No Secrets

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Cheryls POV

I haven't seen Toni in almost a week. Sweetpea says she's sick, but maybe she's just ghosting me. We've been together for only 2 and a bit months and maybe she's done with me.

"Sweetpea, is Toni back today?"

"Um not yet, maybe next week," he sighs

"Can you just tell me she's done with me? Cause she won't even answer my calls,"

"She might be sleeping," he shrugs "or have a headache,"

"I'm sure. She told me she never gets sick,"

He nods and just walks away.

Literally fuck my life. I find a perfect girlfriend and then find a way to run her out of school

At the end of the day I sit in the bleachers and don't even wanna go home. I ruined the one good thing I had.

"Cheryl?" Fangs says

"Hey Fangs, if the serpents are meeting here I can leave,"

"No no, Toni asked if you wanna come over and talk? Pea told her at lunch that you were upset and she wants to explain,"

"I don't have my car, but yeah,"

"You can get in the back of my bike, let's go,"

He drives to Tonis trailer, ive only seen it once- from the outside when I picked her up for a date.


"Yeah I'm awake Fangs!" She half yells back "is C.."

"I'll send her in," he yells before turning to me "she's in her bedroom, and she wants it known the mess of a living room is due to me and Pea- not her ,"

I laugh and thank him and head in.

I'm not sure where her bedroom is so I call out again.

"Second door on the left Cher,"

I walk in and it looks like she was hit by a fucking bus.

"Toni!" I say shocked "w-what happened?"

"Come sit down," she says calmly

She has an arm cast, leg cast, her face is so bruised and that's what I can see from the dimmed lights

"I had an accident, a car hit me on my motorcycle after our date,"

"You should have told me Tones, I'm so sorry,"

"I didn't want you to worry babygirl,"

"Of course I would worry Toni," I say putting my hand on hers

"Pea said you thought I was trying to blow you off?"

"I thought I did something wrong," I shrug

"I couldn't talk on the phone because it's broken and I haven't been able to get it fixed," she says

I kiss her cheek and smile

"I would've come and helped you out Tones,"

"Do you wanna help me out of bed so we can watch TV?"

"Of course,"

I help her to the couch and lay behind her to keep her head propped up.

"You don't keep secrets like this Toni, I wanna know when you're hurt," I say as she turns on the TV

"Okay Blossom," she giggles

"I'm serious Toni," I say "I want to know,"

"You worried Cher?" She teases

"Yeah I am, am I not allowed to be worried about my girlfriend?"

"You can, and you should because it's really cute,"

We watch TV for a while before she falls asleep. I can tell she hasn't been sleeping in a while so I get up carefully and clean her trailer and do some laundry for her.

"Baby?" She mumbles after about 2 hours

"I'm still here Tones," I say bending down and kissing her

"What are you doing?"

"I cleaned up a bit, and I finished your laundry so you don't have to worry about it,"

"You didn't have to do that baby,"

"I wanted to,"

"Thank you,"

"My pleasure,"

"Wanna go out for dinner?"

"Can you?"

"Yeah, I just need some help,"

"I don't have my car though,"

"We can go to the wyrme? It's not far,"


We make our way to the wyrme and Sweetpea is working so we sit right away.

"We haven't been able to get you out of bed all week," Fangs says sitting across from us

"Yeah well when your girlfriend is as hot as mine you get out of bed," she says kissing my cheek

"Stop it Toni,"

"When do you have to be home by babe?"

"Doesn't matter, my mother probably already knows I'm with you so it's not going to change much,"

We order and joke around for a while before Fangs has a shift and Pea comes to sit down.

"Baby do you wanna just stay over tonight?" Toni asks "do you don't have to go home?"

"If it's okay, maybe I will?"

"Of course it's okay, I have to get back though, I'm getting tired,"

"Okay, let's go them,"

We say our goodbyes and get back to T's trailer

"I'll take the couch," she says

"No way, c'mon T you need your sleep,"

"I'm not making my girlfriend sleep on the couch,"

"Why don't we both sleep on the bed?"

"You're okay with that?"

I nod and we change and get under her covers

"You're very warm," she says

"Oh I can move.."

"No no," she says pulling me on top of her "Lucky for you I am cold,"

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