"It's okay beautiful," I giggle kissing her
"Good morning," she says
"Good morning," I repeat kissing her
"I like waking up with you," she says
"I like waking up with you too," I giggle "but I have to go, I have no clothes here,"
"Just wear mine," she whines "please?"
"Sure baby. Wanna catch breakfast?"
"Ya!" She says
We get up and get dressed
"Babe, are you putting on dirty underwear?" She gasps
"Ya it's fine," I say
"No no Tones, you're going to get an infection. My underwear drawer is third on the bottom, the right side is more your style- but you're welcome to take any of them,"
"Babe I'm okay,"
"Toni no fighting, it's just underwear,"
I roll my eyes and grab a pair to change into.
We walk to Pops and sit on the same side of the booth
"Are you feeling better than last night?" I ask
"A lot, thank you for that. It was good,"
We eat and talk for a while until heading to school.
"Tones do you think we're ready to have sex?" She asks
"I think I would be ready, but that doesn't mean I want to rush it baby. You are the most important person in my life and I don't wanna ruin something beautiful by going too fast. I love you baby and I'm not worried about sex or how far we go, I don't care. I just wanna be with you, I just wanna hold your hand and let you know I love you everyday for the rest of our lives,"
She kisses my cheek and smiles
"That's a good answer," she says
"I love you,"
"I love you too baby,"
I kiss her and put my hand on her hips.
"You're so cute," I say pulling her closer
She bites her bottom lip and I give her a small smile
I'm going to marry this girl

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